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synced 2022-11-09 12:33:31 -05:00
[Sass] Make @extend actually work, at least for very basic uses.
Exceptions are raised for various more complicated uses that will eventually be supported, but short, non-nested selectors extending short, non-nested selectors works. Mostly.
This commit is contained in:
4 changed files with 328 additions and 12 deletions
@ -45,6 +45,49 @@ module Sass
def eql?(other)
other.class == self.class && other.to_a.eql?(to_a)
# Unifies this selector with a {SimpleSequence}'s {SimpleSequence#members members array},
# returning another `SimpleSequence` members array
# that matches both this selector and the input selector.
# By default, this just appends this selector to the end of the array
# (or returns the original array if this selector already exists in it).
# @param sels [Array<Node>] A {SimpleSequence}'s {SimpleSequence#members members array}
# @return [Array<Node>, nil] A {SimpleSequence} {SimpleSequence#members members array}
# matching both `sels` and this selector,
# or `nil` if this is impossible (e.g. unifying `#foo` and `#bar`)
# @raise [Sass::SyntaxError] If this selector cannot be unified.
# This will only ever occur when a dynamic selector,
# such as {Parent} or {Interpolation}, is used in unification.
# Since these selectors should be resolved
# by the time extension and unification happen,
# this exception will only ever be raised as a result of programmer error
def unify(sels)
return sels if sels.any? {|sel2| eql?(sel2)}
sels + [self]
# Unifies two namespaces,
# returning a namespace that works for both of them if possible.
# @param ns1 [String, nil] The first namespace.
# `nil` means none specified, e.g. `foo`.
# The empty string means no namespace specified, e.g. `|foo`.
# `"*"` means any namespace is allowed, e.g. `*|foo`.
# @param ns2 [String, nil] The second namespace. See `ns1`.
# @return [Array(String or nil, Boolean)]
# The first value is the unified namespace, or `nil` for no namespace.
# The second value is whether or not a namespace that works for both inputs
# could be found at all.
# If the second value is `false`, the first should be ignored.
def unify_namespaces(ns1, ns2)
return nil, false unless ns1 == ns2 || ns1.nil? || ns1 == '*' || ns2.nil? || ns2 == '*'
return ns2, true unless ns2.nil? || ns2 == '*'
return ns1, true
# A comma-separated sequence of selectors.
@ -85,6 +128,21 @@ module Sass
# Non-destrucively extends this selector
# with the extensions specified in a hash
# (which should be populated via {Sass::Tree::Node#cssize}).
# @todo Link this to the reference documentation on `@extend`
# when such a thing exists.
# @param extends [{Selector::Node => Selector::Node}]
# The extensions to perform on this selector
# @return [CommaSequence] A copy of this selector,
# with extensions made according to `extends`
def extend(extends)
CommaSequence.new(members.map {|seq| seq.extend(extends)}.flatten)
# Returns a string representation of the sequence.
# This is basically the selector string.
@ -153,6 +211,34 @@ module Sass
# Non-destrucively extends this selector
# with the extensions specified in a hash
# (which should be populated via {Sass::Tree::Node#cssize}).
# @param extends [{Selector::Node => Selector::Node}]
# The extensions to perform on this selector
# @return [Array<Sequence>] A list of selectors generated
# by extending this selector with `extends`.
# These correspond to a {CommaSequence}'s {CommaSequence#members members array}.
# @see CommaSequence#extend
def extend(extends)
new_seqs = [self]
members.each_with_index do |sseq_or_op, i|
next unless sseq_or_op.is_a?(SimpleSequence)
sseq_or_op.members.each_with_index do |sel, j|
next unless extenders = extends[sel]
sseq_without_sel = sseq_or_op.members[0...j] + sseq_or_op.members[j+1..-1]
extenders.map {|sel2| sel2.unify(sseq_without_sel)}.compact.each do |sel2|
new_seqs << Sequence.new(
members[0...i] +
[SimpleSequence.new(sel2)] +
# @see Node#to_a
def to_a
ary = @members.map {|seq_or_op| seq_or_op.is_a?(SimpleSequence) ? seq_or_op.to_a : seq_or_op}
@ -259,10 +345,23 @@ module Sass
def to_a
# Always raises an exception.
# @raise [Sass::SyntaxError] Parent selectors should be resolved before unification
# @see Node#unify
def unify(sels)
raise Sass::SyntaxError.new("[BUG] Cannot unify parent selectors.")
