Akira Matsuda 175d472bea
Check the result of external `html2haml` command and output a proper message
2022-10-07 11:43:56 +09:00
generators/haml Wrong use of `protected` 2022-09-24 18:43:44 +09:00
haml-rails Version 2.1.0 2022-09-24 18:57:03 +09:00
rails/generators/haml/application_layout Check the result of external `html2haml` command and output a proper message 2022-10-07 11:43:56 +09:00
tasks delete ERB files if they weren't converted due to an existing HAML version of same file 2019-02-25 23:32:15 -05:00
haml-rails.rb A gem doesn't have to be a Rails Engine for providing generators 2019-06-08 17:45:08 +09:00