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synced 2022-11-09 13:51:43 -05:00

Brightbox is now moving to using the default Ubuntu Cloud Images (http://cloud-images.ubuntu.com/) where we are also using the naming convention used there. So the image selector has been updated to select the latest version of Ubuntu (i386, official Brightbox) image if no image is specified with the new format.
475 lines
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475 lines
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require 'fog/brightbox'
require 'fog/compute'
require 'fog/brightbox/oauth2'
require 'fog/brightbox/compute/image_selector'
module Fog
module Compute
class Brightbox < Fog::Service
API_URL = "https://api.gb1.brightbox.com/"
# Client credentials
requires :brightbox_client_id, :brightbox_secret
# API endpoint settings
recognizes :brightbox_auth_url, :brightbox_api_url
# User credentials (still requires client details)
recognizes :brightbox_username, :brightbox_password, :brightbox_account
# Cached tokens
recognizes :brightbox_access_token, :brightbox_refresh_token
# Automatic token management
recognizes :brightbox_token_management
# Excon connection settings
recognizes :persistent
model_path 'fog/brightbox/models/compute'
collection :accounts
model :account
collection :applications
model :application
collection :api_clients
model :api_client
collection :servers
model :server
collection :server_groups
model :server_group
collection :firewall_policies
model :firewall_policy
collection :firewall_rules
model :firewall_rule
collection :flavors
model :flavor
collection :images
model :image
collection :load_balancers
model :load_balancer
collection :zones
model :zone
collection :cloud_ips
model :cloud_ip
collection :users
model :user
request_path 'fog/brightbox/requests/compute'