# A class selector (e.g. `.foo`).
class Class < Node
# The class name.
# @return [String]
attr_reader :name
# @param name [String] The class name
def initialize(name)
@name = name
@ -276,6 +375,11 @@ module Sass
# An id selector (e.g. `#foo`).
class Id < Node
# The id name.
# @return [String]
attr_reader :name
# @param name [String] The id name
def initialize(name)
@name = name
@ -285,12 +389,28 @@ module Sass
def to_a
["#", @name]
# Returns `nil` if `sels` contains an {Id} selector
# with a different name than this one.
# @see Node#unify
def unify(sels)
return if sels.any? {|sel2| sel2.is_a?(Id) && self.name != sel2.name}
# A universal selector (`*` in CSS).
class Universal < Node
# @param namespace [String, nil] The namespace of the universal selector.
# `nil` means the default namespace, `""` means no namespace
# The selector namespace.
# `nil` means the default namespace,
# `""` means no namespace,
# `"*"` means any namespace.
# @return [String, nil]
attr_reader :namespace
# @param namespace [String, nil] See \{#namespace}
def initialize(namespace)
@namespace = namespace
@ -299,13 +419,63 @@ module Sass
def to_a
@namespace ? [@namespace, "|*"] : ["*"]
# Unification of a universal selector is somewhat complicated,
# especially when a namespace is specified.
# If there is no namespace specified
# or any namespace is specified (namespace `"*"`),
# then `sel` is returned without change
# (unless it's empty, in which case `"*"` is required).
# If a namespace is specified
# but `sel` does not specify a namespace,
# then the given namespace is applied to `sel`,
# either by adding this {Universal} selector
# or applying this namespace to an existing {Element} selector.
# If both this selector *and* `sel` specify namespaces,
# those namespaces are unified via {Node#unify_namespaces}
# and the unified namespace is used, if possible.
# @todo There are lots of cases that this documentation specifies;
# make sure we thoroughly test **all of them**.
# @todo Keep track of whether a default namespace has been declared
# and handle namespace-unspecified selectors accordingly.
# @see Node#unify
def unify(sels)
name =
case sels.first
when Universal; :universal
when Element; sels.first.name
return [self] + sels unless ns == nil || ns == '*'
return sels
ns, accept = unify_namespaces(namespace, sels.first.namespace)
return unless accept
[name == :universal ? Universal.new(ns) : Element.new(ns, name)] + sels[1..-1]
# An element selector (e.g. `h1`).
class Element < Node
# The element name.
# @return [String]
attr_reader :name
# The selector namespace.
# `nil` means the default namespace,
# `""` means no namespace,
# `"*"` means any namespace.
# @return [String, nil]
attr_reader :namespace
# @param name [String] The element name
# @param namespace [String, nil] The namespace of the universal selector.
# `nil` means the default namespace, `""` means no namespace
# @param namespace [String, nil] See \{#namespace}
def initialize(name, namespace)
@name = name
@namespace = namespace
@ -315,10 +485,49 @@ module Sass
def to_a
@namespace ? [@namespace, "|", @name] : [@name]
# Unification of an element selector is somewhat complicated,
# especially when a namespace is specified.
# First, if `sel` contains another {Element} with a different \{#name},
# then the selectors can't be unified and `nil` is returned.
# Otherwise, if `sel` doesn't specify a namespace,
# or it specifies any namespace (via `"*"`),
# then it's returned with this element selector
# (e.g. `.foo` becomes `a.foo` or `svg|a.foo`).
# Similarly, if this selector doesn't specify a namespace,
# the namespace from `sel` is used.
# If both this selector *and* `sel` specify namespaces,
# those namespaces are unified via {Node#unify_namespaces}
# and the unified namespace is used, if possible.
# @todo There are lots of cases that this documentation specifies;
# make sure we thoroughly test **all of them**.
# @todo Keep track of whether a default namespace has been declared
# and handle namespace-unspecified selectors accordingly.
# @see Node#unify
def unify(sels)
case sels.first
when Universal;
when Element; return unless name == sels.first.name
else return [self] + sels
ns, accept = unify_namespaces(namespace, sels.first.namespace)
return unless accept
[Element.new(ns, name)] + sels[1..-1]
# Selector interpolation (`#{}` in Sass).
class Interpolation < Node
# The script to run.
# @return [Sass::Script::Node]
attr_reader :script
# @param script [Sass::Script::Node] The script to run
def initialize(script)
@script = script
@ -328,15 +537,49 @@ module Sass
def to_a
# Always raises an exception.
# @raise [Sass::SyntaxError] Interpolation selectors should be resolved before unification
# @see Node#unify
def unify(sels)
raise Sass::SyntaxError.new("[BUG] Cannot unify interpolation selectors.")
