!!! XML !!! XML ISO-8859-1 !!! XML UtF-8 Foo bar !!! !!! 1.1 !!! 1.1 Strict !!! Strict foo bar !!! FRAMESET %strong{:apos => "Foo's bar!"} Boo! .render= render :inline => "%em= 'wow!'", :type => :haml = "stuff followed by whitespace" - if true %strong block with whitespace %p \Escape \- character \%p foo \yee\ha / Short comment / This is a really long comment look how long it is it should be on a line of its own don't you think? / This is a block comment cool, huh? %strong there can even be sub-tags! = "Or script!" %p{ :class => "" } class attribute shouldn't appear! /[if lte IE6] conditional comment! /[if gte IE7] %p Block conditional comment %div %h1 Cool, eh? /[if gte IE5.2] Woah a period.