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require 'fileutils'
require 'rbconfig'
require 'sass'
require 'sass/callbacks'
module Sass
# This module handles the compilation of Sass/SCSS files.
# It provides global options and checks whether CSS files
# need to be updated.
# This module is used as the primary interface with Sass
# when it's used as a plugin for various frameworks.
# All Rack-enabled frameworks are supported out of the box.
# The plugin is {file:SASS_REFERENCE.md#rails_merb_plugin automatically activated for Rails and Merb}.
# Other frameworks must enable it explicitly; see {Sass::Plugin::Rack}.
# This module has a large set of callbacks available
# to allow users to run code (such as logging) when certain things happen.
# All callback methods are of the form `on_#{name}`,
# and they all take a block that's called when the given action occurs.
# @example Using a callback
# Sass::Plugin.on_updating_stylesheet do |template, css|
# puts "Compiling #{template} to #{css}"
# end
# Sass::Plugin.update_stylesheets
# #=> Compiling app/sass/screen.scss to public/stylesheets/screen.css
# #=> Compiling app/sass/print.scss to public/stylesheets/print.css
# #=> Compiling app/sass/ie.scss to public/stylesheets/ie.css
module Plugin
include Haml::Util
include Sass::Callbacks
extend self
@options = {
:css_location => './public/stylesheets',
:always_update => false,
:always_check => true,
:full_exception => true
@checked_for_updates = false
# Register a callback to be run before stylesheets are mass-updated.
# This is run whenever \{#update\_stylesheets} is called,
# unless the \{file:SASS_REFERENCE.md#never_update-option `:never_update` option}
# is enabled.
# @yield [individual_files]
# @yieldparam individual_files [<(String, String)>]
# Individual files to be updated, in addition to the directories
# specified in the options.
# The first element of each pair is the source file,
# the second is the target CSS file.
define_callback :updating_stylesheets
# Register a callback to be run before a single stylesheet is updated.
# The callback is only run if the stylesheet is guaranteed to be updated;
# if the CSS file is fresh, this won't be run.
# Even if the \{file:SASS_REFERENCE.md#full_exception-option `:full_exception` option}
# is enabled, this callback won't be run
# when an exception CSS file is being written.
# To run an action for those files, use \{#on\_compilation\_error}.
# @yield [template, css]
# @yieldparam template [String]
# The location of the Sass/SCSS file being updated.
# @yieldparam css [String]
# The location of the CSS file being generated.
define_callback :updating_stylesheet
# Register a callback to be run when Sass decides not to update a stylesheet.
# In particular, the callback is run when Sass finds that
# the template file and none of its dependencies
# have been modified since the last compilation.
# Note that this is **not** run when the
# \{file:SASS_REFERENCE.md#never-update_option `:never_update` option} is set,
# nor when Sass decides not to compile a partial.
# @yield [template, css]
# @yieldparam template [String]
# The location of the Sass/SCSS file not being updated.
# @yieldparam css [String]
# The location of the CSS file not being generated.
define_callback :not_updating_stylesheet
# Register a callback to be run when there's an error
# compiling a Sass file.
# This could include not only errors in the Sass document,
# but also errors accessing the file at all.
# @yield [error, template, css]
# @yieldparam error [Exception] The exception that was raised.
# @yieldparam template [String]
# The location of the Sass/SCSS file being updated.
# @yieldparam css [String]
# The location of the CSS file being generated.
define_callback :compilation_error
# Register a callback to be run when Sass creates a directory
# into which to put CSS files.
# Note that even if multiple levels of directories need to be created,
# the callback may only be run once.
# For example, if "foo/" exists and "foo/bar/baz/" needs to be created,
# this may only be run for "foo/bar/baz/".
# This is not a guarantee, however;
# it may also be run for "foo/bar/".
# @yield [dirname]
# @yieldparam dirname [String]
# The location of the directory that was created.
define_callback :creating_directory
# Register a callback to be run when Sass detects
# that a template has been modified.
# This is only run when using \{#watch}.
# @yield [template]
# @yieldparam template [String]
# The location of the template that was modified.
define_callback :template_modified
# Register a callback to be run when Sass detects
# that a new template has been created.
# This is only run when using \{#watch}.
# @yield [template]
# @yieldparam template [String]
# The location of the template that was created.
define_callback :template_created
# Register a callback to be run when Sass detects
# that a template has been deleted.
# This is only run when using \{#watch}.
# @yield [template]
# @yieldparam template [String]
# The location of the template that was deleted.
define_callback :template_deleted
# Register a callback to be run when Sass deletes a CSS file.
# This happens when the corresponding Sass/SCSS file has been deleted.
# @yield [filename]
# @yieldparam filename [String]
# The location of the CSS file that was deleted.
define_callback :deleting_css
# Whether or not Sass has **ever** checked if the stylesheets need to be updated
# (in this Ruby instance).
# @return [Boolean]
attr_reader :checked_for_updates
# An options hash.
# See {file:SASS_REFERENCE.md#sass_options the Sass options documentation}.
# @return [{Symbol => Object}]
attr_reader :options
# Sets the options hash.
# See {file:SASS_REFERENCE.md#sass_options the Sass options documentation}.
# @param value [{Symbol => Object}] The options hash
def options=(value)
# Non-destructively modifies \{#options} so that default values are properly set.
# @param additional_options [{Symbol => Object}] An options hash with which to merge \{#options}
# @return [{Symbol => Object}] The modified options hash
def engine_options(additional_options = {})
opts = options.dup.merge(additional_options)
opts[:load_paths] = load_paths(opts)
