require 'test_helper' require 'digest/sha1' class DatabaseAuthenticatableTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase test 'should downcase case insensitive keys when saving' do # case_insensitive_keys is set to :email by default. email = '' user = new_user(:email => email) assert_equal email,! assert_equal email.downcase, end test 'should respond to password and password confirmation' do user = new_user assert user.respond_to?(:password) assert user.respond_to?(:password_confirmation) end test 'should generate encrypted password while setting password' do user = new_user assert_present user.encrypted_password end test 'allow authenticatable_salt to work even with nil encrypted password' do user = user.encrypted_password = nil assert_nil user.authenticatable_salt end test 'should not generate encrypted password if password is blank' do assert_blank new_user(:password => nil).encrypted_password assert_blank new_user(:password => '').encrypted_password end test 'should encrypt password again if password has changed' do user = create_user encrypted_password = user.encrypted_password user.password = user.password_confirmation = 'new_password'! assert_not_equal encrypted_password, user.encrypted_password end test 'should test for a valid password' do user = create_user assert user.valid_password?('123456') assert_not user.valid_password?('654321') end test 'should not raise error with an empty password' do user = create_user user.encrypted_password = '' assert_nothing_raised { user.valid_password?('123456') } end test 'should be an invalid password if the user has an empty password' do user = create_user user.encrypted_password = '' assert_not user.valid_password?('654321') end test 'should respond to current password' do assert new_user.respond_to?(:current_password) end test 'should update password with valid current password' do user = create_user assert user.update_with_password(:current_password => '123456', :password => 'pass321', :password_confirmation => 'pass321') assert user.reload.valid_password?('pass321') end test 'should add an error to current password when it is invalid' do user = create_user assert_not user.update_with_password(:current_password => 'other', :password => 'pass321', :password_confirmation => 'pass321') assert user.reload.valid_password?('123456') assert_match "is invalid", user.errors[:current_password].join end test 'should add an error to current password when it is blank' do user = create_user assert_not user.update_with_password(:password => 'pass321', :password_confirmation => 'pass321') assert user.reload.valid_password?('123456') assert_match "can't be blank", user.errors[:current_password].join end test 'should ignore password and its confirmation if they are blank' do user = create_user assert user.update_with_password(:current_password => '123456', :email => "") assert_equal "", end test 'should not update password with invalid confirmation' do user = create_user assert_not user.update_with_password(:current_password => '123456', :password => 'pass321', :password_confirmation => 'other') assert user.reload.valid_password?('123456') end test 'should clean up password fields on failure' do user = create_user assert_not user.update_with_password(:current_password => '123456', :password => 'pass321', :password_confirmation => 'other') assert user.password.blank? assert user.password_confirmation.blank? end test 'downcase_keys with validation' do user = User.create(:email => "", :password => "123456") user = User.create(:email => "", :password => "123456") assert !user.valid? end end