require 'temple' module Hamilton class Parser < Temple::Parser TAG_ID_CLASS_REGEXP = /[a-zA-Z0-9_-]+/ TAG_REGEXP = /[a-z]+/ DEFAULT_TAG = 'div' EOF = -1 def call(template) reset(template) ast = [:multi] ast += parse_lines ast end private # Reset the parser state. def reset(template) @lines = template.split("\n") @current_lineno = -1 @current_indent = 0 end # Parse lines in current_indent and return ASTs. def parse_lines ast = [] while next_indent == @current_indent @current_lineno += 1 ast << parse_line(@lines[@current_lineno]) ast << [:static, "\n"] unless ast.last == [:newline] end ast end # Parse current line and return AST. def parse_line(line) return [:newline] if empty_line?(line) scanner = scanner.scan(/ +/) case scanner.peek(1) when '!' parse_doctype(scanner) when '%', '.', '#' parse_tag(scanner) else parse_text(scanner) end end def parse_doctype(scanner) raise SyntaxError unless scanner.scan(/!!!/) [:html, :doctype, 'html'] end def parse_tag(scanner) tag = DEFAULT_TAG tag = scanner.scan(TAG_REGEXP) if scanner.scan(/%/) attrs = [:html, :attrs] attrs += parse_tag_id_and_class(scanner) ast = [:html, :tag, tag, attrs] if scanner.scan(/ +/) && text = scanner.scan(/.+/) ast << [:static, text] return ast end return ast if next_indent <= @current_indent content = [:multi, [:static, "\n"]] content += with_indented { parse_lines } ast << content ast end def parse_text(scanner) ast = [:static] ast << scanner.scan(/.+/) ast end def parse_tag_id_and_class(scanner) ids = [] classes = [] while prefix = scanner.scan(/[#.]/) name = scanner.scan(TAG_ID_CLASS_REGEXP) raise SyntaxError unless name case prefix when '#' ids << name when '.' classes << name end end ast = [] ast << [:html, :attr, 'id', [:static, ids.join(' ')]] if ids.any? ast << [:html, :attr, 'class', [:static, classes.join(' ')]] if classes.any? ast end # Return nearest line's indent level since next line. This method ignores # empty line. It returns -1 if next_line does not exist. def next_indent lineno = @current_lineno + 1 while @lines[lineno] && empty_line?(@lines[lineno]) lineno += 1 end return EOF unless @lines[lineno] count_indent(@lines[lineno]) end def with_indented(&block) @current_indent += 1 result = @current_indent -= 1 result end def count_indent(line) width = line[/\A +/].to_s.length raise SyntaxError if width.odd? width / 2 end def empty_line?(line) line =~ /\A *\Z/ end end end