# Same as \{#update\_stylesheets}, but respects \{#checked\_for\_updates}
# and the {file:SASS_REFERENCE.md#always_update-option `:always_update`}
# and {file:SASS_REFERENCE.md#always_check-option `:always_check`} options.
# @see #update_stylesheets
def check_for_updates
return unless !Sass::Plugin.checked_for_updates ||
Sass::Plugin.options[:always_update] || Sass::Plugin.options[:always_check]
# Updates out-of-date stylesheets.
# Checks each Sass/SCSS file in {file:SASS_REFERENCE.md#template_location-option `:template_location`}
# to see if it's been modified more recently than the corresponding CSS file
# in {file:SASS_REFERENCE.md#css_location-option `:css_location`}.
# If it has, it updates the CSS file.
# @param individual_files [Array<(String, String)>]
# A list of files to check for updates
# **in addition to those specified by the
# {file:SASS_REFERENCE.md#template_location-option `:template_location` option}.**
# The first string in each pair is the location of the Sass/SCSS file,
# the second is the location of the CSS file that it should be compiled to.
def update_stylesheets(individual_files = [])
return if options[:never_update]
run_updating_stylesheets individual_files
individual_files.each {|t, c| update_stylesheet(t, c)}
@checked_for_updates = true
template_locations.zip(css_locations).each do |template_location, css_location|
Dir.glob(File.join(template_location, "**", "*.s[ca]ss")).each do |file|
# Get the relative path to the file
name = file.sub(template_location.sub(/\/*$/, '/'), "")
css = css_filename(name, css_location)
next if forbid_update?(name)
if options[:always_update] || stylesheet_needs_update?(css, file)
update_stylesheet file, css
run_not_updating_stylesheet file, css
# Watches the template directory (or directories)
# and updates the CSS files whenever the related Sass/SCSS files change.
# `watch` never returns.
# Whenever a change is detected to a Sass/SCSS file in
# {file:SASS_REFERENCE.md#template_location-option `:template_location`},
# the corresponding CSS file in {file:SASS_REFERENCE.md#css_location-option `:css_location`}
# will be recompiled.
# The CSS files of any Sass/SCSS files that import the changed file will also be recompiled.
# Before the watching starts in earnest, `watch` calls \{#update\_stylesheets}.
# Note that `watch` uses the [FSSM](http://github.com/ttilley/fssm) library
# to monitor the filesystem for changes.
# FSSM isn't loaded until `watch` is run.
# The version of FSSM distributed with Sass is loaded by default,
# but if another version has already been loaded that will be used instead.
# @param individual_files [Array<(String, String)>]
# A list of files to watch for updates
# **in addition to those specified by the
# {file:SASS_REFERENCE.md#template_location-option `:template_location` option}.**
# The first string in each pair is the location of the Sass/SCSS file,
# the second is the location of the CSS file that it should be compiled to.
def watch(individual_files = [])
require 'fssm'
rescue LoadError => e
e.message << "\n" <<
if File.exists?(scope(".git"))
'Run "git submodule update --init" to get the recommended version.'
'Run "gem install fssm" to get it.'
raise e
# TODO: Keep better track of what depends on what
# so we don't have to run a global update every time anything changes.
FSSM.monitor do |mon|
template_locations.zip(css_locations).each do |template_location, css_location|
mon.path template_location do |path|
path.glob '**/*.s[ac]ss'
path.update do |base, relative|
run_template_modified File.join(base, relative)
path.create do |base, relative|
run_template_created File.join(base, relative)
path.delete do |base, relative|
run_template_deleted File.join(base, relative)
css = File.join(css_location, relative.gsub(/\.s[ac]ss$/, '.css'))
try_delete_css css
individual_files.each do |template, css|
mon.file template do |path|
path.update do
run_template_modified template
path.create do
run_template_created template
path.delete do
run_template_deleted template
try_delete_css css
def update_stylesheet(filename, css)
dir = File.dirname(css)
unless File.exists?(dir)
run_creating_directory dir
FileUtils.mkdir_p dir
result = Sass::Files.tree_for(filename, engine_options(:css_filename => css, :filename => filename)).render
rescue Exception => e
run_compilation_error e, filename, css
result = Sass::SyntaxError.exception_to_css(e, options)
run_updating_stylesheet filename, css
# Finally, write the file
flag = 'w'
flag = 'wb' if RbConfig::CONFIG['host_os'] =~ /mswin|windows/i && options[:unix_newlines]
File.open(css, flag) {|file| file.print(result)}
def try_delete_css(css)
return unless File.exists?(css)
run_deleting_css css
File.delete css
def load_paths(opts = options)
(opts[:load_paths] || []) + template_locations
def template_locations
location = (options[:template_location] || File.join(options[:css_location],'sass'))
if location.is_a?(String)
location.to_a.map { |l| l.first }
def css_locations
if options[:template_location] && !options[:template_location].is_a?(String)
options[:template_location].to_a.map { |l| l.last }
def css_filename(name, path)
"#{path}/#{name}".gsub(/\.s[ac]ss$/, '.css')
def forbid_update?(name)
name.sub(/^.*\//, '')[0] == ?_
def stylesheet_needs_update?(css_file, template_file)
return true unless File.exists?(css_file) && File.exists?(template_file)
css_mtime = File.mtime(css_file)
File.mtime(template_file) > css_mtime ||
def dependency_updated?(css_mtime)
lambda do |dep|
File.mtime(dep) > css_mtime ||
def dependencies(filename)
Files.tree_for(filename, engine_options).select {|n| n.is_a?(Tree::ImportNode)}.map do |n|
next if n.full_filename =~ /\.css$/
rescue Sass::SyntaxError => e
[] # If the file has an error, we assume it has no dependencies
require 'sass/plugin/rails' if defined?(ActionController)
require 'sass/plugin/merb' if defined?(Merb::Plugins)