module Fog module Terremark module Vcloud module Bin end module Defaults HOST = '' PATH = '/api/v0.8a-ext1.6' #PATH = '/api/' PORT = 443 SCHEME = 'https' end extend Fog::Terremark::Shared def{}) Fog::Logger.deprecation("Fog::Terremark::Vcloud is deprecated, to be replaced with Vcloud 1.0 someday/maybe [light_black](#{caller.first})[/]") unless @required shared_requires @required = true end check_shared_options(options) if Fog.mocking? else end end class Real include Fog::Terremark::Shared::Real include Fog::Terremark::Shared::Parser def initialize(options={}) @terremark_password = options[:terremark_vcloud_password] @terremark_username = options[:terremark_vcloud_username] @connection_options = options[:connection_options] || {} @host = options[:host] || Fog::Terremark::Vcloud::Defaults::HOST @path = options[:path] || Fog::Terremark::Vcloud::Defaults::PATH @persistent = options[:persistent] || false @port = options[:port] || Fog::Terremark::Vcloud::Defaults::PORT @scheme = options[:scheme] || Fog::Terremark::Vcloud::Defaults::SCHEME @connection ="#{@scheme}://#{@host}:#{@port}", @persistent, @connection_options) end def default_vdc_id if default_organization_id @default_vdc_id ||= begin vdcs = get_organization(default_organization_id).body['Links'].select {|link| link['type'] == 'application/vnd.vmware.vcloud.vdc+xml' } if vdcs.length == 1 vdcs.first['href'].split('/').last.to_i else nil end end else nil end end def default_network_id if default_vdc_id @default_network_id ||= begin networks = get_vdc(default_vdc_id).body['AvailableNetworks'] if networks.length == 1 networks.first['href'].split('/').last.to_i else nil end end else nil end end def default_public_ip_id if default_vdc_id @default_public_ip_id ||= begin ips = get_public_ips(default_vdc_id).body['PublicIpAddresses'] if ips.length == 1 ips.first['href'].split('/').last.to_i else nil end end else nil end end end def default_ssh_key if default_ssh_key @default_ssh_key ||= begin keys = get_keys_list(default_organization_id).body["Keys"] keys.find { |item| item["IsDefault"] == "true" } end end end class Mock include Fog::Terremark::Shared::Mock include Fog::Terremark::Shared::Parser def initialize(option = {}) super @base_url = Fog::Terremark::Vcloud::Defaults::SCHEME + "://" + Fog::Terremark::Vcloud::Defaults::HOST + Fog::Terremark::Vcloud::Defaults::PATH @terremark_username = options[:terremark_vcloud_username] end def data[@terremark_username] end def reset_data end end end end end