module Haml module Precompiler # Designates an XHTML/XML element. ELEMENT = ?% # Designates a
element with the given class. DIV_CLASS = ?. # Designates a
element with the given id. DIV_ID = ?# # Designates an XHTML/XML comment. COMMENT = ?/ # Designates an XHTML doctype. DOCTYPE = ?! # Designates script, the result of which is output. SCRIPT = ?= # Designates script, the result of which is flattened and output. FLAT_SCRIPT = ?~ # Designates script which is run but not output. SILENT_SCRIPT = ?- # When following SILENT_SCRIPT, designates a comment that is not output. SILENT_COMMENT = ?# # Designates a non-parsed line. ESCAPE = ?\\ # Designates a block of filtered text. FILTER = ?: # Designates a non-parsed line. Not actually a character. PLAIN_TEXT = -1 # Keeps track of the ASCII values of the characters that begin a # specially-interpreted line. SPECIAL_CHARACTERS = [ ELEMENT, DIV_CLASS, DIV_ID, COMMENT, DOCTYPE, SCRIPT, FLAT_SCRIPT, SILENT_SCRIPT, ESCAPE, FILTER ] # The value of the character that designates that a line is part # of a multiline string. MULTILINE_CHAR_VALUE = ?| # Characters that designate that a multiline string may be about # to begin. MULTILINE_STARTERS = SPECIAL_CHARACTERS - [?/] # Keywords that appear in the middle of a Ruby block with lowered # indentation. If a block has been started using indentation, # lowering the indentation with one of these won't end the block. # For example: # # - if foo # %p yes! # - else # %p no! # # The block is ended after %p no!, because else # is a member of this array. MID_BLOCK_KEYWORDS = ['else', 'elsif', 'rescue', 'ensure', 'when'] # The Regex that matches an HTML comment command. COMMENT_REGEX = /\/(\[[\w\s\.]*\])?(.*)/ # The Regex that matches a Doctype command. DOCTYPE_REGEX = /(\d\.\d)?[\s]*([a-z]*)/i # The Regex that matches an HTML tag command. TAG_REGEX = /[%]([-:\w]+)([-\w\.\#]*)(\{.*\})?(\[.*\])?([=\/\~]?)?(.*)?/ # The Regex that matches a literal string or symbol value LITERAL_VALUE_REGEX = /^\s*(:(\w*)|(('|")([^\\\#'"]*?)\4))\s*$/ private # Returns the precompiled string with the preamble and postamble def precompiled_with_ambles(local_names) preamble = < e raise Haml::Engine.add_exception_info(e, #{@precompiled.inspect}, #{@options[:filename].inspect}) end @haml_is_haml = false _hamlout.buffer END preamble + locals_code(local_names) + @precompiled + postamble end def locals_code(names) names = names.keys if Hash == names do |name| "#{name} = _haml_locals[#{name.to_sym.inspect}] || _haml_locals[#{name.to_s.inspect}]" end.join(';') + ';' end Line ="Line", :text, :unstripped, :index, :spaces, :tabs) def precompile @precompiled = '' @merged_text = '' @tab_change = 0 old_line = (@template + "\n-#").each_with_index do |text, index| line = text.strip, text.lstrip.chomp, index line.spaces, line.tabs = count_soft_tabs(text) if line.text.empty? process_indent(old_line) unless !flat? || old_line.text.empty? next unless flat? push_flat(old_line) old_line.text, old_line.unstripped, old_line.spaces = '', '', 0 next end suppress_render = handle_multiline(old_line) unless flat? if old_line.text.nil? || suppress_render old_line = line next end process_indent(old_line) unless old_line.text.empty? if flat? push_flat(old_line) old_line = line next end if old_line.spaces != old_line.tabs * 2 raise"Illegal Indentation: Only two space characters are allowed as tabulation.") end unless old_line.text.empty? || @haml_comment process_line(old_line.text, old_line.index, line.tabs > old_line.tabs && !line.text.empty?) end if !flat? && line.tabs - old_line.tabs > 1 raise"Illegal Indentation: Indenting more than once per line is illegal.") end old_line = line end # Close all the open tags close until @to_close_stack.empty? flush_merged_text end # Processes and deals with lowering indentation. def process_indent(line) return unless line.tabs <= @template_tabs && @template_tabs > 0 to_close = @template_tabs - line.tabs to_close.times { |i| close unless to_close - 1 - i == 0 && mid_block_keyword?