request :activate_console_server
request :add_listeners_load_balancer
request :add_nodes_load_balancer
request :add_servers_server_group
request :apply_to_firewall_policy
request :remove_firewall_policy
request :create_api_client
request :create_application
request :create_cloud_ip
request :create_firewall_policy
request :create_firewall_rule
request :create_image
request :create_load_balancer
request :create_server
request :create_server_group
request :destroy_api_client
request :destroy_application
request :destroy_cloud_ip
request :destroy_firewall_policy
request :destroy_firewall_rule
request :destroy_image
request :destroy_load_balancer
request :destroy_server
request :destroy_server_group
request :get_account
request :get_api_client
request :get_application
request :get_authenticated_user
request :get_cloud_ip
request :get_firewall_policy
request :get_firewall_rule
request :get_image
request :get_interface
request :get_load_balancer
request :get_scoped_account
request :get_server
request :get_server_group
request :get_server_type
request :get_user
request :get_zone
request :list_accounts
request :list_api_clients
request :list_applications
request :list_cloud_ips
request :list_firewall_policies
request :list_images
request :list_load_balancers
request :list_server_groups
request :list_server_types
request :list_servers
request :list_users
request :list_zones
request :map_cloud_ip
request :move_servers_server_group
request :remove_listeners_load_balancer
request :remove_nodes_load_balancer
request :remove_servers_server_group
request :reset_ftp_password_account
request :reset_ftp_password_scoped_account
request :reset_secret_api_client
request :reset_secret_application
request :shutdown_server
request :snapshot_server
request :start_server
request :stop_server
request :unmap_cloud_ip
request :update_account
request :update_api_client
request :update_application
request :update_cloud_ip
request :update_firewall_policy
request :update_firewall_rule
request :update_image
request :update_load_balancer
request :update_scoped_account
request :update_server
request :update_server_group
request :update_user
module Shared
include Fog::Brightbox::OAuth2
# Creates a new instance of the Brightbox Compute service
# @note If you create service using just a refresh token when it
# expires the service will no longer be able to authenticate.
# @param [Hash] options
# @option options [String] :brightbox_api_url Override the default (or configured) API endpoint
# @option options [String] :brightbox_auth_url Override the default (or configured) API authentication endpoint
# @option options [String] :brightbox_client_id Client identifier to authenticate with (overrides configured)
# @option options [String] :brightbox_secret Client secret to authenticate with (overrides configured)
# @option options [String] :brightbox_username Email or user identifier for user based authentication
# @option options [String] :brightbox_password Password for user based authentication
# @option options [String] :brightbox_account Account identifier to scope this connection to
# @option options [String] :connection_options Settings to pass to underlying {Fog::Connection}
# @option options [Boolean] :persistent Sets a persistent HTTP {Fog::Connection}
# @option options [String] :brightbox_access_token Sets the OAuth access token to use rather than requesting a new token
# @option options [String] :brightbox_refresh_token Sets the refresh token to use when requesting a newer access token
# @option options [String] :brightbox_token_management Overide the existing behaviour to request access tokens if expired (default is `true`)
def initialize(options)
# Currently authentication and api endpoints are the same but may change
@auth_url = options[:brightbox_auth_url] || Fog.credentials[:brightbox_auth_url] || API_URL
@auth_connection = Fog::Connection.new(@auth_url)
@api_url = options[:brightbox_api_url] || Fog.credentials[:brightbox_api_url] || API_URL
@connection_options = options[:connection_options] || {}
@persistent = options[:persistent] || false
@connection = Fog::Connection.new(@api_url, @persistent, @connection_options)
# Authentication options
client_id = options[:brightbox_client_id] || Fog.credentials[:brightbox_client_id]
client_secret = options[:brightbox_secret] || Fog.credentials[:brightbox_secret]
username = options[:brightbox_username] || Fog.credentials[:brightbox_username]
password = options[:brightbox_password] || Fog.credentials[:brightbox_password]
@configured_account = options[:brightbox_account] || Fog.credentials[:brightbox_account]
# Request account can be changed at anytime and changes behaviour of future requests
@scoped_account = @configured_account
credential_options = {:username => username, :password => password}
@credentials = CredentialSet.new(client_id, client_secret, credential_options)
# If existing tokens have been cached, allow continued use of them in the service
@credentials.update_tokens(options[:brightbox_access_token], options[:brightbox_refresh_token])
@token_management = options.fetch(:brightbox_token_management, true)
# Sets the scoped account for future requests
# @param [String] scoped_account Identifier of the account to scope request to
def scoped_account=(scoped_account)
@scoped_account = scoped_account
# This returns the account identifier that the request should be scoped by
# based on the options passed to the request and current configuration
# @param [String] options_account Any identifier passed into the request
# @return [String, nil] The account identifier to scope the request to or nil
def scoped_account(options_account = nil)
[options_account, @scoped_account].compact.first
# Resets the scoped account back to intially configured one
def scoped_account_reset
@scoped_account = @configured_account
# Returns the scoped account being used for requests
# * For API clients this is the owning account
# * For User applications this is the account specified by either +account_id+
# option on the service or the +brightbox_account+ setting in your configuration
# @return [Fog::Compute::Brightbox::Account]
def account
account_data = get_scoped_account.merge(:service => self)
# Returns true if authentication is being performed as a user
# @return [Boolean]
def authenticating_as_user?
# Returns true if an access token is set
# @return [Boolean]
def access_token_available?
!! @credentials.access_token
# Returns the current access token or nil
# @return [String,nil]
def access_token
# Returns the current refresh token or nil
# @return [String,nil]
def refresh_token
# Requests a new access token
# @return [String] New access token
def get_access_token
rescue Excon::Errors::Unauthorized, Excon::Errors::BadRequest
@credentials.update_tokens(nil, nil)
# Requests a new access token and raises if there is a problem
# @return [String] New access token
# @raise [Excon::Errors::BadRequest] The credentials are expired or incorrect
def get_access_token!
response = request_access_token(@auth_connection, @credentials)
update_credentials_from_response(@credentials, response)
# Returns an identifier for the default image for use
# Currently tries to find the latest version of Ubuntu (i686) from
# Brightbox.
# Highly recommended that you actually select the image you want to run
# on your servers yourself!
# @return [String] if image is found, returns the identifier
# @return [NilClass] if no image is found or an error occurs
def default_image
return @default_image_id unless @default_image_id.nil?
