module Haml # This class is used only internally. It holds the buffer of XHTML that # is eventually output by Haml::Engine's to_html method. It's called # from within the precompiled code, and helps reduce the amount of # processing done within instance_eval'd code. class Buffer include Haml::Helpers # Set the maximum length for a line to be considered a one-liner. # Lines <= the maximum will be rendered on one line, # i.e.

Hello world

ONE_LINER_LENGTH = 50 # The string that holds the compiled XHTML. This is aliased as # _erbout for compatibility with ERB-specific code. attr_accessor :buffer # Gets the current tabulation of the document. def tabulation @real_tabs + @tabulation end # Sets the current tabulation of the document. def tabulation=(val) val = val - @real_tabs @tabulation = val > -1 ? val : 0 end # Creates a new buffer. def initialize(options = {}) @options = options @quote_escape = options[:attr_wrapper] == '"' ? """ : "'" @other_quote_char = options[:attr_wrapper] == '"' ? "'" : '"' @buffer = "" @one_liner_pending = false @tabulation = 0 # The number of tabs that Engine thinks we should have # @real_tabs + @tabulation is the number of tabs actually output @real_tabs = 0 end # Renders +text+ with the proper tabulation. This also deals with # making a possible one-line tag one line or not. def push_text(text, tabulation) if @one_liner_pending && Buffer.one_liner?(text) @buffer << text else if @one_liner_pending @buffer << "\n" @one_liner_pending = false end @buffer << "#{tabs(tabulation)}#{text}\n" end end # Properly formats the output of a script that was run in the # instance_eval. def push_script(result, tabulation, flattened) if flattened result = Haml::Helpers.find_and_preserve(result) end unless result.nil? result = result.to_s while result[-1] == 10 # \n # String#chomp is slow result = result[0...-1] end result = result.gsub("\n", "\n#{tabs(tabulation)}") push_text result, tabulation end nil end def open_prerendered_tag(tag, tabulation, try_one_liner, tag_closed) @buffer << "#{tabs(tabulation)}#{tag}" @one_liner_pending = true if try_one_liner @real_tabs += 1 unless tag_closed end # Takes the various information about the opening tag for an # element, formats it, and adds it to the buffer. def open_tag(name, tabulation, atomic, try_one_line, class_id, obj_ref, attributes_hash) attributes = class_id if attributes_hash attributes_hash.keys.each { |key| attributes_hash[key.to_s] = attributes_hash.delete(key) } self.class.merge_attrs(attributes, attributes_hash) end self.class.merge_attrs(attributes, parse_object_ref(obj_ref)) if obj_ref @one_liner_pending = false if atomic str = " />\n" elsif try_one_line @one_liner_pending = true str = ">" else str = ">\n" end @buffer << "#{tabs(tabulation)}<#{name}#{build_attributes(attributes)}#{str}" @real_tabs += 1 end def self.merge_attrs(to, from) if to['id'] && from['id'] to['id'] << '_' << from.delete('id') end if to['class'] && from['class'] # Make sure we don't duplicate class names from['class'] = (from['class'].split(' ') | to['class'].split(' ')).join(' ') end to.merge!(from) end # Creates a closing tag with the given name. def close_tag(name, tabulation) if @one_liner_pending @buffer << "\n" @one_liner_pending = false else push_text("", tabulation) end end # Some of these methods are exposed as public class methods # so they can be re-used in helpers. # Takes a hash and builds a list of XHTML attributes from it, returning # the result. def build_attributes(attributes = {}) result = attributes.collect do |a,v| v = v.to_s unless v.nil? || v.empty? attr_wrapper = @options[:attr_wrapper] if v.include? attr_wrapper if v.include? @other_quote_char v = v.gsub(attr_wrapper, @quote_escape) else attr_wrapper = @other_quote_char end end " #{a}=#{attr_wrapper}#{v}#{attr_wrapper}" end end result.sort.join end # Returns whether or not the given value is short enough to be rendered # on one line. def self.one_liner?(value) value.length <= ONE_LINER_LENGTH && value.scan(/\n/).empty? end private @@tab_cache = {} # Gets count tabs. Mostly for internal use. def tabs(count) @real_tabs = count tabs = count + @tabulation ' ' * tabs @@tab_cache[tabs] ||= ' ' * tabs end # Takes an array of objects and uses the class and id of the first # one to create an attributes hash. def parse_object_ref(ref) ref = ref[0] # Let's make sure the value isn't nil. If it is, return the default Hash. return {} if ref.nil? class_name = underscore(ref.class) id = "#{class_name}_#{ || 'new'}" {'id' => id, 'class' => class_name} end # Changes a word from camel case to underscores. # Based on the method of the same name in Rails' Inflector, # but copied here so it'll run properly without Rails. def underscore(camel_cased_word) camel_cased_word.to_s.gsub(/::/, '_'). gsub(/([A-Z]+)([A-Z][a-z])/,'\1_\2'). gsub(/([a-z\d])([A-Z])/,'\1_\2'). tr("-", "_"). downcase end end end unless String.methods.include? 'old_comp' class String # :nodoc alias_method :old_comp, :<=> def <=>(other) if other.is_a? NilClass -1 else old_comp(other) end end end class NilClass # :nodoc: include Comparable def <=>(other) other.nil? ? 0 : 1 end end end