diff --git a/lib/haml/html.rb b/lib/haml/html.rb
index b63cb768..7661652b 100644
--- a/lib/haml/html.rb
+++ b/lib/haml/html.rb
@@ -5,100 +5,82 @@ require 'rubygems'
require 'cgi'
require 'hpricot'
-module Haml
- class HTML
- # A module containing utility methods that every Hpricot node
- # should have.
- module Node
- # We have to do everything in `#included`
- # rather than including the methods in the module itself
- # because if we do that, they don't propagate to the already-defined subclasses
- # of the modules including this.
- def self.included(base)
- base.class_eval do
- # Whether this node has already been converted to Haml.
- # Only used for text nodes and elements.
- #
- # @return [Boolean]
- attr_accessor :converted_to_haml
- # Returns the Haml representation of the given node.
- #
- # @param tabs [Fixnum] The indentation level of the resulting Haml.
- # @option options (see Haml::HTML#initialize)
- def to_haml(tabs, options)
- return "" if converted_to_haml || to_s.strip.empty?
- text = uninterp(self.to_s)
- node = next_node
- while node.is_a?(::Hpricot::Elem) && node.name == "haml:loud"
- node.converted_to_haml = true
- text << '#{' <<
- CGI.unescapeHTML(node.inner_text).gsub(/\n\s*/, ' ').strip << '}'
- if node.next_node.is_a?(::Hpricot::Text)
- node = node.next_node
- text << uninterp(node.to_s)
- node.converted_to_haml = true
- end
- node = node.next_node
- end
- return parse_text_with_interpolation(text, tabs)
- end
- private
- def erb_to_interpolation(text, options)
- return text unless options[:erb]
- text = CGI.escapeHTML(uninterp(text))
- %w[ ].each {|str| text.gsub!(CGI.escapeHTML(str), str)}
- ::Hpricot::XML(text).children.inject("") do |str, elem|
- if elem.is_a?(::Hpricot::Text)
- str + CGI.unescapeHTML(elem.to_s)
- else # element
- str + '#{' + CGI.unescapeHTML(elem.innerText.strip) + '}'
- end
- end
- end
- def tabulate(tabs)
- ' ' * tabs
- end
- def uninterp(text)
- text.gsub('#{', '\#{') #'
- end
- def attr_hash
- attributes.to_hash
- end
- def parse_text(text, tabs)
- parse_text_with_interpolation(uninterp(text), tabs)
- end
- def parse_text_with_interpolation(text, tabs)
- text.strip!
- return "" if text.empty?
- text.split("\n").map do |line|
- line.strip!
- "#{tabulate(tabs)}#{'\\' if Haml::Engine::SPECIAL_CHARACTERS.include?(line[0])}#{line}\n"
- end.join
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
# Haml monkeypatches various Hpricot classes
# to add methods for conversion to Haml.
# @private
module Hpricot
# @see Hpricot
module Node
- include Haml::HTML::Node
+ # Whether this node has already been converted to Haml.
+ # Only used for text nodes and elements.
+ #
+ # @return [Boolean]
+ attr_accessor :converted_to_haml
+ # Returns the Haml representation of the given node.
+ #
+ # @param tabs [Fixnum] The indentation level of the resulting Haml.
+ # @option options (see Haml::HTML#initialize)
+ def to_haml(tabs, options)
+ return "" if converted_to_haml || to_s.strip.empty?
+ text = uninterp(self.to_s)
+ node = next_node
+ while node.is_a?(::Hpricot::Elem) && node.name == "haml:loud"
+ node.converted_to_haml = true
+ text << '#{' <<
+ CGI.unescapeHTML(node.inner_text).gsub(/\n\s*/, ' ').strip << '}'
+ if node.next_node.is_a?(::Hpricot::Text)
+ node = node.next_node
+ text << uninterp(node.to_s)
+ node.converted_to_haml = true
+ end
+ node = node.next_node
+ end
+ return parse_text_with_interpolation(text, tabs)
+ end
+ private
+ def erb_to_interpolation(text, options)
+ return text unless options[:erb]
+ text = CGI.escapeHTML(uninterp(text))
+ %w[ ].each {|str| text.gsub!(CGI.escapeHTML(str), str)}
+ ::Hpricot::XML(text).children.inject("") do |str, elem|
+ if elem.is_a?(::Hpricot::Text)
+ str + CGI.unescapeHTML(elem.to_s)
+ else # element
+ str + '#{' + CGI.unescapeHTML(elem.innerText.strip) + '}'
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ def tabulate(tabs)
+ ' ' * tabs
+ end
+ def uninterp(text)
+ text.gsub('#{', '\#{') #'
+ end
+ def attr_hash
+ attributes.to_hash
+ end
+ def parse_text(text, tabs)
+ parse_text_with_interpolation(uninterp(text), tabs)
+ end
+ def parse_text_with_interpolation(text, tabs)
+ text.strip!
+ return "" if text.empty?
+ text.split("\n").map do |line|
+ line.strip!
+ "#{tabulate(tabs)}#{'\\' if Haml::Engine::SPECIAL_CHARACTERS.include?(line[0])}#{line}\n"
+ end.join
+ end