This has no actual changes to Devise itself, just fixes the failing
tests when running against Mongoid 3 instead of Mongoid 2.
Mocha has been locked at 0.10.0 since 0.12.0 raises an error when trying
to set an expectation on a frozen object.
Tests were updated to work with both AR and Mongoid, some cases the XML
serialization was slightly different but both were outputting correct
and valid XML, and the id/_id field mismatch is now handled.
An active field was missing from the test models for Mongoid, and the
invalid :null => true options in field were removed.
- attr_accessible not set for test user model, making Serializable tests
- Mongoid does not `include_root_in_json` by default, so enable this for
consistency with AR tests
- Mark tests pending for Mongoid < 2.1 that fail there due to known bugs
- Add `:mongoid` key for i18n model labels
- Remove outdated shim of `update_attribute` that caused mass assignment
security to be applied (ugh, that took awhile to find)
Devise 1.1.0 will be released soon. This new version will support activerecord and mongoid as default ORMs. From now on, Devise will prefer ORM extensions as gems since this is the best way to handle dependencies.
For example, to allow Devise to work with Datamapper, it requires at least activemodel, dm-rails and dm-timestamps. If the ORM support comes from Devise gem, we cannot add dm-rails and dm-timestamps as dependencies, relying on the developer and documentation to find these out and install them.
Other ORMs may still be added to Devise, as long as they are supported by the community, extend Devise test suite to have all tests passing and they necessarily use ActiveModel::Validations.
Test suite runs, however there's still some failing tests. This allows us to at least have a working test suite so they can fix these datamapper spec failures individually.