Update Sass documentation.

This commit is contained in:
Nathan Weizenbaum 2008-10-12 18:26:09 -07:00
parent a53b2ed03e
commit b59dffc442
2 changed files with 321 additions and 256 deletions

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@ -276,192 +276,6 @@ $LOAD_PATH << dir unless $LOAD_PATH.include?(dir)
# #main +div {
# clear: both; }
# == Constants
# Sass has support for setting document-wide constants.
# They're set using an exclamation mark followed by the name,
# an equals sign, and the value.
# An attribute can then be set to the value of a constant
# by following it with another equals sign.
# For example:
# !main_color = #00ff00
# #main
# :color = !main_color
# :p
# :background-color = !main_color
# :color #000000
# is compiled to:
# #main {
# color: #00ff00; }
# #main p {
# background-color: #00ff00;
# color: #000000; }
# === Arithmetic
# You can even do basic arithmetic with constants.
# Sass recognizes numbers, colors,
# lengths (numbers with units),
# and strings (everything that's not one of the above),
# and various operators that work on various values.
# All the normal arithmetic operators
# (+, -, *, /, %, and parentheses for grouping)
# are defined as usual
# for numbers, colors, and lengths.
# The "+" operator is also defined for Strings
# as the concatenation operator.
# For example:
# !main_width = 10
# !unit1 = em
# !unit2 = px
# !bg_color = #a5f39e
# #main
# :background-color = !bg_color
# p
# :background-color = !bg_color + #202020
# :width = !main_width + !unit1
# img.thumb
# :width = (!main_width + 15) + !unit2
# is compiled to:
# #main {
# background-color: #a5f39e; }
# #main p {
# background-color: #c5ffbe;
# width: 10em; }
# #main img.thumb {
# width: 25em; }
# === Colors
# Colors may be written as three- or six-digit hex numbers prefixed
# by a pound sign (#), or as HTML4 color names. For example,
# "#ff0", "#ffff00" and "yellow" all refer to the same color.
# Not only can arithmetic be done between colors and other colors,
# but it can be done between colors and normal numbers.
# In this case, the operation is done piecewise one each of the
# Red, Green, and Blue components of the color.
# For example:
# !main_color = #a5f39e
# #main
# :background-color = !main_color
# p
# :background-color = !main_color + 32
# is compiled to:
# #main {
# background-color: #a5f39e; }
# #main p {
# background-color: #c5ffbe; }
# === Strings
# Strings are the type that's used by default
# when an element in a bit of constant arithmetic isn't recognized
# as another type of constant.
# However, they can also be created explicitly be wrapping a section of code with quotation marks.
# Inside the quotation marks,
# a backslash can be used to
# escape quotation marks that you want to appear in the CSS.
# For example:
# !content = "Hello, \"Hubert\" Bean."
# #main
# :content = "string(" + !content + ")"
# is compiled to:
# #main {
# content: string(Hello, "Hubert" Bean.) }
# === Optional Assignment
# You can assign Sass constants if they aren't already assigned
# using the ||= assignment operator.
# This means that if the constant has already been assigned to,
# it won't be re-assigned,
# but if it doesn't have a value yet,
# it will be given one.
# For example:
# !content = "First content"
# !content ||= "Second content?"
# #main
# content = content
# is compiled to:
# #main {
# content: First content; }
# However,
# !content ||= "Second content?"
# #main
# content = content
# is compiled to:
# #main {
# content: Second content?; }
# === Default Concatenation
# All those plusses and quotes for concatenating strings
# can get pretty messy, though.
# Most of the time, if you want to concatenate stuff,
# you just want individual values with spaces in between them.
# Thus, in Sass, when two values are next to each other without an operator,
# they're simply joined with a space.
# For example:
# !font_family = "sans-serif"
# !main_font_size = 1em
# #main
# :font
# :family = !font_family
# :size = !main_font_size
# h6
# :font = italic "small-caps" bold (!main_font_size + 0.1em) !font_family
# is compiled to:
# #main {
# font-family: sans-serif;
# font-size: 1em; }
# #main h6 {
# font: italic small-caps bold 1.1em sans-serif; }
# === Functions
# Functions can be performed on Sass constants using the familiar CSS function syntax.
# For example:
# #main
# :color = hsl(0, 100%, 50%)
# is compiled to:
# #main {
# color: #ff0000; }
# Available functions are defined in Sass::Constant::Functions.
# == Directives
# Directives allow the author to directly issue instructions to the Sass compiler.
@ -473,16 +287,15 @@ $LOAD_PATH << dir unless $LOAD_PATH.include?(dir)
