require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/helpers' require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/buffer' module Haml # This is the class where all the parsing and processing of the HAML # template is done. It can be directly used by the user by creating a # new instance and calling to_html to render the template. For example: # # template = File.load('templates/really_cool_template.haml') # haml_engine = # output = haml_engine.to_html # puts output class Engine include Haml::Helpers # Allow access to the precompiled template attr_reader :precompiled # Allow reading and writing of the options hash attr :options, true # Designates an XHTML/XML element. ELEMENT = '%'[0] # Designates a
element with the given class. DIV_CLASS = '.'[0] # Designates a
element with the given id. DIV_ID = '#'[0] # Designates an XHTML/XML comment. COMMENT = '/'[0] # Designates an XHTML doctype. DOCTYPE = '!'[0] # Designates script, the result of which is output. SCRIPT = '='[0] # Designates script, the result of which is flattened and output. FLAT_SCRIPT = '~'[0] # Designates script which is run but not output. SILENT_SCRIPT = '-'[0] # When following SILENT_SCRIPT, designates a comment that is not output. SILENT_COMMENT = '#'[0] # Designates a non-parsed line. Not actually a character. PLAIN_TEXT = -1 # Keeps track of the ASCII values of the characters that begin a # specially-interpreted line. SPECIAL_CHARACTERS = [ ELEMENT, DIV_CLASS, DIV_ID, COMMENT, DOCTYPE, SCRIPT, FLAT_SCRIPT, SILENT_SCRIPT ] # The value of the character that designates that a line is part # of a multiline string. MULTILINE_CHAR_VALUE = '|'[0] # Characters that designate that a multiline string may be about # to begin. MULTILINE_STARTERS = SPECIAL_CHARACTERS - ["/"[0]] # Keywords that appear in the middle of a Ruby block with lowered # indentation. If a block has been started using indentation, # lowering the indentation with one of these won't end the block. # For example: # # - if foo # %p yes! # - else # %p no! # # The block is ended after %p no!, because else # is a member of this array. MID_BLOCK_KEYWORDS = ['else', 'elsif', 'rescue', 'ensure', 'when'] # Creates a new instace of Haml::Engine to compile the given # template string. See REFERENCE for available options. # #-- # When adding options, remember to add information about them # to REFERENCE! #++ # def initialize(template, options = {}) @options = { :suppress_eval => false, :attr_wrapper => "'" }.merge options @precompiled = @options[:precompiled] @template = template #String @to_close_stack = [] @tabulation = 0 # This is the base tabulation of the currently active # flattened block. -1 signifies that there is no such block. @flat_spaces = -1 # Only do the first round of pre-compiling if we really need to. # They might be passing in the precompiled string. do_precompile if @precompiled.nil? && (@precompiled = end # Processes the template and returns the resulting (X)HTML code as # a string. def to_html(scope =, &block) @scope_object = scope @buffer = # Compile the @precompiled buffer compile &block # Return the result string @buffer.buffer end private #Precompile each line def do_precompile push_silent <<-END def _haml_render _hamlout = @haml_stack[-1] _erbout = _hamlout.buffer END @template.each_with_index do |line, index| spaces, tabs = count_soft_tabs(line) line = line.strip suppress_render = handle_multiline(spaces, tabs, line, index) if !suppress_render && spaces count, line = process_line(spaces, tabs, line, index) end end # Make sure an ending multiline gets closed handle_multiline(0, 0, nil, 0) # Close all the open tags @to_close_stack.length.times { close } push_silent "end" end # Processes a single line of HAML. count does *not* represent the # line number; rather, it represents the tabulation count (the number of # spaces before the line divided by two). # # This method