* Add customizable time frame for remember me * Add customizable time frame for confirmation and filters * Create generators * Use request_ip in session cookies * Session timeout * Devise::BruteForceProtection * Devise::MagicColumns * Devise::Invitable * Devise::Migratable == Done * Devise::Authenticable * Devise::Confirmable * Devise::Recoverable * Devise::Validatable * SessionsController * PasswordsController * ConfirmationsController * Create an example app * devise :authenticable, :confirmable, :recoverable for ActiveRecord * Allow multiple models per controller * Add mappings * Use sign_in and sign_out in SessionsController * Use path_names in routes * Store session[:return_to] in session * Clear perishable_token in :confirmable and :recoverable * Remove perishable token and create attributes for confirmation_token and reset_password_token * Add confirmation_sent_at for confirmable * Add confirmable filters * Sign user in automatically after confirming or changing it's password * Add remember me * Mailer subjects namespaced by model * Allow stretches and pepper per model