# There's a bizarre error where ActionController tries to load a benchmark file # and ends up finding this. # These declarations then cause it to break. # This only happens when running rcov, though, so we can avoid it. unless $0 =~ /rcov$/ require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../lib/haml' require 'haml' end require 'rubygems' require 'erb' require 'erubis' require 'markaby' require 'benchmark' require 'stringio' require 'open-uri' module Haml # Benchmarks Haml against ERB, Erubis, and Markaby and Sass on its own. def self.benchmark(runs = 100) template_name = 'standard' directory = File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/haml' haml_template = File.read("#{directory}/templates/#{template_name}.haml") erb_template = File.read("#{directory}/rhtml/#{template_name}.rhtml") markaby_template = File.read("#{directory}/markaby/#{template_name}.mab") puts '-'*51, "Haml and Friends: No Caching", '-'*51 times = Benchmark.bmbm do |b| b.report("haml:") { runs.times { Haml::Engine.new(haml_template).render } } b.report("erb:") { runs.times { ERB.new(erb_template, nil, '-').render } } b.report("erubis:") { runs.times { Erubis::Eruby.new(erb_template).result } } b.report("mab:") { runs.times { Markaby::Template.new(markaby_template).render } } end print_result = proc do |s, n| printf "%1$*2$s %3$*4$g", "Haml/#{s}:", -13, times[0].to_a[5] / times[n].to_a[5], -17 printf "%1$*2$s %3$g\n", "#{s}/Haml:", -13, times[n].to_a[5] / times[0].to_a[5] end print_result["ERB", 1] print_result["Erubis", 2] print_result["Markaby", 3] puts '', '-' * 50, 'Haml and Friends: Cached', '-' * 50 obj = Object.new Haml::Engine.new(haml_template).def_method(obj, :haml) erb = ERB.new(erb_template, nil, '-') obj.instance_eval("def erb; #{erb.src}; end") Erubis::Eruby.new(erb_template).def_method(obj, :erubis) times = Benchmark.bmbm do |b| b.report("haml:") { runs.times { obj.haml } } b.report("erb:") { runs.times { obj.erb } } b.report("erubis:") { runs.times { obj.erubis } } end print_result["ERB", 1] print_result["Erubis", 2] puts '', '-' * 50, 'Haml and ERB: Via ActionView', '-' * 50 require 'active_support' require 'action_controller' require 'action_view' require 'haml/template' @base = ActionView::Base.new(File.dirname(__FILE__)) times = Benchmark.bmbm do |b| b.report("haml:") { runs.times { @base.render 'haml/templates/standard' } } b.report("erb:") { runs.times { @base.render 'haml/rhtml/standard' } } end print_result["ERB", 1] puts '', '-' * 50, 'Haml and ERB: Via ActionView with deep partials', '-' * 50 @base = ActionView::Base.new(File.dirname(__FILE__)) times = Benchmark.bmbm do |b| b.report("haml:") { runs.times { @base.render 'haml/templates/action_view' } } b.report("erb:") { runs.times { @base.render 'haml/rhtml/action_view' } } end print_result["ERB", 1] puts '', '-' * 50, 'Sass', '-' * 50 sass_template = File.read("#{File.dirname(__FILE__)}/sass/templates/complex.sass") Benchmark.bmbm do |b| b.report("sass:") { runs.times { Sass::Engine.new(sass_template).render } } end end end