translated back to the view because of the way that instance variables are handled.
Included the tests to prove its fixed.
git-svn-id: svn:// 7063305b-7217-0410-af8c-cdc13e5119b9
Simplified (in a way I didn't initially want) the flattening procedure. However, it helps the tests pass and that's a Good Thing.
Now for speed tests and playing with globalize.
git-svn-id: svn:// 7063305b-7217-0410-af8c-cdc13e5119b9
Also, created tests for the propper "flattening" of whitespace-active-areas and created most of the code.
However, it is to be noted in this release... TESTS ARE BROKEN.
The flattening needs some love still. And the testing needs to get expanded further. I thought this would be easy,
turns out its a bit of a bitch.
git-svn-id: svn:// 7063305b-7217-0410-af8c-cdc13e5119b9