#!/usr/bin/env ruby times = (ARGV.first || 1000).to_i if times == 0 # Invalid parameter puts <=2.1.0 base = ActionView::Base.new base.finder.append_view_path(File.dirname(__FILE__)) base end def render(view, file) view.render :file => file end RBench.run(times) do column :haml, :title => "Haml" column :haml_ugly, :title => "Haml :ugly" column :erb, :title => "ERB" column :erubis, :title => "Erubis" template_name = 'standard' directory = File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/haml' haml_template = File.read("#{directory}/templates/#{template_name}.haml") erb_template = File.read("#{directory}/erb/#{template_name}.erb") report "Cached" do obj = Object.new Haml::Engine.new(haml_template).def_method(obj, :haml) Haml::Engine.new(haml_template, :ugly => true).def_method(obj, :haml_ugly) Erubis::Eruby.new(erb_template).def_method(obj, :erubis) obj.instance_eval("def erb; #{ERB.new(erb_template, nil, '-').src}; end") haml { obj.haml } haml_ugly { obj.haml_ugly } erb { obj.erb } erubis { obj.erubis } end report "ActionView" do @base = view @base.unmemoize_all Haml::Template.options[:ugly] = false # To cache the template render @base, 'haml/templates/standard' render @base, 'haml/erb/standard' haml { render @base, 'haml/templates/standard' } erb { render @base, 'haml/erb/standard' } Haml::Template.options[:ugly] = true render @base, 'haml/templates/standard_ugly' haml_ugly { render @base, 'haml/templates/standard_ugly' } end report "ActionView with deep partials" do @base = view @base.unmemoize_all Haml::Template.options[:ugly] = false # To cache the template render @base, 'haml/templates/action_view' render @base, 'haml/erb/action_view' haml { render @base, 'haml/templates/action_view' } erb { render @base, 'haml/erb/action_view' } Haml::Template.options[:ugly] = true render @base, 'haml/templates/action_view_ugly' haml_ugly { render @base, 'haml/templates/action_view_ugly' } end end