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dir = File.dirname(__FILE__)
$LOAD_PATH.unshift dir unless $LOAD_PATH.include?(dir)
require 'haml/version'
# The module that contains everything Sass-related:
# * {Sass::Engine} is the class used to render Sass/SCSS within Ruby code.
# * {Sass::Plugin} is interfaces with web frameworks (Rails and Merb in particular).
# * {Sass::SyntaxError} is raised when Sass encounters an error.
# * {Sass::CSS} handles conversion of CSS to Sass.
# Also see the {file:SASS_REFERENCE.md full Sass reference}.
module Sass
extend Haml::Version
# A string representing the version of Sass.
# A more fine-grained representation is available from {Haml::Version#version Sass.version}.
# @api public
VERSION = version[:string] unless defined?(Sass::VERSION)
# Compile a Sass or SCSS string to CSS.
# Defaults to SCSS.
# @param contents [String] The contents of the Sass file.
# @param options [{Symbol => Object}] An options hash;
# see {file:SASS_REFERENCE.md#sass_options the Sass options documentation}
# @raise [Sass::SyntaxError] if there's an error in the document
# @raise [Encoding::UndefinedConversionError] if the source encoding
# cannot be converted to UTF-8
# @raise [ArgumentError] if the document uses an unknown encoding with `@charset`
def self.compile(contents, options = {})
options[:syntax] ||= :scss
Engine.new(contents, options).to_css
# Compile a file on disk to CSS.
# @param filename [String] The path to the Sass, SCSS, or CSS file on disk.
# @param options [{Symbol => Object}] An options hash;
# see {file:SASS_REFERENCE.md#sass_options the Sass options documentation}
# @raise [Sass::SyntaxError] if there's an error in the document
# @raise [Encoding::UndefinedConversionError] if the source encoding
# cannot be converted to UTF-8
# @raise [ArgumentError] if the document uses an unknown encoding with `@charset`
# @overload compile_file(filename, options = {})
# @return [String] The compiled CSS.
# @overload compile_file(filename, css_filename, options = {})
# @param css_filename [String] The location to which to write the compiled CSS.
def self.compile_file(filename, *args)
options = args.last.is_a?(Hash) ? args.pop : {}
css_filename ||= args.shift
if options[:syntax].nil? && filename =~ /\.(css|sass|scss)$/
options[:syntax] = $1.to_sym
options[:filename] = filename
options[:css_filename] = css_filename
result = Sass::Files.tree_for(filename, options).render
if css_filename
open(css_filename,"w") {|css_file| css_file.write(result) }
require 'haml/util'
dir = Haml::Util.scope("vendor/fssm/lib")
$LOAD_PATH.unshift dir unless $LOAD_PATH.include?(dir)
require 'sass/sass_file'
require 'sass/engine'
require 'sass/plugin' if defined?(Merb::Plugins)