require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../sass' require 'sass/tree/node' require 'strscan' module Sass # :stopdoc: module Tree class Node def to_sass result = '' children.each do |child| result << "#{child.to_sass(0)}\n" end result end end class ValueNode def to_sass(tabs) "#{value}\n" end end class RuleNode def to_sass(tabs) str = "#{' ' * tabs}#{rule}\n" children.each do |child| str << "#{child.to_sass(tabs + 1)}" end str end end class AttrNode def to_sass(tabs) "#{' ' * tabs}:#{name} #{value}\n" end end end # This class is based on the Ruby 1.9 ordered hashes. # It keeps the semantics and most of the efficiency of normal hashes # while also keeping track of the order in which elements were set. class OrderedHash Node ='Node', :key, :value, :next) include Enumerable def initialize @hash = {} end def [](key) @hash[key] && @hash[key].value end def []=(key, value) node =, value, nil) if @first.nil? @first = @last = node else = node @last = node end @hash[key] = node value end def each return unless @first yield [@first.key, @first.value] node = @first yield [node.key, node.value] while node = self end def values { |k, v| v } end end # :startdoc: # This class contains the functionality used in the +css2sass+ utility, # namely converting CSS documents to Sass templates. class CSS # Creates a new instance of Sass::CSS that will compile the given document # to a Sass string when +render+ is called. def initialize(template) if template.is_a? IO template = end @template = end # Processes the document and returns the result as a string # containing the CSS template. def render begin build_tree.to_sass rescue Exception => err line = @template.string[0...@template.pos].split("\n").size err.backtrace.unshift "(css):#{line}" raise err end end private def build_tree root = whitespace directives root rules root expand_commas root nest_rules root flatten_rules root fold_commas root root end def directives(root) while @template.scan(/@/) name = @template.scan /[^\s;]+/ whitespace value = @template.scan /[^;]+/ assert_match /;/ whitespace if name == "import" && value =~ /^(url\()?"?([^\s\(\)\"]+)\.css"?\)?$/ value = $2 end root <<"@#{name} #{value};", nil) end end def rules(root) rules = [] while @template.scan(/[^\{\s]+/) rules << @template[0] whitespace if @template.scan(/\{/) result =' '), nil) root << result rules = [] whitespace attributes(result) end end end def attributes(rule) while @template.scan(/[^:\}\s]+/) name = @template[0] whitespace assert_match /:/ value = '' while @template.scan(/[^;\s\}]+/) value << @template[0] << whitespace end assert_match /(;|(?=\}))/ rule <<, value, nil) end assert_match /\}/ end def whitespace space = @template.scan(/\s*/) || '' # If we've hit a comment, # go past it and look for more whitespace if @template.scan(/\/\*/) @template.scan_until(/\*\//) return space + whitespace end return space end def assert_match(re) if !@template.scan(re) raise"Invalid CSS!") end whitespace end # Transform # # foo, bar, baz # color: blue # # into # # foo # color: blue # bar # color: blue # baz # color: blue # # Yes, this expands the amount of code, # but it's necessary to get nesting to work properly. def expand_commas(root)! do |child| next child unless Tree::RuleNode === child && child.rule.include?(',') child.rule.split(',').map do |rule| node =, nil) node.children = child.children node end end root.children.flatten! end # Nest rules so that # # foo # color: green # foo bar # color: red # foo baz # color: blue # # becomes # # foo # color: green # bar # color: red # baz # color: blue # def nest_rules(root) rules = { |c| Tree::RuleNode === c }.each do |child| root.children.delete child first, rest = child.rule.split(' ', 2) rules[first] ||=, nil) if rest child.rule = rest rules[first] << child else rules[first].children += child.children end end rules.values.each { |v| nest_rules(v) } root.children += rules.values end # Flatten rules so that # # foo # bar # baz # color: red # # becomes # # foo bar baz # color: red # def flatten_rules(root) root.children.each { |child| flatten_rule(child) if child.is_a?(Tree::RuleNode) } end def flatten_rule(rule) while rule.children.size == 1 && rule.children.first.is_a?(Tree::RuleNode) child = rule.children.first rule.rule = "#{rule.rule} #{child.rule}" rule.children = child.children end flatten_rules(rule) end # Transform # # foo # bar # color: blue # baz # color: blue # # into # # foo # bar, baz # color: blue # def fold_commas(root) prev_rule = nil! do |child| next child unless Tree::RuleNode === child if prev_rule && prev_rule.children == child.children prev_rule.rule << ", #{child.rule}" next nil end fold_commas(child) prev_rule = child child end root.children.compact! end end end