require 'sass/constant/literal' module Sass::Constant class Number < Literal # :nodoc: attr_reader :numerator_units, :denominator_units PRECISION = 1000.0 def parse(value) first, second, unit = value.scan(Literal::NUMBER)[0] @value = first.empty? ? second.to_i : "#{first}#{second}".to_f @numerator_units = unit.empty? ? [] : [unit] @denominator_units = [] end def plus(other) if other.is_a? Number operate(other, :+) elsif other.is_a?(Color) else Sass::Constant::String.from_value(self.to_s + other.to_s) end end def minus(other) if other.is_a? Number operate(other, :-) else raise, :minus) end end def unary_minus Number.from_value(-value, numerator_units, denominator_units) end def times(other) if other.is_a? Number self.operate(other, :*) elsif other.is_a? Color other.times(self) else raise, :times) end end def div(other) if other.is_a? Number operate(other, :/) else raise, :div) end end def mod(other) if other.is_a?(Number) unless other.unitless? raise"Cannot modulo by a number with units: #{other.value}#{other.unit_repr}.") end operate(other, :%) else raise, :mod) end end def equals(other) Sass::Constant::Bool.from_value(super.to_bool && self.unit_str == other.unit_str) end def to_s raise"Incompatible units: #{(numerator_units + denominator_units).join(" and ")}.") unless legal_units? value = @value value = if value % 1 == 0.0 value.to_i else (value * PRECISION).round / PRECISION end "#{value}#{unit_str}" end def to_i super unless value % 1 == 0.0 return value end def unitless? numerator_units.size == 0 && denominator_units.size == 0 end def legal_units? (numerator_units.size == 0 || numerator_units.size == 1) && denominator_units.size == 0 end protected def self.from_value(value, numerator_units = nil, denominator_units = nil) instance = super(value) instance.instance_variable_set('@numerator_units', Array(numerator_units)) instance.instance_variable_set('@denominator_units', Array(denominator_units)) instance.send(:normalize!) instance end def operate(other, operation) other.coerce!(operation, numerator_units, denominator_units) v = self.value.send(operation, other.value) Number.from_value(v, *compute_units(other, operation)) rescue ArgumentError raise"Incompatible units: #{unit_repr} and #{other.unit_repr}.") end def coerce!(operation, num_units, den_units) if [:+, :-].include?(operation) @value *= coercion_factor(numerator_units, num_units) @value /= coercion_factor(denominator_units, den_units) @numerator_units = num_units.dup @denominator_units = den_units.dup end end def coercion_factor(from_units, to_units) # get a list of unmatched units from_units = from_units.dup to_units = to_units.dup from_units.each_with_index do |u, i| if (j = to_units.index(u)) && to_units.delete_at(j) from_units.delete_at(i) end end if from_units.size != to_units.size raise elsif (from_units + to_units).any?{|u| CONVERTABLE_UNITS[u].nil?} raise else {|m,p| m * conversion_factor(p[0], p[1]) } end end def compute_units(other, operation) case operation when :* [numerator_units + other.numerator_units, denominator_units + other.denominator_units] when :/ [numerator_units + other.denominator_units, denominator_units + other.numerator_units] else [numerator_units, denominator_units] end end def unit_str rv = numerator_units.join(" * ") if denominator_units.any? rv << " / " rv << denominator_units.join(" * ") end rv end def unit_repr if unitless? "unitless" else unit_str end end def normalize! return if unitless? common_units = numerator_units - (numerator_units - denominator_units) @numerator_units -= common_units @denominator_units -= common_units @denominator_units.each_with_index do |d, i| if CONVERTABLE_UNITS[d] && (num = @numerator_units.detect{|n| CONVERTABLE_UNITS[n] }) @value /= conversion_factor(d, num) @denominator_units.delete_at(i) @numerator_units.delete_at(@numerator_units.index(num)) end end end CONVERTABLE_UNITS = {"mm" => 0,"cm" => 1,"in" => 2,"pt" => 3,"pc" => 4} # mm cm in pt pc CONVERSION_TABLE = [[ 1, 0.1, 0.0393700787, 2.83464567, 0.236220473 ], # mm [ 10, 1, 0.3937007870, 28.3464567, 2.36220473 ], # cm [ 25.4, 2.54, 1, 72, 6 ], # in [ 0.352777778, 0.0352777778, 0.01388888888889, 1, 0.0833333333 ], # pt [ 4.23333333, 0.423333333, 0.166666667, 12, 1 ]] # pc def conversion_factor(from_unit, to_unit) CONVERSION_TABLE[CONVERTABLE_UNITS[from_unit]][CONVERTABLE_UNITS[to_unit]] end end end