# @import red.sass
# === Import
# === import
# Currently, the only directive is the "import" directive.
# It works in a very similar way to the CSS import directive,
# The "@import" directive works in a very similar way to the CSS import directive,
# and sometimes compiles to a literal CSS "@import".
# Sass can import either other Sass files or plain CSS files.
# If it imports a Sass file,
# not only are the rules from that file included,
# but all constants in that file are made available in the current file.
# but all variables in that file are made available in the current file.
# Sass looks for other Sass files in the working directory,
# and the Sass file directory under Rails or Merb.
@ -558,80 +371,223 @@ $LOAD_PATH << dir unless $LOAD_PATH.include?(dir)
# background-color: white; }
# }
# == Comments
# == SassScript
# === Silent Comments
# In addition to the declarative templating system,
# Sass supports a simple language known as SassScript
# for dynamically computing CSS values.
# It's simple to add "silent" comments,
# which don't output anything to the CSS document,
# to a Sass document.
# Simply use the familiar C-style notation for a one-line comment, "//",
# at the normal indentation level and all text following it won't be output.
# === Variables
# The most straightforward way to use SassScript
# is to set and reference variables.
# Variables begin with exclamation marks,
# and are set like so:
# !width = 5em
# You can then refer to them by putting an equals sign
# after your attributes:
# #main
# :width = !width
# === Data Types
# SassScript supports four data types:
# * numbers (e.g. <tt>1.2</tt>, <tt>13</tt>, <tt>10px</tt>)
# * strings of text (e.g. <tt>"foo"</tt>, <tt>"bar"</tt>)
# * colors (e.g. +blue+, <tt>##04a3f9</tt>)
# * booleans (e.g. +true+, +false+)
# Any text that doesn't fit into one of those types
# automatically becomes a string,
# so that your SassScript can look like your normal CSS values:
# p
# :border = !width solid blue
# is compiled to:
# p {
# border: 5em 1px #0000ff; }
# === Operations
# SassScript supports the standard arithmetic operations on numbers
# (<tt>+</tt>, <tt>-</tt>, <tt>*</tt>, <tt>/</tt>, <tt>%</tt>),
# and will automatically convert between units if it can:
# p
# :width = 1in + 8pt
# is compiled to:
# p {
# width: 1.111in; }
# Relational operators
# (<tt><</tt>, <tt>></tt>, <tt><=</tt>, <tt>>=</tt>)
# are also supported for numbers,
# and equality operators
# (<tt>==</tt>, <tt>!=</tt>)
# are supported for all types.
# Most arithmetic operations are supported for color values,
# where they work piecewise:
# p
# :color = #010203 + #040506
# is compiled to:
# p {
# color: #050709; }
# Some arithmetic operations even work between numbers and colors:
# p
# :color = #010203 * 2
# is compiled to:
# p {
# color: #020406; }
# The <tt>+</tt> operation can be used to concatenate strings:
# p
# :cursor = "e" + "-resize"
# is compiled to:
# p {
# cursor: e-resize; }
# Finally, SassScript supports @and@, @or@, and @not@ operators
# for boolean values.
# === Parentheses
# Parentheses can be used to affect the order of operations:
# p
# :width = 1em + (2em * 3)
# is compiled to:
# p {
# width: 7em; }
# === Functions
# SassScript defines some useful functions (see Sass::Constant::Functions)
# that are called using the normal CSS function syntax:
# p
# :color = hsl(0, 100%, 50%)
# is compiled to:
# #main {
# color: #ff0000; }
# === Interpolation
# You can also use SassScript variables in selectors
# and attribute names using #{} interpolation syntax:
# !name = foo
# !attr = border
# p.#{!name}
# #{attr}-color: blue
# is compiled to:
# p.foo {
# border-color: blue; }
# === Optional Assignment
# You can assign to variables if they aren't already assigned
# using the ||= assignment operator.
# This means that if the variable has already been assigned to,
# it won't be re-assigned,
# but if it doesn't have a value yet,
# it will be given one.
# For example:
# // A very awesome rule.
# #awesome.rule
# // An equally awesome attribute.
# :awesomeness very
# !content = "First content"
# !content ||= "Second content?"
# becomes
# #main
# content = content
# #awesome.rule {
# awesomeness: very; }
# is compiled to:
# You can also nest text beneath a comment to comment out a whole block.
# #main {
# content: First content; }
# However,
# !content ||= "Second content?"
# #main
# content = content
# is compiled to:
# #main {
# content: Second content?; }
# == Control Structures
# SassScript supports basic control structures for looping and conditionals
# using the same syntax as directives.
