Shindo.tests('Fog::Compute[:ovirt]', ['ovirt']) do compute = Fog::Compute[:ovirt] tests("Compute attributes") do %w{ ovirt_attrs }.each do |attr| test("it should respond to #{attr}") { compute.respond_to? attr } end end tests("Compute collections") do %w{ servers templates clusters interfaces }.each do |collection| test("it should respond to #{collection}") { compute.respond_to? collection } end end tests("Compute requests") do %w{ add_interface create_vm datacenters destroy_interface destroy_vm get_cluster get_template get_virtual_machine list_clusters list_networks list_template_interfaces list_templates list_virtual_machines list_vm_interfaces storage_domains update_interface update_vm vm_action api_version update_volume}.each do |collection| test("it should respond to #{collection}") { compute.respond_to? collection } end end end