require 'rubygems' require 'rake' volatile_requires = ['rcov/rcovtask'] not_loaded = [] volatile_requires.each do |file| begin require file rescue LoadError not_loaded.push file end end # For some crazy reason, # some Rake tasks interfere with others # (specifically, benchmarking). # Thus, it's advantageous to only show # the task currently being used. def is_task?(*tasks) ARGV[0].nil? || tasks.include?(ARGV[0]) end # ----- Default: Testing ------ desc 'Default: run unit tests.' task :default => :test if is_task?('test', 'default') require 'rake/testtask' desc 'Test the Haml plugin' do |t| t.libs << 'lib' t.pattern = 'test/**/*_test.rb' t.verbose = true end end # ----- Packaging ----- if is_task?('package', 'repackage', 'clobber_package') require 'rake/gempackagetask' spec = do |spec| = 'haml' spec.summary = 'An elegant, structured XHTML/XML templating engine.' spec.version ='VERSION').strip = 'Hampton Catlin' = '' spec.description = <<-END Haml (HTML Abstraction Markup Language) is a layer on top of XHTML or XML that's designed to express the structure of XHTML or XML documents in a non-repetitive, elegant, easy way, using indentation rather than closing tags and allowing Ruby to be embedded with ease. It was originally envisioned as a plugin for Ruby on Rails, but it can function as a stand-alone templating engine. END readmes ='*') do |list| list.exclude(/[a-z]/) list.exclude('TODO') end.to_a spec.executables = ['haml'] spec.files = FileList['lib/**/*', 'bin/*', 'test/**/*', 'Rakefile'].to_a + readmes spec.homepage = '' spec.has_rdoc = true spec.extra_rdoc_files = readmes spec.rdoc_options += [ '--title', 'Haml', '--main', 'REFERENCE', '--exclude', 'lib/haml/buffer.rb', '--line-numbers', '--inline-source' ] spec.test_files = FileList['test/**/*_test.rb'].to_a end { |pkg| } end # ----- Benchmarking ----- if is_task?('benchmark') temp_desc = <