(line.text) } end # Processes a single line of Haml. # # This method doesn't return anything; it simply processes the line and # adds the appropriate code to @precompiled. def process_line(text, index, block_opened) @index = index + 1 @block_opened = block_opened case text[0] when DIV_CLASS, DIV_ID: render_div(text) when ELEMENT: render_tag(text) when COMMENT: render_comment(text) when SCRIPT return push_script(unescape_interpolation(text[2..-1].strip), false) if text[1] == SCRIPT push_script(text[1..-1], false) when FLAT_SCRIPT: push_flat_script(text[1..-1]) when SILENT_SCRIPT return start_haml_comment if text[1] == SILENT_COMMENT mbk = mid_block_keyword?(text) push_silent(text[1..-1], !mbk, true) if (@block_opened && !mbk) || text[1..-1].split(' ', 2)[0] == "case" push_and_tabulate([:script]) end when FILTER: start_filtered(text[1..-1].downcase) when DOCTYPE return render_doctype(text) if text[0...3] == '!!!' push_plain text when ESCAPE: push_plain text[1..-1] else push_plain text end end # Returns whether or not the text is a silent script text with one # of Ruby's mid-block keywords. def mid_block_keyword?(text) text.length > 2 && text[0] == SILENT_SCRIPT && MID_BLOCK_KEYWORDS.include?(text[1..-1].split[0]) end # Deals with all the logic of figuring out whether a given line is # the beginning, continuation, or end of a multiline sequence. # # This returns whether or not the line should be # rendered normally. def handle_multiline(line) text = line.text # A multiline string is active, and is being continued if is_multiline?(text) && @multiline @multiline.text << text[0...-1] return true end # A multiline string has just been activated, start adding the lines if is_multiline?(text) && (MULTILINE_STARTERS.include? text[0]) @multiline = text[0...-1], nil, line.index, nil, line.tabs process_indent(line) return true end # A multiline string has just ended, make line into the result if @multiline && !line.text.empty? process_line(@multiline.text, @multiline.index, line.tabs > @multiline.tabs) @multiline = nil end return false end # Checks whether or not +line+ is in a multiline sequence. def is_multiline?(text) text && text.length > 1 && text[-1] == MULTILINE_CHAR_VALUE && text[-2] == ?\s end # Evaluates text in the context of the scope object, but # does not output the result. def push_silent(text, add_index = false, can_suppress = false) flush_merged_text return if can_suppress && options[:suppress_eval] @precompiled << "#haml_lineno: #{@index}\n" if add_index @precompiled << "#{text}\n" end # Adds text to @buffer with appropriate tabulation # without parsing it. def push_merged_text(text, tab_change = 0, try_one_liner = false) @merged_text << "#{' ' * @output_tabs}#{text}" @tab_change += tab_change @try_one_liner = try_one_liner end def push_text(text, tab_change = 0, try_one_liner = false) push_merged_text("#{text}\n", tab_change, try_one_liner) end def flush_merged_text return if @merged_text.empty? @precompiled << "_hamlout.push_text(#{@merged_text.dump}" @precompiled << ", #{@tab_change}" if @tab_change != 0 || @try_one_liner @precompiled << ")\n" @merged_text = '' @tab_change = 0 @try_one_liner = false end # Renders a block of text as plain text. # Also checks for an illegally opened block. def push_plain(text) raise"Illegal Nesting: Nesting within plain text is illegal.") if @block_opened push_text text end # Adds +text+ to @buffer while flattening text. def push_flat(line) tabulation = line.spaces - @flat_spaces tabulation = tabulation > -1 ? tabulation : 0 @filter_buffer << "#{' ' * tabulation}#{line.unstripped}\n" end # Causes text to be evaluated in the context of # the scope object and the result to be added to @buffer. # # If flattened is true, Haml::Helpers#find_and_flatten is run on # the result before it is added to @buffer def push_script(text, flattened, close_tag = nil) flush_merged_text return if options[:suppress_eval] push_silent("haml_temp = #{text}", true) out = "haml_temp = _hamlout.push_script(haml_temp, #{flattened.inspect}, #{close_tag.inspect})\n" if @block_opened push_and_tabulate([:loud, out]) else @precompiled << out end end # Causes text to be evaluated, and Haml::Helpers#find_and_flatten # to be run on it afterwards. def push_flat_script(text) flush_merged_text raise"Tag has no content.") if text.empty? push_script(text, true) end def start_haml_comment return unless @block_opened @haml_comment = true push_and_tabulate([:haml_comment]) end # Closes the most recent item in @to_close_stack. def close tag, value = @to_close_stack.pop case tag when :script: close_block when :comment: close_comment value when :element: close_tag value when :loud: close_loud value when :filtered: close_filtered value when :haml_comment: close_haml_comment end end # Puts a line in @precompiled that will add the closing tag of # the most recently opened tag. def close_tag(tag) @output_tabs -= 1 @template_tabs -= 1 push_text("", -1) end # Closes a Ruby block. def close_block push_silent "end", false, true @template_tabs -= 1 end # Closes a comment. def close_comment(has_conditional) @output_tabs -= 1 @template_tabs -= 1 close_tag = has_conditional ? "" : "-->" push_text(close_tag, -1) end # Closes a loud Ruby block. def close_loud(command) push_silent 'end', false, true @precompiled << command @template_tabs -= 1 end # Closes a filtered block. def close_filtered(filter) @flat_spaces = -1 filtered = if filter == Haml::Filters::Preserve push_silent("_hamlout.buffer << #{filtered.dump} << \"\\n\"\n") else push_text(filtered.rstrip.gsub("\n", "\n#{' ' * @output_tabs}")) end @filter_buffer = nil @template_tabs -= 1 end def close_haml_comment @haml_comment = false @template_tabs -= 1 end # Iterates through the classes and ids supplied through . # and # syntax, and returns a hash with them as attributes, # that can then be merged with another attributes hash. def parse_class_and_id(list) attributes = {} list.scan(/([#.])([-_a-zA-Z0-9]+)/) do |type, property| case type when '.' if attributes['class'] attributes['class'] += " " else attributes['class'] = "" end attributes['class'] += property when '#': attributes['id'] = property end end attributes end def parse_literal_value(text) return nil unless text text.match(LITERAL_VALUE_REGEX) # $2 holds the value matched by a symbol, but is nil for a string match # $5 holds the value matched by a string $2 || $5 end def parse_static_hash(text) return {} unless text && inner = text.scan(/^\{(.*)\}$/)[0] attributes = {} inner[0].split(',').each do |attrib| key, value, more = attrib.split('=>') # Make sure the key and value and only the key and value exist # Otherwise, it's too complicated and we'll defer it to the actual Ruby parser key = parse_literal_value key value = parse_literal_value value return nil if more || key.nil? || value.nil? attributes[key] = value end attributes end # This is a class method so it can be accessed from Buffer. def self.build_attributes(attr_wrapper, attributes = {}) quote_escape = attr_wrapper == '"' ? """ : "'" other_quote_char = attr_wrapper == '"' ? "'" : '"' result = attributes.collect do |attr, value| next if value.nil? value = value.to_s this_attr_wrapper = attr_wrapper if value.include? attr_wrapper if value.include? other_quote_char value = value.gsub(attr_wrapper, quote_escape) else this_attr_wrapper = other_quote_char end end " #{attr}=#{this_attr_wrapper}#{value}#{this_attr_wrapper}" end result.compact.sort.join end def prerender_tag(name, atomic, attributes) "<#{name}#{Precompiler.build_attributes(@options[:attr_wrapper], attributes)}#{atomic ? ' />' : '>'}" end # Parses a line that will render as an XHTML tag, and adds the code that will # render that tag to @precompiled. def render_tag(line) raise"Invalid tag: \"#{line}\"") unless match = line.scan(TAG_REGEX)[0] tag_name, attributes, attributes_hash, object_ref, action, value = match value = value.to_s.strip raise"Illegal element: classes and ids must have values.") if attributes =~ /[\.#](\.|#|\z)/ case action when '/': atomic = true when '~': parse = flattened = true when '=': parse = true value = unescape_interpolation(value[1..-1].strip) if value[0] == ?