[Sass] Change around SCSS-for a little.

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Nathan Weizenbaum 2010-03-30 21:54:32 -07:00
parent 603bd9582e
commit 51626cdcab
1 changed files with 90 additions and 68 deletions

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@ -1,14 +1,48 @@
# Intro to SCSS for Sass Users
In Sass 3, a new syntax is available.
This new syntax is called SCSS
and it is an extension of CSS
with the full power of Sass at your disposal.
Sass 3 introduces a new syntax known as SCSS
which is fully compatible with the syntax of CSS3,
while still supporting the full power of Sass.
This means that every valid CSS3 stylesheet
is a valid SCSS file with the same meaning.
In addition, SCSS understands most CSS hacks
and vendor-specific syntax, such as [IE's old `filter` syntax](http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms533754%28VS.85%29.aspx).
Since SCSS is a CSS extension,
everything that works in CSS works in SCSS.
This means that for a Sass user to understand it,
they need only understand how the Sass extensions work.
Most of these, such as variables, parent references, and directives work the same;
the only difference is that SCSS requires semicolons
and brackets instead of newlines and indentation.
For example, a simple rule in Sass:
width: 30%
background-color: #faa
could be converted to SCSS just by adding brackets and semicolons:
#sidebar {
width: 30%;
background-color: #faa;
In addition, SCSS is completely whitespace-insensitive.
That means the above could also be written as:
#sidebar {width: 30%; background-color: #faa}
There are some differences that are slightly more complicated.
These are detailed below.
Note, though, that SCSS uses all the
{file:SASS_CHANGELOG.md#3-0-0-syntax-changes syntax changes in Sass 3},
so make sure you understand those before going forward.
## Nested Selectors
To nest selectors, simply define a new ruleset
inside a selector's ruleset.
inside an existing ruleset:
#sidebar {
a { text-decoration: none; }
@ -23,33 +57,27 @@ so you can also do it like this:
## Nested Properties
To nest properties,
simply create a new property set after the colon:
simply create a new property set
after an existing property's colon:
#footer {
border: {
width: 1px;
color: #ccc;
style: solid;
This compiles to:
#footer {
border-width: 1px;
border-color: #cccccc;
border-style: solid; }
## Semi-colons
Just like in CSS, you can now separate properties with a semi-colon.
a { text-decoration: none; font-weight: bold; }
## Mixins
A Mixin is declared with the @mixin directive:
A mixin is declared with the `@mixin` directive:
@mixin rounded($amount) {
-moz-border-radius: $amount;
@ -57,77 +85,71 @@ A Mixin is declared with the @mixin directive:
border:radius: $amount;
A Mixin is used with the @include directive:
A mixin is used with the `@include` directive:
.box {
border: 3px solid #777;
@include rounded(0.5em);
Existing sass users might complain that this is quite verbose
compared to the = and + special characters used in Sass syntax.
This is true, but CSS is a verbose format already,
This syntax is also available in the indented syntax,
although the old `=` and `+` syntax still works.
This is rather verbose compared to the `=` and `+` characters used in Sass syntax.
This is because the SCSS format is designed for CSS compatibility rather than conciseness,
and creating new syntax when the CSS directive syntax already exists
is unnecessary and might make supporting future versions of CSS more difficult or impossible.
adds new syntax needlessly and
could create incompatibilities with future versions of CSS.
## Variables
## Comments
Note: This is true for the Sass syntax in Sass 3 as well.
Like Sass, SCSS supports both comments that are preserved in the CSS output
and comments that aren't.
However, SCSS's comments are significantly more flexible.
It supports standard multiline CSS comments with `/* */`,
which are preserved where possible in the output.
These comments can have whatever formatting you like;
Sass will do its best to format them nicely.
Variables begin with a dollar sign ($) and can be assigned any legal css identifier.
Like properties in css, the value comes after a colon instead of an equals sign.
SCSS also uses `//` for comments that are thrown away, like Sass.
Unlike Sass, though, `//` comments in SCSS may appear anywhere
and last only until the end of the line.
$sidebar-bg : #f7f;
$sidebar-border-style: solid;
## Defaulting Variables
Note: This is true for the Sass syntax in Sass 3 as well.
If you want to provide a default value for a variable
you can do so with the `!default` modifier.
For example:
$sidebar-bg: #f7f;
$previously-unset: blue !default; // is assigned the value of blue
$sidebar-bg: red !default; // is still #f7f
/* This comment is
* several lines long.
* since it uses the CSS comment syntax,
* it will appear in the CSS output. */
body { color: black; }
In sass, this used to be done with the `||=` assignment operator.
// These comments are only one line long each.
// They won't appear in the CSS output,
// since they use the single-line comment syntax.
a { color: green; }
# No More "Script Context"
is compiled to:
Note: This is true for the Sass syntax in Sass 3 as well.
/* This comment is
* several lines long.
* since it uses the CSS comment syntax,
* it will appear in the CSS output. */
body {
color: black; }
In Sass 2, you could only perform sass script operations in a script context.
That was after a `=` or within `#{}`.
In Sass 3, you can use SassScript in any value context.
And so use of the `=` operator has been deprecated.
However, you can still use `#{}` in all the places where you used to be able to.
a {
color: green; }
## Identifiers & Strings
## `@import`
Note: This is true for the Sass syntax in Sass 3 as well.
The `@import` directive in SCSS functions just like that in Sass,
except that it takes a quoted string to import.
For example, this Sass:
In Sass 2, when the sass parser encountered `solid` in a script context
it would become a string just like if you had typed `"solid"`.
In Sass 2.2 this behavior was deprecated and strings required quotes in all cases --
but strings would drop their quotes when they arrived in the generated css file.
@import themes/dark
@import font.sass
In Sass 3, all of this strangeness is gone.
If it's a string with quotes in Sass,
it'll be a string with quotes in the generated css,
and if it's an identifier without quotes in a sass file,
it'll be an identifier in the generated css file.
If you need to convert a string to an indentifier,
use the unquote() function or the quote() function to convert in the other direction.
would be this SCSS:
One exception: When a string is returned from an interpolated escape,
it is automatically unquoted for you.
This is because interpolation is most commonly used with selectors
and should be largely unnecessary in values in sass 3.
$a-string: "quoted";
$an-ident: unquoted;
my-#{$an-ident} { color: $a-string; } /* my-unquoted { color: "quoted"; } */
my-#{$a-string} { color: $an-ident; } /* my-quoted { color: unquoted; } */
my-#{$a-string} { color: #{$a-string}; } // my-quoted { color: quoted; }
@import "themes/dark";
@import "font.sass";