require 'spec' require 'pp' module Spec module Example module Subject module ExampleGroupMethods def its(attribute, &block) describe(attribute) do define_method(:subject) { s = super(); s.is_a?(Hash) ? s[attribute] : s.send(attribute) } it(&block) end end end end end end #Initialize this to a known seed srand 1234 current_directory = File.dirname(__FILE__) require "#{current_directory}/../../lib/fog" require "#{current_directory}/../../lib/fog/core/bin" Fog.mock! if ENV['FOG_MOCK'] require "#{current_directory}/../../lib/fog/vcloud/bin" def arrayify(item) item.is_a?(Array) ? item : [ item ] end shared_examples_for "all responses" do it { should be_an_instance_of Excon::Response } it { should respond_to :body } it { should respond_to :headers } it { should have_at_least(1).body } it { should have_at_least(0).headers } its(:body) { should be_an_instance_of Hash } its(:headers) { should be_an_instance_of Hash } end shared_examples_for "all delete responses" do it { should be_an_instance_of Excon::Response } it { should respond_to :body } it { should respond_to :headers } its(:headers) { should be_an_instance_of Hash } end shared_examples_for "it has a Content-Type header" do its(:headers) { should include "Content-Type" } end shared_examples_for "all rel=down vcloud links" do it { should be_an_instance_of Struct::VcloudLink } specify { subject.rel.should == "down" } end shared_examples_for "all vcloud links w/o a rel" do it { should be_an_instance_of Struct::VcloudLink } specify { subject.rel.should == nil } end shared_examples_for "all vcloud catalog links" do specify { subject.type.should == "application/vnd.vmware.vcloud.catalog+xml" } end shared_examples_for "all tmrk ecloud publicIpList links" do specify { subject.type.should == "application/vnd.tmrk.ecloud.publicIpsList+xml" } end shared_examples_for "all tmrk ecloud firewallAclList links" do specify { subject.type.should == "application/vnd.tmrk.ecloud.firewallAclsList+xml" } end shared_examples_for "all tmrk ecloud internetServicesList links" do specify { subject.type.should == "application/vnd.tmrk.ecloud.internetServicesList+xml" } end shared_examples_for "all vcloud application/xml types" do specify { subject.type.should == "application/xml" } end shared_examples_for "a vapp type" do specify { subject.type.should == "application/vnd.vmware.vcloud.vApp+xml" } end shared_examples_for "all vcloud network types" do specify { subject.type.should == "application/" } end shared_examples_for "all login requests" do it { should respond_to :login } describe "#login" do before { @login = @vcloud.login } subject { @login } it_should_behave_like "all responses" its(:headers) { should include "Set-Cookie" } describe "#body" do subject { @login.body } it { should have(4).items } it_should_behave_like "it has the standard vcloud v0.8 xmlns attributes" # 3 keys it { should include(:Org) } describe ":Org" do subject { arrayify(@login.body[:Org]) } specify do subject.each do |org| org.should include(:type) org[:type].should be_of_type "application/" org.should include(:name) org[:name].should be_an_instance_of String org.should include(:href) org[:href].should be_a_url end end end end end end shared_examples_for "it has a vcloud v0.8 xmlns" do its(:xmlns) { should == '' } end shared_examples_for "it has the proper xmlns_xsi" do its(:xmlns_xsi) { should == "" } end shared_examples_for "it has the proper xmlns_xsd" do its(:xmlns_xsd) { should == "" } end shared_examples_for "it has the standard xmlns attributes" do it_should_behave_like "it has the proper xmlns_xsi" it_should_behave_like "it has the proper xmlns_xsd" end shared_examples_for "it has the standard vcloud v0.8 xmlns attributes" do it_should_behave_like "it has a vcloud v0.8 xmlns" it_should_behave_like "it has the standard xmlns attributes" end shared_examples_for "a request for a resource that doesn't exist" do it { should raise_error Excon::Errors::Unauthorized } end shared_examples_for "a vdc catalog link" do it_should_behave_like "all rel=down vcloud links" it_should_behave_like "all vcloud catalog links" its(:href) { should == URI.parse(@mock_vdc[:href] + "/catalog") } end shared_examples_for "a tmrk network link" do it_should_behave_like "all vcloud links w/o a rel" it_should_behave_like "all vcloud network types" end shared_examples_for "the mocked tmrk network links" do it { should have(2).networks } describe "[0]" do subject { @vdc.body.networks[0] } it_should_behave_like "a tmrk network link" its(:href) { should == URI.parse(@mock_vdc[:networks][0][:href]) } its(:name) { should == @mock_vdc[:networks][0][:name] } end describe "[1]" do subject { @vdc.body.networks[1] } it_should_behave_like "a tmrk network link" its(:href) { should == URI.parse(@mock_vdc[:networks][1][:href]) } its(:name) { should == @mock_vdc[:networks][1][:name] } end end shared_examples_for "the mocked tmrk resource entity links" do it { should have(3).resource_entities } describe "[0]" do subject { @vdc.body.resource_entities[0] } it_should_behave_like "a vapp type" it_should_behave_like "all vcloud links w/o a rel" its(:href) { should == URI.parse(@mock_vdc[:vms][0][:href]) } its(:name) { should == @mock_vdc[:vms][0][:name] } end describe "[1]" do subject { @vdc.body.resource_entities[1] } it_should_behave_like "a vapp type" it_should_behave_like "all vcloud links w/o a rel" its(:href) { should == URI.parse(@mock_vdc[:vms][1][:href]) } its(:name) { should == @mock_vdc[:vms][1][:name] } end describe "[2]" do subject { @vdc.body.resource_entities[2] } it_should_behave_like "a vapp type" it_should_behave_like "all vcloud links w/o a rel" its(:href) { should == URI.parse(@mock_vdc[:vms][2][:href]) } its(:name) { should == @mock_vdc[:vms][2][:name] } end end Spec::Example::ExampleGroupFactory.register(:mock_vcloud_request, Spec::Example::ExampleGroupFactory.register(:mock_vcloud_model, Spec::Example::ExampleGroupFactory.register(:mock_tmrk_ecloud_request, Spec::Example::ExampleGroupFactory.register(:mock_tmrk_ecloud_model, Spec::Example::ExampleGroupFactory.register(:vcloud_request, Spec::Example::ExampleGroupFactory.register(:tmrk_ecloud_request, Spec::Example::ExampleGroupFactory.register(:tmrk_vcloud_request, def setup_generic_mock_data @mock_version = @mock_data.versions.first @mock_organization = @mock_data.organizations.first @mock_vdc = @mock_organization.vdcs.first @mock_vm = @mock_vdc.virtual_machines.first @mock_network = @mock_vdc.networks.first end def setup_ecloud_mock_data @base_url = Fog::Vcloud::Terremark::Ecloud::Mock.base_url @mock_data = setup_generic_mock_data @mock_vdc_service_collection = @mock_vdc.internet_service_collection @mock_public_ip_collection = @mock_vdc.public_ip_collection @mock_public_ip = @mock_public_ip_collection.items.first @mock_service_collection = @mock_public_ip.internet_service_collection @mock_service = @mock_service_collection.items.first @mock_node_collection = @mock_service.node_collection @mock_node = @mock_node_collection.items.first @mock_catalog = @mock_vdc.catalog @mock_catalog_item = @mock_catalog.items.first @mock_network_ip_collection = @mock_network.ip_collection @mock_network_ip = @mock_network_ip_collection.items.values.first @mock_network_extensions = @mock_network.extensions end def setup_vcloud_mock_data @base_url = Fog::Vcloud::Mock.base_url @mock_data = setup_generic_mock_data end Spec::Runner.configure do |config| config.after(:all) do Fog::Vcloud::Mock.data_reset end config.before(:each, :type => :vcloud_request) do @vcloud =[:vcloud][:ecloud]) end config.before(:all, :type => :mock_vcloud_model) do Fog::Vcloud::Mock.data_reset setup_vcloud_mock_data @vcloud = => "foo", :password => "bar", :versions_uri => "") end config.before(:all, :type => :mock_vcloud_request) do Fog::Vcloud::Mock.data_reset setup_vcloud_mock_data @vcloud = => "foo", :password => "bar", :versions_uri => "") end config.before(:each, :type => :mock_tmrk_ecloud_request) do Fog::Vcloud::Mock.data_reset Fog::Vcloud::Terremark::Ecloud::Mock.data_reset setup_ecloud_mock_data @vcloud = => "foo", :password => "bar", :versions_uri => "", :module => "Fog::Vcloud::Terremark::Ecloud") end config.before(:each, :type => :mock_tmrk_ecloud_model) do Fog::Vcloud::Mock.data_reset Fog::Vcloud::Terremark::Ecloud::Mock.data_reset setup_ecloud_mock_data @vcloud = => "foo", :password => "bar", :versions_uri => "", :module => "Fog::Vcloud::Terremark::Ecloud") end end Spec::Matchers.define :have_only_these_attributes do |expected| match do |actual| attributes = actual.instance_variable_get('@attributes') attributes.all? { |attribute| expected.include?(attribute) } && ( expected.length == attributes.length ) end failure_message_for_should do |actual| msg = "Expected: [#{{|e| ":#{e}"}.join(", ")}]\n" msg += "Got: [#{actual.instance_variable_get('@attributes').map{|a| ":#{a}"}.join(", ")}]" msg end end Spec::Matchers.define :have_identity do |expected| match do |actual| actual.instance_variable_get('@identity').should == expected end failure_message_for_should do |actual| "Expected: '#{expected}', but got: '#{actual.instance_variable_get('@identity')}'" end end Spec::Matchers.define :have_members_of_the_right_model do match do |actual| actual.all? { |member| member.is_a?(actual.model) } end end Spec::Matchers.define :have_key_with_value do |expected_key, expected_value| match do |actual| actual.has_key?(expected_key) && actual[expected_key] == expected_value end end Spec::Matchers.define :have_key_with_array do |expected_key, expected_array| match do |actual| actual[expected_key].all? { |item| expected_array.include?(item) } && actual[expected_key].length == expected_array.length end failure_message_for_should do |actual| "Items not found in array:\n#{ { |expected_item| !actual[expected_key].include?(expected_item) }.map { |item| item.inspect }.join("\n")}\n" + "Orignal items:\n#{actual[expected_key].map { |item| item.inspect }.join("\n") }\n"+ "Length Difference: #{expected_array.length - actual[expected_key].length}" end end Spec::Matchers.define :have_headers_denoting_a_content_type_of do |expected| match do |actual| actual.headers["Content-Type"] == expected end end Spec::Matchers.define :have_keys_with_values do |expected| match do |actual| actual.each_pair.all? do |key, value| expected.keys.include?(key) && expected[key] == value end end end Spec::Matchers.define :be_a_vapp_link_to do |expected| match do |actual| actual.is_a?(Hash) and actual[:type] == "application/vnd.vmware.vcloud.vApp+xml" and actual[:href] == expected.href and actual[:name] == end end Spec::Matchers.define :be_a_network_link_to do |expected| match do |actual| actual.is_a?(Hash) and actual[:type] == "application/" and actual[:href] == expected.href and actual[:name] == end end Spec::Matchers.define :have_all_attributes_be_nil do match do |actual| actual.class.attributes.all? { |attribute| actual.send(attribute.to_sym) == nil } end end Spec::Matchers.define :be_a_url do match do |actual| actual.match(/^(http|https):\/\/[a-z0-9]+([\-\.]{1}[a-z0-9]+)*\.[a-z]{2,5}(([0-9]{1,5})?\/.*)?$/ix) end end Spec::Matchers.define :be_either_a_hash_or_array do match do |actual| actual.is_a?(Hash) || actual.is_a?(Array) end end Spec::Matchers.define :be_a_known_vmware_type do match do |actual| ["application/"].include?(actual) end end Spec::Matchers.define :be_of_type do |type| match do |actual| actual == type || if actual.is_a?(Hash) && actual[:type] actual[:type] == type end || if actual.respond_to(:type) actual.type == type end end end