#!/usr/bin/env ruby require File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '..', 'lib', 'fog') require 'irb' require 'yaml' require File.join('fog', 'credentials') Fog.credential = ARGV.first ? ARGV.first.to_sym : nil Fog.bin = true unless Fog.credentials exit end require 'fog/bin' if ARGV.length > 1 print(instance_eval(ARGV[1..-1].join(' ')).to_json) else ARGV.clear # Avoid passing args to IRB IRB.setup(nil) @irb = IRB::Irb.new(nil) IRB.conf[:MAIN_CONTEXT] = @irb.context IRB.conf[:PROMPT][:FOG] = IRB.conf[:PROMPT][:SIMPLE].dup IRB.conf[:PROMPT][:FOG][:RETURN] = "%s\n" @irb.context.prompt_mode = :FOG @irb.context.workspace = IRB::WorkSpace.new(binding) services = Fog.services.map{|service| service.to_s} available_services = if services.length > 1 services[0...-1].join(', ') << ' and ' << services[-1] else services.first end print "Welcome to fog interactive!\n" print "Your '#{Fog.credential.to_s}' configuration provides access to #{available_services}.\n" Fog.services.each do |service| if service.respond_to?(:startup_notice) service.send(:startup_notice) end end catch(:IRB_EXIT) { @irb.eval_input } end