#!/usr/bin/env ruby require 'test/unit' require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../../lib/haml' require 'haml/engine' class EngineTest < Test::Unit::TestCase def render(text, options = {}) Haml::Engine.new(text, options).to_html end def test_empty_render_should_remain_empty assert_equal('', render('')) end # This is ugly because Hashes are unordered; we don't always know the order # in which attributes will be returned. # There is probably a better way to do this. def test_attributes_should_render_correctly assert_equal("
", render("%p{:class => 1+2} foo").chomp) end def test_nil_should_render_empty_tag assert_equal("Hello
", render('%p Hello').chomp) end def test_long_liner_should_not_print_on_one_line assert_equal("\n
\n", render("%p{ :strange => 'attrs'}", :attr_wrapper => '*')) assert_equal("\n
\n", render("%p{ :escaped => 'quo\"te'}", :attr_wrapper => '"')) assert_equal("\n
\n", render("%p{ :escaped => 'q\\'uo\"te'}", :attr_wrapper => '"')) assert_equal("\n", render("!!! XML", :attr_wrapper => '"')) end def test_locals assert_equal("Paragraph!
\n", render("%p= text", :locals => { :text => "Paragraph!" })) end def test_precompiled precompiled = <<-END def _haml_render _hamlout = @haml_stack[-1] _erbout = _hamlout.buffer _hamlout.open_tag("p", 0, nil, true, "", nil, nil, false) @haml_lineno = 1 haml_temp = "Haml Rocks Socks" haml_temp = _hamlout.push_script(haml_temp, 1, false) _hamlout.close_tag("p", 0) end END assert_equal("Haml Rocks Socks
\n", render("%h1 I shall not be rendered", :precompiled => precompiled)) end def test_comps assert_equal(-1, "foo" <=> nil) assert_equal(1, nil <=> "foo") end def test_rec_merge hash1 = {1=>2, 3=>{5=>7, 8=>9}, 10=>[1, 2, 3]} hash2 = {4=>5, 3=>{5=>2, 16=>12}, 10=>[4, 5, 6]} hash3 = {1=>2, 4=>5, 3=>{5=>2, 8=>9, 16=>12}, 10=>[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]} hash1.rec_merge!(hash2) assert_equal(hash3, hash1) end def test_exception_type begin render("%p hi\n= undefined") rescue Exception => e assert(e.is_a?(Haml::Error)) assert_equal(2, e.haml_line) assert_equal(nil, e.haml_filename) assert_equal('(haml):2', e.backtrace[0]) else # Test failed... should have raised an exception assert(false) end end def test_syntax_errors errs = [ "!!!\n a", "a\n b", "a\n:foo\nb", "/ a\n b", "% a", "%p a\n b", "a\n%p=\nb", "%p=\n a", "a\n%p~\nb", "a\n~\nb", "%p/\n a", "%p\n \t%a b", "%a\n b\nc", "%a\n b\nc", ":notafilter\n This isn't\n a filter!", ".{} a", "\#{} a", ".= 'foo'", ] errs.each do |err| begin render(err) rescue Exception => e assert(e.is_a?(Haml::Error), "#{err.dump} doesn't produce Haml::SyntaxError!") else assert(false, "#{err.dump} doesn't produce an exception!") end end end def test_compile_error begin render("a\nb\n- fee do\nc") rescue Exception => e assert_equal(3, e.haml_line) else assert(false, '"a\nb\n- fee do\nc" doesn\'t produce an exception!') end end def test_no_bluecloth old_markdown = false if defined?(Haml::Filters::Markdown) old_markdown = Haml::Filters::Markdown end Kernel.module_eval do alias_method :haml_old_require, :gem_original_require def gem_original_require(file) raise LoadError if file == 'bluecloth' haml_old_require(file) end end if old_markdown Haml::Filters.instance_eval do remove_const 'Markdown' end end # This is purposefully redundant, so it doesn't stop # haml/filters from being required later on. require 'haml/../haml/filters' assert_equal("- a\n- b
\n", Haml::Engine.new(":markdown\n Foo\n ===\n - a\n - b").to_html) Haml::Filters.instance_eval do remove_const 'Markdown' end Haml::Filters.const_set('Markdown', old_markdown) if old_markdown Kernel.module_eval do alias_method :gem_original_require, :haml_old_require end NOT_LOADED.delete 'bluecloth' end def test_no_redcloth Kernel.module_eval do alias_method :haml_old_require2, :gem_original_require def gem_original_require(file) raise LoadError if file == 'redcloth' haml_old_require2(file) end end # This is purposefully redundant, so it doesn't stop # haml/filters from being required later on. require 'haml/../haml/../haml/filters' begin Haml::Engine.new(":redcloth\n _foo_").to_html rescue Haml::HamlError else assert(false, "No exception raised!") end Kernel.module_eval do alias_method :gem_original_require2, :haml_old_require end NOT_LOADED.delete 'redcloth' end end