require 'sass/constant/operation' require 'sass/constant/literal' module Sass module Constant # :nodoc: # The character that begins a constant. CONSTANT_CHAR = ?! # Whitespace characters WHITESPACE = [?\ , ?\t, ?\n, ?\r] # The character used to escape values ESCAPE_CHAR = ?\\ # The character used to open and close strings STRING_CHAR = ?" # A mapping of syntactically-significant characters # to parsed symbols SYMBOLS = { ?( => :open, ?) => :close, ?+ => :plus, ?- => :minus, ?* => :times, ?/ => :div, ?% => :mod, STRING_CHAR => :str, ESCAPE_CHAR => :esc } # The regular expression used to parse constants MATCH = /^#{Regexp.escape(CONSTANT_CHAR.chr)}([^\s#{(SYMBOLS.keys + [ ?= ]).map {|c| Regexp.escape("#{c.chr}") }}]+)\s*=\s*(.+)/ # First-order operations FIRST_ORDER = [:times, :div, :mod] # Second-order operations SECOND_ORDER = [:plus, :minus] class << self def parse(value, constants, line) begin operationalize(parenthesize(tokenize(value)), constants).to_s rescue Sass::SyntaxError => e if e.message == "Constant arithmetic error" e.instance_eval do @message += ": #{value.dump}" end end e.sass_line = line raise e end end private def tokenize(value) escaped = false is_string = false negative_okay = true str = '' to_return = [] reset_str = do to_return << str unless str.empty? '' end value.each_byte do |byte| unless escaped if byte == ESCAPE_CHAR escaped = true next end last = to_return[-1] # Do we need to open or close a string literal? if byte == STRING_CHAR is_string = !is_string # Adjacent strings should be concatenated if is_string && last && (!last.is_a?(Symbol) || last == :close) to_return << :concat end str = next end unless is_string # Are we looking at whitespace? if WHITESPACE.include?(byte) str = next end symbol = SYMBOLS[byte] # Adjacent values without an operator should be concatenated if (symbol.nil? || symbol == :open) && last && (!last.is_a?(Symbol) || last == :close) to_return << :concat end # Are we looking at an operator? if symbol && !(negative_okay && symbol == :minus) && (str.empty? || symbol != :mod) str = negative_okay = true to_return << symbol next end end end escaped = false negative_okay = false str << byte.chr end if is_string raise"Unterminated string: #{value.dump}") end str = to_return end def parenthesize(value) parenthesize_helper(0, value, value.length)[0] end def parenthesize_helper(i, value, value_len) to_return = [] beginning = i token = value[i] while i < value_len && token != :close if token == :open to_return.push(*value[beginning...i]) sub, i = parenthesize_helper(i + 1, value, value_len) beginning = i to_return << sub else i += 1 end token = value[i] end to_return.push(*value[beginning...i]) return to_return, i + 1 end #-- # TODO: Don't pass around original value; # have Constant.parse automatically add it to exception. #++ def operationalize(value, constants) value = [value] unless value.is_a?(Array) length = value.length if length == 1 value = value[0] if value.is_a? Operation value else Literal.parse(insert_constant(value, constants)) end elsif length == 2 raise"Constant arithmetic error") elsif length == 3[0], constants), operationalize(value[2], constants), value[1]) else if SECOND_ORDER.include?(value[1]) && FIRST_ORDER.include?(value[3]) operationalize([value[0], value[1], operationalize(value[2..4], constants), *value[5..-1]], constants) else operationalize([operationalize(value[0..2], constants), *value[3..-1]], constants) end end end def insert_constant(value, constants) to_return = value if value[0] == CONSTANT_CHAR to_return = constants[value[1..-1]] unless to_return raise"Undefined constant: \"#{value}\"") end end to_return end end end end