doesn't return anything; it simply processes the line and # adds the appropriate code to @precompiled. def process_line(spaces, count, line, index) if line.length > 0 if count > @to_close_stack.size # Indentation has been increased without a new tag if @latest_command == SILENT_SCRIPT # The indentation was increased after silent script, # it must be a block @to_close_stack.push [:script] end elsif count <= @to_close_stack.size && @to_close_stack.size > 0 # The tabulation has gone down, and it's not because of one of # Ruby's mid-block keywords to_close = @to_close_stack.size - count to_close.times do |i| offset = to_close - 1 - i unless offset == 0 && line.length > 2 && line[0] == SILENT_SCRIPT && MID_BLOCK_KEYWORDS.include?(line[1..-1].split[0]) close end end end end if @flat_spaces != -1 @latest_command = PLAIN_TEXT push_flat(line, spaces) elsif line.length > 0 @latest_command = line[0] case @latest_command when DIV_CLASS, DIV_ID render_div(line, index) when ELEMENT render_tag(line, index) when COMMENT render_comment(line) when SCRIPT push_script(line[1..-1], false, index) when FLAT_SCRIPT push_script(line[1..-1], true, index) when SILENT_SCRIPT sub_line = line[1..-1] unless sub_line[0] == SILENT_COMMENT push_silent(sub_line, index) else @latest_command = SILENT_COMMENT end when DOCTYPE if line[0...3] == '!!!' version, type = line.scan(/!!![\s]*([0-9]\.[0-9])?[\s]*([a-zA-Z]*)/)[0] type = type.downcase if type if version == "1.1" doctype = '' else case type when "strict" doctype = '' when "frameset" doctype = '' else doctype = '' end end push_text doctype else @latest_command = PLAIN_TEXT push_text line end else @latest_command = PLAIN_TEXT push_text line end end end # Deals with all the logic of figuring out whether a given line is # the beginning, continuation, or end of a multiline sequence. Like # process_line, count represents the tabulation, not line # number. # # This returns whether or not the line should be # rendered normally. def handle_multiline(spaces, count, line, index) # Multilines are denoting by ending with a `|` (124) if is_multiline?(line) && @multiline_buffer # A multiline string is active, and is being continued @multiline_buffer += line[0...-1] suppress_render = true elsif is_multiline?(line) && (MULTILINE_STARTERS.include? line[0]) # A multiline string has just been activated, start adding the lines @multiline_buffer = line[0...-1] @multiline_count = count @multiline_index = index @multiline_spaces = spaces suppress_render = true elsif @multiline_buffer # A multiline string has just ended, make line into the result process_line(@multiline_spaces, @multiline_count, @multiline_buffer, @multiline_index) @multiline_buffer = nil suppress_render = false end return suppress_render end # Checks whether or not +line+ is in a multiline sequence. def is_multiline?(line) # ' '[0] == 32 line && line.length > 1 && line[-1] == MULTILINE_CHAR_VALUE && line[-2] == 32 end # Takes @precompiled, a string buffer of Ruby code, and # evaluates it in the context of @scope_object, after preparing # @scope_object. The code in @precompiled populates # @buffer with the compiled XHTML code. def compile(&block) # Set the local variables pointing to the buffer buffer = @buffer @scope_object.instance_eval do @haml_stack ||= @haml_stack.push(buffer) self.class.instance_eval { include Haml::Helpers } class << self attr :haml_lineno end end begin # Evaluate the buffer in the context of the scope object @scope_object.instance_eval @precompiled @scope_object._haml_render &block rescue Exception => e # Get information from the exception and format it so that # Rails can understand it. compile_error = e.message.scan(/\(eval\):([0-9]*):in `[-_a-zA-Z]*': compile error/)[0] filename = "(haml)" if @scope_object.methods.include? "haml_filename" # For some reason that I can't figure out, # @scope_object.methods.include? "haml_filename" && @scope_object.haml_filename # is false when it shouldn't be. Nested if statements work, though. if @scope_object.haml_filename filename = "#{@scope_object.haml_filename}.haml" end end lineno = @scope_object.haml_lineno if compile_error eval_line = compile_error[0].to_i line_marker = @precompiled.split("\n")[0...eval_line].grep(/@haml_lineno = [0-9]*/)[-1] lineno = line_marker.scan(/[0-9]+/)[0].to_i if line_marker end e.backtrace.unshift "#{filename}:#{lineno}" raise e end # Get rid of the current buffer @scope_object.instance_eval do @haml_stack.pop end end # Evaluates text in the context of @scope_object, but # does not output the result. def push_silent(text, index = nil) if index @precompiled << "@haml_lineno = #{index + 1}\n#{text}\n" else # Not really DRY, but probably faster @precompiled << "#{text}\n" end end # Adds text to @buffer with appropriate tabulation # without parsing it. def push_text(text) @precompiled << "_hamlout.push_text(#{text.dump}, #{@tabulation})\n" end # Adds +text+ to @buffer while flattening text. def push_flat(text, spaces) tabulation = spaces - @flat_spaces @precompiled << "_hamlout.push_text(#{text.dump}, #{tabulation > -1 ? tabulation : 0}, true)\n" end # Causes text to be evaluated in the context of # @scope_object and the result to be added to @buffer. # # If flattened is true, Haml::Helpers#find_and_flatten is run on # the result before it is added to @buffer def push_script(text, flattened, index) unless options[:suppress_eval] push_silent("haml_temp = #{text}", index) @precompiled << "haml_temp = _hamlout.push_script(haml_temp, #{@tabulation}, #{flattened})\n" end end # Closes the most recent item in @to_close_stack. def close tag, value = @to_close_stack.pop case tag when :script close_block when :comment close_comment value when :element close_tag value end end # Puts a line in @precompiled that will add the closing tag of # the most recently opened tag. def close_tag(tag) @tabulation -= 1 @flat_spaces = -1 @precompiled << "_hamlout.close_tag(#{tag.dump}, #{@tabulation})\n" end # Closes a Ruby block. def close_block push_silent "end" end # Closes a comment. def close_comment(has_conditional) @tabulation -= 1 push_silent "_hamlout.close_comment(#{has_conditional}, #{@tabulation})" end # Parses a line that will render as an XHTML tag, and adds the code that will # render that tag to @precompiled. def render_tag(line, index) line.scan(/[%]([-:_a-zA-Z0-9]+)([-_a-zA-Z0-9\.\#]*)(\{.*\})?(\[.*\])?([=\/\~]?)?(.*)?/) do |tag_name, attributes, attributes_hash, object_ref, action, value| value = value.to_s case action when '/' atomic = true when '=', '~' parse = true else value = value.strip end flattened = (action == '~') value_exists = !value.empty? attributes_hash = "nil" unless attributes_hash object_ref = "nil" unless object_ref push_silent "_hamlout.open_tag(#{tag_name.inspect}, #{@tabulation}, #{atomic.inspect}, #{value_exists.inspect}, #{attributes.inspect}, #{attributes_hash}, #{object_ref}, #{flattened.inspect})" unless atomic @to_close_stack.push [:element, tag_name] @tabulation += 1 if value_exists if parse push_script(value, flattened, index) else push_text(value) end close elsif flattened # @flat_spaces is the number of indentations in the template # that forms the base of the flattened area @flat_spaces = @to_close_stack.size * 2 end end end end # Renders a line that creates an XHTML tag and has an implicit div because of # . or #. def render_div(line, index) render_tag('%div' + line, index) end # Renders an XHTML comment. def render_comment(line) conditional, content = line.scan(/\/(\[[a-zA-Z0-9 ]*\])?(.*)/)[0] content = content.strip try_one_line = !content.empty? push_silent "_hamlout.open_comment(#{try_one_line}, #{conditional.inspect}, #{@tabulation})" @tabulation += 1 @to_close_stack.push [:comment, !conditional.nil?] if try_one_line push_text content close end end end end