require 'sass/tree/node' require 'sass/tree/value_node' require 'sass/tree/rule_node' require 'sass/tree/comment_node' require 'sass/tree/attr_node' require 'sass/constant' require 'sass/error' module Sass # This is the class where all the parsing and processing of the Sass # template is done. It can be directly used by the user by creating a # new instance and calling render to render the template. For example: # # template = File.load('stylesheets/sassy.sass') # sass_engine = # output = sass_engine.render # puts output class Engine # The character that begins a CSS attribute. ATTRIBUTE_CHAR = ?: # The character that designates that # an attribute should be assigned to the result of constant arithmetic. SCRIPT_CHAR = ?= # The character that designates the beginning of a comment, # either Sass or CSS. COMMENT_CHAR = ?/ # The character that follows the general COMMENT_CHAR and designates a Sass comment, # which is not output as a CSS comment. SASS_COMMENT_CHAR = ?/ # The character that follows the general COMMENT_CHAR and designates a CSS comment, # which is embedded in the CSS document. CSS_COMMENT_CHAR = ?* # The regex that matches attributes. ATTRIBUTE = /:([^\s=]+)\s*(=?)\s*(.*)/ # Creates a new instace of Sass::Engine that will compile the given # template string when render is called. # See README for available options. # #-- # # TODO: Add current options to REFRENCE. Remember :filename! # # When adding options, remember to add information about them # to README! #++ # def initialize(template, options={}) @options = { :style => :nested }.merge! options @template = template.split("\n") @lines = [] @constants = {} end # Processes the template and returns the result as a string. def render begin split_lines root =[:style]) index = 0 while @lines[index] child, index = build_tree(index) if child.is_a? Tree::Node child.line = index root << child end end @line = nil root.to_s rescue SyntaxError => err err.add_backtrace_entry(@options[:filename]) raise err end end alias_method :to_css, :render private # Readies each line in the template for parsing, # and computes the tabulation of the line. def split_lines old_tabs = 0 @template.each_with_index do |line, index| @line = index + 1 tabs = count_tabs(line) if line[0] == COMMENT_CHAR && line[1] == SASS_COMMENT_CHAR tabs = old_tabs end if tabs # if line isn't blank if tabs - old_tabs > 1 raise"Illegal Indentation: Only two space characters are allowed as tabulation.", @line) end @lines << [line.strip, tabs] old_tabs = tabs else @lines << ['//', old_tabs] end end @line = nil end # Counts the tabulation of a line. def count_tabs(line) spaces = line.index(/[^ ]/) if spaces if spaces % 2 == 1 || line[spaces] == ?\t raise"Illegal Indentation: Only two space characters are allowed as tabulation.", @line) end spaces / 2 else nil end end def build_tree(index) line, tabs = @lines[index] index += 1 @line = index node = parse_line(line) # Node is nil if it's non-outputting, like a constant assignment return node, index unless node.is_a? Tree::Node has_children = has_children?(index, tabs) while has_children child, index = build_tree(index) if child == :constant raise"Constants may only be declared at the root of a document.", @line) elsif child.is_a? Tree::Node child.line = @line node << child end has_children = has_children?(index, tabs) end return node, index end def has_children?(index, tabs) next_line = @lines[index] next_line && next_line[1] > tabs end def parse_line(line) case line[0] when ATTRIBUTE_CHAR parse_attribute(line) when Constant::CONSTANT_CHAR parse_constant(line) when COMMENT_CHAR parse_comment(line) else, @options[:style]) end end def parse_attribute(line) name, eq, value = line.scan(ATTRIBUTE)[0] if name.nil? || value.nil? raise"Invalid attribute: \"#{line}\"", @line) end if eq[0] == SCRIPT_CHAR value = Sass::Constant.parse(value, @constants, @line).to_s end, value, @options[:style]) end def parse_constant(line) name, value = line.scan(Sass::Constant::MATCH)[0] unless name && value raise"Invalid constant: \"#{line}\"", @line) end @constants[name] = Sass::Constant.parse(value, @constants, @line) :constant end def parse_comment(line) if line[1] == SASS_COMMENT_CHAR :comment elsif line[1] == CSS_COMMENT_CHAR, @options[:style]) else, @options[:style]) end end end end