2009-11-24 15:18:42 -02:00
require 'devise/hooks/trackable'
module Devise
module Models
# Track information about your user sign in. It tracks the following columns:
# * sign_in_count - Increased every time a sign in is made (by form, openid, oauth)
# * current_sign_in_at - A tiemstamp updated when the user signs in
# * last_sign_in_at - Holds the timestamp of the previous sign in
# * current_sign_in_ip - The remote ip updated when the user sign in
# * last_sign_in_at - Holds the remote ip of the previous sign in
module Trackable
2010-03-03 12:03:09 +01:00
def update_tracked_fields!(request)
old_current, new_current = self.current_sign_in_at, Time.now
self.last_sign_in_at = old_current || new_current
self.current_sign_in_at = new_current
old_current, new_current = self.current_sign_in_ip, request.remote_ip
self.last_sign_in_ip = old_current || new_current
self.current_sign_in_ip = new_current
self.sign_in_count ||= 0
self.sign_in_count += 1
save(:validate => false)
2009-11-24 15:18:42 -02:00