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synced 2022-11-09 13:51:43 -05:00

The behavior without this patch is that the performance of the vm_clone operation in unacceptably slow for VMware vCenter deployments with multiple hundreds of virtual machines. Performance is unacceptable because the vm_clone operation makes multiple API calls to list _all_ of the VM's in the inventory. This patch eliminates the need to list all VM's by adding path and folder filters to limit our API calls to subtrees of the VMware inventory. = API Changes = * New datacenters request that caches the Datacenter objects for the life of the process. * New clone() method on the server model that returns a server model of the new VM even if it is not yet done cloning. * Ability to limit collections to inventory paths by passing the * 'folder' filter to the servers collection. For example: `conn = Fog::Compute[:vsphere]; conn.servers('path' => '/Datacenters/DC1/vm/Templates')` this filter will greatly reduce the number of SOAP API calls by limiting the server models in the collection to only those in the Templates inventory folder. Note, this is not recursive yet. = Tests = Tests have been updated. The vm_clone request no longer takes an instance_uuid because we cannot actually use this to search the inventory efficiently. Instead, the vm_clone request now requires a path attribute to allow Fog to search only a subset of the inventory.
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require 'digest/sha2'
module Fog
module Compute
class Vsphere < Fog::Service
requires :vsphere_username, :vsphere_password, :vsphere_server
recognizes :vsphere_port, :vsphere_path, :vsphere_ns
recognizes :vsphere_rev, :vsphere_ssl, :vsphere_expected_pubkey_hash
model_path 'fog/vsphere/models/compute'
model :server
collection :servers
request_path 'fog/vsphere/requests/compute'
request :current_time
request :find_vm_by_ref
request :list_virtual_machines
request :vm_power_off
request :vm_power_on
request :vm_reboot
request :vm_clone
request :vm_destroy
request :datacenters
module Shared
attr_reader :vsphere_is_vcenter
attr_reader :vsphere_rev
attr_reader :vsphere_server
attr_reader :vsphere_username
:id => 'config.instanceUuid',
:name => 'name',
:uuid => 'config.uuid',
:instance_uuid => 'config.instanceUuid',
:hostname => 'summary.guest.hostName',
:operatingsystem => 'summary.guest.guestFullName',
:ipaddress => 'guest.ipAddress',
:power_state => 'runtime.powerState',
:connection_state => 'runtime.connectionState',
:hypervisor => 'runtime.host',
:tools_state => 'guest.toolsStatus',
:tools_version => 'guest.toolsVersionStatus',
:is_a_template => 'config.template',
# Utility method to convert a VMware managed object into an attribute hash.
# This should only really be necessary for the real class.
# This method is expected to be called by the request methods
# in order to massage VMware Managed Object References into Attribute Hashes.
def convert_vm_mob_ref_to_attr_hash(vm_mob_ref)
return nil unless vm_mob_ref
props = vm_mob_ref.collect! *ATTR_TO_PROP.values.uniq
# NOTE: Object.tap is in 1.8.7 and later.
# Here we create the hash object that this method returns, but first we need
# to add a few more attributes that require additional calls to the vSphere
# API. The hypervisor name and mac_addresses attributes may not be available
# so we need catch any exceptions thrown during lookup and set them to nil.
# The use of the "tap" method here is a convience, it allows us to update the
# hash object without expliclty returning the hash at the end of the method.
Hash[ATTR_TO_PROP.map { |k,v| [k.to_s, props[v]] }].tap do |attrs|
attrs['id'] ||= vm_mob_ref._ref
attrs['mo_ref'] = vm_mob_ref._ref
# The name method "magically" appears after a VM is ready and
# finished cloning.
if attrs['hypervisor'].kind_of?(RbVmomi::VIM::HostSystem) then
# If it's not ready, set the hypervisor to nil
attrs['hypervisor'] = attrs['hypervisor'].name rescue nil
# This inline rescue catches any standard error. While a VM is
# cloning, a call to the macs method will throw and NoMethodError
attrs['mac_addresses'] = vm_mob_ref.macs rescue nil
attrs['path'] = get_folder_path(vm_mob_ref.parent)
class Mock
include Shared
def initialize(options={})
require 'rbvmomi'
@vsphere_username = options[:vsphere_username]
@vsphere_password = 'REDACTED'
@vsphere_server = options[:vsphere_server]
@vsphere_expected_pubkey_hash = options[:vsphere_expected_pubkey_hash]
@vsphere_is_vcenter = true
@vsphere_rev = '4.0'
class Real
include Shared
def initialize(options={})
require 'rbvmomi'
@vsphere_username = options[:vsphere_username]
@vsphere_password = options[:vsphere_password]
@vsphere_server = options[:vsphere_server]
@vsphere_port = options[:vsphere_port] || 443
@vsphere_path = options[:vsphere_path] || '/sdk'
@vsphere_ns = options[:vsphere_ns] || 'urn:vim25'
@vsphere_rev = options[:vsphere_rev] || '4.0'
@vsphere_ssl = options[:vsphere_ssl] || true
@vsphere_expected_pubkey_hash = options[:vsphere_expected_pubkey_hash]
@vsphere_must_reauthenticate = false
@connection = nil
# This is a state variable to allow digest validation of the SSL cert
bad_cert = false
loop do
@connection = RbVmomi::VIM.new :host => @vsphere_server,
:port => @vsphere_port,
:path => @vsphere_path,
:ns => @vsphere_ns,
:rev => @vsphere_rev,
:ssl => @vsphere_ssl,
:insecure => bad_cert
rescue OpenSSL::SSL::SSLError
raise if bad_cert
bad_cert = true
if bad_cert then
# Negotiate the API revision
if not options[:vsphere_rev]
rev = @connection.serviceContent.about.apiVersion
@connection.rev = [ rev, ENV['FOG_VSPHERE_REV'] || '4.1' ].min
@vsphere_is_vcenter = @connection.serviceContent.about.apiType == "VirtualCenter"
@vsphere_rev = @connection.rev
def authenticate
@connection.serviceContent.sessionManager.Login :userName => @vsphere_username,
:password => @vsphere_password
rescue RbVmomi::VIM::InvalidLogin => e
raise Fog::Vsphere::Errors::ServiceError, e.message
# Verify a SSL certificate based on the hashed public key
def validate_ssl_connection
pubkey = @connection.http.peer_cert.public_key
pubkey_hash = Digest::SHA2.hexdigest(pubkey.to_s)
expected_pubkey_hash = @vsphere_expected_pubkey_hash
if pubkey_hash != expected_pubkey_hash then
raise Fog::Vsphere::Errors::SecurityError, "The remote system presented a public key with hash #{pubkey_hash} but we're expecting a hash of #{expected_pubkey_hash || '<unset>'}. If you are sure the remote system is authentic set vsphere_expected_pubkey_hash: <the hash printed in this message> in ~/.fog"