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synced 2022-11-09 13:51:43 -05:00

This patch makes it possible to specify GroupID in the options hash to the aws computre requests operating on security groups. This is needed since when working with VPC you must use GroupID instead of name.
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module Fog
module Compute
class AWS
class Real
require 'fog/aws/parsers/compute/spot_instance_requests'
# Launch specified instances
# ==== Parameters
# * 'image_id'<~String> - Id of machine image to load on instances
# * 'instance_type'<~String> - Type of instance
# * 'spot_price'<~Float> - maximum hourly price for instances launched
# * options<~Hash>:
# * 'AvailabilityZoneGroup'<~String> - specify whether or not to launch all instances in the same availability group
# * 'InstanceCount'<~Integer> - maximum number of instances to launch
# * 'LaunchGroup'<~String> - whether or not to launch/shutdown instances as a group
# * 'LaunchSpecification.BlockDeviceMapping'<~Array>: array of hashes
# * 'DeviceName'<~String> - where the volume will be exposed to instance
# * 'VirtualName'<~String> - volume virtual device name
# * 'Ebs.SnapshotId'<~String> - id of snapshot to boot volume from
# * 'Ebs.NoDevice'<~String> - specifies that no device should be mapped
# * 'Ebs.VolumeSize'<~String> - size of volume in GiBs required unless snapshot is specified
# * 'Ebs.DeleteOnTermination'<~String> - specifies whether or not to delete the volume on instance termination
# * 'LaunchSpecification.KeyName'<~String> - Name of a keypair to add to booting instances
# * 'LaunchSpecification.Monitoring.Enabled'<~Boolean> - Enables monitoring, defaults to disabled
# * 'LaunchSpecification.Placement.AvailabilityZone'<~String> - Placement constraint for instances
# * 'LaunchSpecification.SecurityGroup'<~Array> or <~String> - Name of security group(s) for instances, not supported in VPC
# * 'LaunchSpecification.SecurityGroupId'<~Array> or <~String> - Id of security group(s) for instances, use this or LaunchSpecification.SecurityGroup
# * 'LaunchSpecification.UserData'<~String> - Additional data to provide to booting instances
# * 'Type'<~String> - spot instance request type in ['one-time', 'persistent']
# * 'ValidFrom'<~Time> - start date for request
# * 'ValidUntil'<~Time> - end date for request
# ==== Returns
# * response<~Excon::Response>:
# * body<~Hash>:
# * 'requestId'<~String> - Id of request
# * 'spotInstanceRequestSet'<~Array>:
# * 'createTime'<~Time> - time of instance request creation
# * 'instanceId'<~String> - instance id if one has been launched to fulfill request
# * 'launchedAvailabilityZone'<~String> - availability zone of instance if one has been launched to fulfill request
# * 'launchSpecification'<~Hash>:
# * 'blockDeviceMapping'<~Hash> - list of block device mappings for instance
# * 'groupSet'<~String> - security group(s) for instance
# * 'keyName'<~String> - keypair name for instance
# * 'imageId'<~String> - AMI for instance
# * 'instanceType'<~String> - type for instance
# * 'monitoring'<~Boolean> - monitoring status for instance
# * 'productDescription'<~String> - general description of AMI
# * 'spotInstanceRequestId'<~String> - id of spot instance request
# * 'spotPrice'<~Float> - maximum price for instances to be launched
# * 'state'<~String> - spot instance request state
# * 'type'<~String> - spot instance request type
# {Amazon API Reference}[http://docs.amazonwebservices.com/AWSEC2/latest/APIReference/ApiReference-query-RequestSpotInstances.html]
def request_spot_instances(image_id, instance_type, spot_price, options = {})
if block_device_mapping = options.delete('LaunchSpecification.BlockDeviceMapping')
block_device_mapping.each_with_index do |mapping, index|
for key, value in mapping
options.merge!({ format("LaunchSpecification.BlockDeviceMapping.%d.#{key}", index) => value })
if security_groups = options.delete('LaunchSpecification.SecurityGroup')
options.merge!(Fog::AWS.indexed_param('LaunchSpecification.SecurityGroup', [*security_groups]))
if security_group_ids = options.delete('LaunchSpecification.SecurityGroupId')
options.merge!(Fog::AWS.indexed_param('LaunchSpecification.SecurityGroupId', [*security_group_ids]))
if options['LaunchSpecification.UserData']
options['LaunchSpecification.UserData'] = Base64.encode64(options['LaunchSpecification.UserData'])
'Action' => 'RequestSpotInstances',
'LaunchSpecification.ImageId' => image_id,
'LaunchSpecification.InstanceType' => instance_type,
'SpotPrice' => spot_price,
:parser => Fog::Parsers::Compute::AWS::SpotInstanceRequests.new