= end if parse && @options[:suppress_eval] parse = false value = '' end object_ref = "nil" if object_ref.nil? || @options[:suppress_eval] static_attributes = parse_static_hash(attributes_hash) # Try pre-compiling a static attributes hash attributes_hash = "{nil}" if attributes_hash.nil? || static_attributes || @options[:suppress_eval] attributes = parse_class_and_id(attributes) Buffer.merge_attrs(attributes, static_attributes) if static_attributes raise"Illegal Nesting: Nesting within an atomic tag is illegal.") if @block_opened && atomic raise"Illegal Nesting: Nesting within a tag that already has content is illegal.") if @block_opened && !value.empty? raise"Tag has no content.") if parse && value.empty? raise"Atomic tags can't have content.") if atomic && !value.empty? atomic = true if !@block_opened && value.empty? && @options[:autoclose].include?(tag_name) if object_ref == "nil" && attributes_hash == "{nil}" && !flattened && (parse || Buffer.one_liner?(value)) # This means that we can render the tag directly to text and not process it in the buffer tag_closed = !value.empty? && Buffer.one_liner?(value) && !parse open_tag = prerender_tag(tag_name, atomic, attributes) open_tag << "#{value}" if tag_closed open_tag << "\n" unless parse push_merged_text(open_tag, tag_closed || atomic ? 0 : 1, parse) return if tag_closed else flush_merged_text content = value.empty? || parse ? 'nil' : value.dump push_silent "_hamlout.open_tag(#{tag_name.inspect}, #{atomic.inspect}, #{(!value.empty?).inspect}, #{attributes.inspect}, #{object_ref}, #{content}, #{attributes_hash[1...-1]})", true end return if atomic if value.empty? push_and_tabulate([:element, tag_name]) @output_tabs += 1 return end if parse flush_merged_text push_script(value, flattened, tag_name) end end # Renders a line that creates an XHTML tag and has an implicit div because of # . or #. def render_div(line) render_tag('%div' + line) end # Renders an XHTML comment. def render_comment(line) conditional, content = line.scan(COMMENT_REGEX)[0] content.strip! conditional << ">" if conditional if @block_opened && !content.empty? raise'Illegal Nesting: Nesting within a tag that already has content is illegal.') end open = "" : "-->"}") end push_text(open, 1) @output_tabs += 1 push_and_tabulate([:comment, !conditional.nil?]) unless content.empty? push_text(content) close end end # Renders an XHTML doctype or XML shebang. def render_doctype(line) raise"Illegal Nesting: Nesting within a header command is illegal.") if @block_opened push_text text_for_doctype(line) end def text_for_doctype(text) text = text[3..-1].lstrip.downcase if text[0...3] == "xml" wrapper = @options[:attr_wrapper] return "" end version, type = text.scan(DOCTYPE_REGEX)[0] if version == "1.1" return '' end case type when "strict": return '' when "frameset": return '' else return '' end end # Starts a filtered block. def start_filtered(name) raise'Filters must have nested text.') unless @block_opened unless filter = options[:filters][name] if filter == 'redcloth' || filter == 'markdown' || filter == 'textile' raise"You must have the RedCloth gem installed to use \"#{name}\" filter") end raise"\"#{name}\" filter is not defined!") end push_and_tabulate([:filtered, filter]) @flat_spaces = @template_tabs * 2 @filter_buffer = end def unescape_interpolation(str) first = str.index(/(^|[^\\])\#\{/) return str.dump if first.nil? first += 1 unless first == 0 last = str.rindex '}' interpolation = str.slice!(first, last - first) str.insert(first, "_haml_interpolation") str = str.dump str.gsub("_haml_interpolation", interpolation) end # Counts the tabulation of a line. def count_soft_tabs(line) spaces = line.index(/[^ ]/) if line[spaces] == ?\t return nil if line.strip.empty? raise"Illegal Indentation: Only two space characters are allowed as tabulation.") end [spaces, spaces/2] end # Pushes value onto @to_close_stack and increases # @template_tabs. def push_and_tabulate(value) @to_close_stack.push(value) @template_tabs += 1 end def flat? @flat_spaces != -1 end end end