# An attribute selector (e.g. `[href^="http://"]`).
class Attribute < Node
# The attribute name.
# @return [String]
attr_reader :name
# The attribute namespace.
# `nil` means the default namespace,
# `""` means no namespace,
# `"*"` means any namespace.
# @return [String, nil]
attr_reader :namespace
# The matching operator, e.g. `"="` or `"^="`.
# @return [String]
attr_reader :operator
# The right-hand side of the operator.
# This may include SassScript nodes that will be run during resolution.
# Note that this should not include SassScript nodes
# after resolution has taken place.
# @return [Array<String, Sass::Script::Node>]
attr_reader :value
# @param name [String] The attribute name
# @param namespace [String, nil] The namespace of the universal selector.
# `nil` means the default namespace, `""` means no namespace
# @param namespace [String, nil] See \{#namespace}
# @param operator [String] The matching operator, e.g. `"="` or `"^="`
# @param value [Array<String, Sass::Script::Node>] The left-hand side of the operator
# @param value [Array<String, Sass::Script::Node>] See \{#value}
def initialize(name, namespace, operator, value)
@name = name
@namespace = namespace
@ -357,8 +600,29 @@ module Sass
# A pseudoclass (e.g. `:visited`) or pseudoelement (e.g. `::first-line`) selector.
# It can have arguments (e.g. `:nth-child(2n+1)`).
class Pseudo < Node
# @param type [Symbol] `:class` if this is a pseudoclass,
# `:element` if this is a pseudoelement
# The type of the selector.
# `:class` if this is a pseudoclass selector,
# `:element` if it's a pseudoelement.
# @return [Symbol]
attr_reader :type
# The name of the selector.
# @return [String]
attr_reader :name
# The argument to the selector,
# or `nil` if no argument was given.
# This may include SassScript nodes that will be run during resolution.
# Note that this should not include SassScript nodes
# after resolution has taken place.
# @return [Array<String, Sass::Script::Node>, nil]
attr_reader :arg
# @param type [Symbol] See \{#type}
# @param name [String] The name of the selector
# @param arg [nil, Array<String, Sass::Script::Node>] The argument to the selector,
# or nil if no argument was given
@ -378,6 +642,11 @@ module Sass
# A negation pseudoclass selector (e.g. `:not(.foo)`).
class Negation < Node
# The selector to negate.
# @return [Node]
attr_reader :selector
# @param [Node] The selector to negate
def initialize(selector)
@selector = selector
@ -18,8 +18,28 @@ module Sass::Tree
raise Sass::SyntaxError.new("Can't extend #{seq.to_a.join}: invalid selector")
extends[sseq] ||= []
parent.resolved_rules.members.each {|seq| extends[sseq] << seq}
if sseq.members.size > 1
raise Sass::SyntaxError.new("Can't extend #{seq.to_a.join}: (currently) can't extend long selectors")
sel = sseq.members.first
extends[sel] ||= []
parent.resolved_rules.members.each do |seq|
if seq.members.size > 1
raise Sass::SyntaxError.new("#{seq.to_a.join} can't extend: nested selectors can't extend")
sseq = seq.members.first
if !sseq.is_a?(Sass::Selector::SimpleSequence)
raise Sass::SyntaxError.new("#{seq.to_a.join} can't extend: invalid selector")
if sseq.members.size > 1
raise Sass::SyntaxError.new("#{seq.to_a.join} can't extend: long selectors can't extend ")
extends[sel] << sseq.members.first
@ -125,7 +125,7 @@ module Sass
# @see #to_s
def render
extends = {}
# True if \{#to\_s} will return `nil`;
@ -159,6 +159,24 @@ module Sass
raise e
# Converts a static CSS tree (e.g. the output of \{#cssize})
# into another static CSS tree,
# with the given extensions applied to all relevant {RuleNode}s.
# @todo Link this to the reference documentation on `@extend`
# when such a thing exists.
# @param extends [{Selector::Node => Selector::Node}]
# The extensions to perform on this tree
# @return [Tree::Node] The resulting tree of static CSS nodes.
# @raise [Sass::SyntaxError] Only if there's a programmer error
# and this is not a static CSS tree
def extend(extends)
node = dup
node.children = children.map {|c| c.extend(extends)}
# Converts a static Sass tree (e.g. the output of \{#perform})
# into a static CSS tree.
@ -109,6 +109,15 @@ module Sass::Tree
# Extends this Rule's selector with the given `extends`.
# @see Node#extend
def extend(extends)
node = dup
node.resolved_rules = resolved_rules.extend(extends)
# Computes the CSS for the rule.
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