Takashi Kokubun 1658f91b3f Convert haml-spec into rspec 2015-03-23 00:32:40 +09:00
Gemfile Move haml-spec directory 2015-03-22 23:47:05 +09:00
Gemfile.lock Move haml-spec directory 2015-03-22 23:47:05 +09:00
LICENSE Move haml-spec directory 2015-03-22 23:47:05 +09:00
README.md Move haml-spec directory 2015-03-22 23:47:05 +09:00
Rakefile Move haml-spec directory 2015-03-22 23:47:05 +09:00
ruby_haml_test.rb Convert haml-spec into rspec 2015-03-23 00:32:40 +09:00
tests.json Move haml-spec directory 2015-03-22 23:47:05 +09:00


Haml Spec

Haml Spec provides a basic suite of tests for Haml interpreters.

It is intented for developers who are creating or maintaining an implementation of the Haml markup language.

At the moment, there are test runners for the original Haml in Ruby, Lua Haml and the Text::Haml Perl port. Support for other versions of Haml will be added if their developers/maintainers are interested in using it.

The Tests

The tests are kept in JSON format for portability across languages. Each test is a JSON object with expected input, output, local variables and configuration parameters (see below). The test suite only provides tests for features which are portable, therefore no tests for script are provided, nor for external filters such as :markdown or :textile.

The one major exception to this are the tests for interpolation, which you may need to modify with a regular expression to run under PHP or Perl, which require a sigil before variable names. These tests are included despite being less than 100% portable because interpolation is an important part of Haml and can be tricky to implement. These tests are flagged as "optional" so that you can avoid running them if your implementation of Haml will not support this feature.

Running the Tests


The Ruby test runner uses minitest, the same as the Ruby Haml implementation. To run the tests you probably only need to install haml, minitest and possibly ruby if your platform doesn't come with it by default. If you're using Ruby 1.8.x, you'll also need to install json:

sudo gem install haml
sudo gem install minitest
# for Ruby 1.8.x; check using "ruby --version" if unsure
sudo gem install json

Then, running the Ruby test suite is easy:

ruby ruby_haml_test.rb

At the moment, running the tests with Ruby 1.8.7 fails because of issues with the JSON library. Please use 1.9.2 until this is resolved.


The Lua test depends on Penlight, Telescope, jason4lua, and Lua Haml. Install and run tsc lua_haml_spec.lua.

Getting it

You can access the Git repository at:


Patches are very welcome, as are test runners for your Haml implementation.

As long as any test you add run against Ruby Haml and are not redundant, I'll be very happy to add them.

Test JSON format

"test name" : {
  "haml"     : "haml input",
  "html"     : "expected html output",
  "result"   : "expected test result",
  "locals"   : "local vars",
  "config"   : "config params",
  "optional" : true|false
  • test name: This should be a very brief description of what's being tested. It can be used by the test runners to name test methods, or to exclude certain tests from being run.
  • haml: The Haml code to be evaluated. Always required.
  • html: The HTML output that should be generated. Required unless "result" is "error".
  • result: Can be "pass" or "error". If it's absent, then "pass" is assumed. If it's "error", then the goal of the test is to make sure that malformed Haml code generates an error.
  • locals: An object containing local variables needed for the test.
  • config: An object containing configuration parameters used to run the test. The configuration parameters should be usable directly by Ruby's Haml with no modification. If your implementation uses config parameters with different names, you may need to process them to make them match your implementation. If your implementation has options that do not exist in Ruby's Haml, then you should add tests for this in your implementation's test rather than here.
  • optional: whether or not the test is optional


This project is released under the WTFPL in order to be as usable as possible in any project, commercial or free.


Norman Clarke