#!/usr/bin/env ruby require 'test/unit' require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../../lib/sass' require 'sass/engine' class SassEngineTest < Test::Unit::TestCase EXCEPTION_MAP = { "!a = 1 + " => 'Constant arithmetic error: "1 +"', "!a = 1 + 2 +" => 'Constant arithmetic error: "1 + 2 +"', "!a = \"b" => 'Unterminated string: "\\"b"', "!a = #aaa - a" => 'Undefined operation: "#aaaaaa minus a"', "!a = #aaa / a" => 'Undefined operation: "#aaaaaa div a"', "!a = #aaa * a" => 'Undefined operation: "#aaaaaa times a"', "!a = #aaa % a" => 'Undefined operation: "#aaaaaa mod a"', "!a = 1 - a" => 'Undefined operation: "1 minus a"', "!a = 1 * a" => 'Undefined operation: "1 times a"', "!a = 1 / a" => 'Undefined operation: "1 div a"', "!a = 1 % a" => 'Undefined operation: "1 mod a"', ":" => 'Invalid attribute: ":"', ": a" => 'Invalid attribute: ": a"', ":= a" => 'Invalid attribute: ":= a"', "a\n :b" => 'Invalid attribute: ":b "', "a\n :b: c" => 'Invalid attribute: ":b: c"', "a\n :b c;" => 'Invalid attribute: ":b c;" (This isn\'t CSS!)', ":a" => 'Attributes aren\'t allowed at the root of a document.', "!" => 'Invalid constant: "!"', "!a" => 'Invalid constant: "!a"', "! a" => 'Invalid constant: "! a"', "!a b" => 'Invalid constant: "!a b"', "a\n\t:b c" => "Illegal Indentation: Only two space characters are allowed as tabulation.", "a\n :b c" => "Illegal Indentation: Only two space characters are allowed as tabulation.", "a\n :b c" => "Illegal Indentation: Only two space characters are allowed as tabulation.", "a\n :b c\n !d = 3" => "Constants may only be declared at the root of a document.", "!a = 1b + 2c" => "Incompatible units: b and c", "& a\n :b c" => "Base-level rules cannot contain the parent-selector-referencing character '&'", "a\n :b\n c" => "Illegal nesting: Only attributes may be nested beneath attributes.", "!a = b\n :c d\n" => "Illegal nesting: Nothing may be nested beneath constants.", "@import foo.sass" => "File to import not found or unreadable: foo.sass", "@import templates/basic\n foo" => "Illegal nesting: Nothing may be nested beneath import directives.", "foo\n @import templates/basic" => "Import directives may only be used at the root of a document.", "@foo bar boom" => "Unknown compiler directive: \"@foo bar boom\"", } def test_basic_render renders_correctly "basic", { :style => :compact } end def test_alternate_styles renders_correctly "expanded", { :style => :expanded } renders_correctly "compact", { :style => :compact } renders_correctly "nested", { :style => :nested } end def test_exceptions EXCEPTION_MAP.each do |key, value| begin Sass::Engine.new(key).render rescue Sass::SyntaxError => err assert_equal(value, err.message) assert(err.sass_line, "Line: #{key}") assert_match(/\(sass\):[0-9]+/, err.backtrace[0], "Line: #{key}") else assert(false, "Exception not raised for '#{key}'!") end end end def test_exception_line to_render = "rule\n :attr val\n// comment!\n\n :broken\n" begin Sass::Engine.new(to_render).render rescue Sass::SyntaxError => err assert_equal(5, err.sass_line) else assert(false, "Exception not raised for '#{to_render}'!") end end def test_imported_exception [1, 2].each do |i| i = nil if i == 1 begin Sass::Engine.new("@import bork#{i}", :load_paths => [File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/templates/']).render rescue Sass::SyntaxError => err assert_equal(2, err.sass_line) assert_match(/bork#{i}\.sass$/, err.sass_filename) else assert(false, "Exception not raised for imported template: bork#{i}") end end end private def renders_correctly(name, options={}) sass_file = load_file(name, "sass") css_file = load_file(name, "css") css_result = Sass::Engine.new(sass_file, options).render assert_equal css_file, css_result end def load_file(name, type = "sass") @result = '' File.new(File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/#{type == 'sass' ? 'templates' : 'results'}/#{name}.#{type}").each_line { |l| @result += l } @result end end