diff --git a/README.rdoc b/README.rdoc
index ef6499a2..221ef884 100644
--- a/README.rdoc
+++ b/README.rdoc
@@ -231,6 +231,35 @@ becomes:
A comprehensive list of features is in
the documentation for the Sass module.
+== Executables
+The Haml gem includes several executables that are useful
+for dealing with Haml and Sass from the command line.
+=== +haml+
+The +haml+ executable transforms a source Haml file into HTML.
+See haml --help for further information and options.
+=== +sass+
+The +sass+ executable transforms a source Sass file into CSS.
+See sass --help for further information and options.
+=== html2haml
+The html2haml executable attempts to transform HTML,
+optionally with ERB markup, into Haml code.
+Since HTML is so variable, this transformation is not always perfect;
+it's a good idea to have a human check the output of this tool.
+See html2haml --help for further information and options.
+=== css2sass
+The css2sass executable attempts to transform CSS into Sass code.
+This transformation attempts to use Sass nesting where possible.
+See css2sass --help for further information and options.
== Authors
Haml and Sass are designed by Hampton Catlin (hcatlin) and he is the author