# === if
# The "@if" statement takes a SassScript expression
# and prints the code nested beneath it if the expression returns
# anything other than +false+:
# p
# @if 1 + 1 == 2
# :border 1px solid
# @if 5 < 3
# :border 2px dotted
# is compiled to:
# p {
# border: 1px solid; }
# === for
# The "@for" statement has two forms:
# "@for <var> from <start> to <end>" or
# "@for <var> from <start> through <end>".
# <var> is a variable name, like <tt>!i</tt>,
# and <start> and <end> are SassScript expressions
# that should return integers.
# The "@for" statement sets <var> to each number
# from <start> to <end>,
# including <end> if "through" is used.
# For example:
# // A very awesome rule
# #awesome.rule
# // Don't use these attributes
# color: green
# font-size: 10em
# color: red
# @for !i from 1 through 3
# .item-#{!i}
# :width = 2em * !i
# becomes
# is compiled to:
# #awesome.rule {
# color: red; }
# === Loud Comments
# "Loud" comments are just as easy as silent ones.
# These comments output to the document as CSS comments,
# and thus use the same opening sequence: "/*".
# For example:
# /* A very awesome rule.
# #awesome.rule
# /* An equally awesome attribute.
# :awesomeness very
# becomes
# /* A very awesome rule. */
# #awesome.rule {
# /* An equally awesome attribute. */
# awesomeness: very; }
# You can also nest content beneath loud comments. For example:
# #pbj
# /* This rule describes
# the styling of the element
# that represents
# a peanut butter and jelly sandwich.
# :background-image url(/images/pbj.png)
# :color red
# becomes
# #pbj {
# /* This rule describes
# * the styling of the element
# * that represents
# * a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. */
# background-image: url(/images/pbj.png);
# color: red; }
# .item-1 {
# width: 2em; }
# .item-2 {
# width: 4em; }
# .item-3 {
# width: 6em; }
# == Mixins
@ -710,6 +666,116 @@ $LOAD_PATH << dir unless $LOAD_PATH.include?(dir)
# +highlighted-background
# +header-text
# === Arguments
# Mixins can take arguments which can be used with SassScript:
# =sexy-border(!color)
# :border
# :color = !color
# :width 1in
# :style dashed
# p
# +sexy-border(blue)
# is compiled to:
# p {
# border-color: #0000ff;
# border-width: 1in;
# border-style: dashed; }
# Mixins can also specify default values for their arguments:
# =sexy-border(!color, !width = 1in)
# :border
# :color = !color
# :width = !width
# :style dashed
# p
# +sexy-border(blue)
# is compiled to:
# p {
# border-color: #0000ff;
# border-width: 1in;
# border-style: dashed; }
# == Comments
# === Silent Comments
# It's simple to add "silent" comments,
# which don't output anything to the CSS document,
# to a Sass document.
# Simply use the familiar C-style notation for a one-line comment, "//",
# at the normal indentation level and all text following it won't be output.
# For example:
# // A very awesome rule.
# #awesome.rule
# // An equally awesome attribute.
# :awesomeness very
# becomes
# #awesome.rule {
# awesomeness: very; }
# You can also nest text beneath a comment to comment out a whole block.
# For example:
# // A very awesome rule
# #awesome.rule
# // Don't use these attributes
# color: green
# font-size: 10em
# color: red
# becomes
# #awesome.rule {
# color: red; }
# === Loud Comments
# "Loud" comments are just as easy as silent ones.
# These comments output to the document as CSS comments,
# and thus use the same opening sequence: "/*".
# For example:
# /* A very awesome rule.
# #awesome.rule
# /* An equally awesome attribute.
# :awesomeness very
# becomes
# /* A very awesome rule. */
# #awesome.rule {
# /* An equally awesome attribute. */
# awesomeness: very; }
# You can also nest content beneath loud comments. For example:
# #pbj
# /* This rule describes
# the styling of the element
# that represents
# a peanut butter and jelly sandwich.
# :background-image url(/images/pbj.png)
# :color red
# becomes
# #pbj {
# /* This rule describes
# * the styling of the element
# * that represents
# * a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. */
# background-image: url(/images/pbj.png);
# color: red; }
# == Output Style

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@ -24,9 +24,8 @@ module Sass::Constant
# Creates a Sass::Constant::Color object from hue, saturation, and lightness.
# As per the CSS3 spec (http://www.w3.org/TR/css3-color/#hsl-color),
# the units of hue are taken to be degrees,
# and the units of saturation and lightness are taken to be percentages.
# THis is not validated, though.
# hue is in degrees,
# and saturation and lightness are percentages.
def hsl(h, s, l)
# This algorithm is from http://www.w3.org/TR/css3-color#hsl-color
h, s, l = [h, s, l].map { |a| a.value }