@default_image_id = Fog.credentials[:brightbox_default_image] || select_default_image
# This makes a request of the API based on the configured setting for
# token management.
# @param [Hash] options Excon compatible options
# @see https://github.com/geemus/excon/blob/master/lib/excon/connection.rb
# @return [Hash] Data of response body
def make_request(options)
if @token_management
# This request checks for access tokens and will ask for a new one if
# it receives Unauthorized from the API before repeating the request
# @param [Hash] options Excon compatible options
# @return [Excon::Response]
def managed_token_request(options)
get_access_token unless access_token_available?
response = authenticated_request(options)
rescue Excon::Errors::Unauthorized
response = authenticated_request(options)
# This request makes an authenticated request of the API using currently
# setup credentials.
# @param [Hash] options Excon compatible options
# @see https://github.com/geemus/excon/blob/master/lib/excon/connection.rb
# @return [Excon::Response]
def authenticated_request(options)
headers = options[:headers] || {}
headers.merge!("Authorization" => "OAuth #{@credentials.access_token}", "Content-Type" => "application/json")
options[:headers] = headers
# TODO This is just a wrapper around a call to Excon::Connection#request
# so can be extracted from Compute by passing in the connection,
# credentials and options
# The Mock Service allows you to run a fake instance of the Service
# which makes no real connections.
# @todo Implement
class Mock
include Shared
def request(method, path, expected_responses, parameters = {})
def request_access_token(connection, credentials)
def _request
raise Fog::Errors::MockNotImplemented
def select_default_image
# The Real Service actually makes real connections to the Brightbox
# service.
class Real
include Shared
# Makes an API request to the given path using passed options or those
# set with the service setup
# @todo Standard Fog behaviour is to return the Excon::Response but
# this was unintentionally changed to be the Hash version of the
# data in the body. This loses access to some details and should
# be corrected in a backwards compatible manner
# @overload request(params)
# @param [Hash] params Excon compatible options
# @option params [String] :body text to be sent over a socket
# @option params [Hash<Symbol, String>] :headers The default headers to supply in a request
# @option params [String] :host The destination host's reachable DNS name or IP, in the form of a String
# @option params [String] :path appears after 'scheme://host:port/'
# @option params [Fixnum] :port The port on which to connect, to the destination host
# @option params [Hash] :query appended to the 'scheme://host:port/path/' in the form of '?key=value'
# @option params [String] :scheme The protocol; 'https' causes OpenSSL to be used
# @return [Excon::Response]
# @see https://github.com/geemus/excon/blob/master/lib/excon/connection.rb
# @overload request(method, path, expected_responses, params = {})
# @param [String] method HTTP method to use for the request
# @param [String] path The absolute path for the request
# @param [Array<Fixnum>] expected_responses HTTP response codes that have been successful
# @param [Hash] params Keys and values for JSON
# @option params [String] :account_id The scoping account if required
# @deprecated #request with multiple arguments is deprecated
# since it is inconsistent with original fog version.
# @return [Hash]
def request(*args)
if args.size == 1
Fog::Logger.deprecation("#request with multiple parameters is deprecated, use #wrapped_request instead [light_black](#{caller.first})[/]")
# Makes a request but with seperated arguments and parses the response to a hash
# @note #wrapped_request is the non-standard form of request introduced by mistake
# @param [String] method HTTP method to use for the request
# @param [String] path The absolute path for the request
# @param [Array<Fixnum>] expected_responses HTTP response codes that have been successful
# @param [Hash] parameters Keys and values for JSON
# @option parameters [String] :account_id The scoping account if required
# @return [Hash]
def wrapped_request(method, path, expected_responses, parameters = {})
_wrapped_request(method, path, expected_responses, parameters)
# Wrapped request is the non-standard form of request introduced by mistake
# @param [String] method HTTP method to use for the request
# @param [String] path The absolute path for the request
# @param [Array<Fixnum>] expected_responses HTTP response codes that have been successful
# @param [Hash] parameters Keys and values for JSON
# @option parameters [String] :account_id The scoping account if required
# @return [Hash]
def _wrapped_request(method, path, expected_responses, parameters = {})
request_options = {
:method => method.to_s.upcase,
:path => path,
:expects => expected_responses
# Select the account to scope for this request
account = scoped_account(parameters.fetch(:account_id, nil))
if account
request_options[:query] = { :account_id => account }
request_options[:body] = Fog::JSON.encode(parameters) unless parameters.empty?
response = make_request(request_options)
# FIXME We should revert to returning the Excon::Request after a suitable
# configuration option is in place to switch back to this incorrect behaviour
unless response.body.empty?
# Queries the API and tries to select the most suitable official Image
# to use if the user chooses not to select their own.
# @return [String] if image is found, the image's identifier
# @return [NilClass] if no image found or an error occured
def select_default_image