require 'active_support/test_case' class ActiveSupport::TestCase VALID_AUTHENTICATION_TOKEN = 'AbCdEfGhIjKlMnOpQrSt'.freeze def setup_mailer ActionMailer::Base.deliveries = [] end def store_translations(locale, translations, &block) begin I18n.backend.store_translations(locale, translations) yield ensure I18n.reload! end end def generate_unique_email @@email_count ||= 0 @@email_count += 1 "test#{@@email_count}" end def valid_attributes(attributes={}) { :username => "usertest", :email => generate_unique_email, :password => '123456', :password_confirmation => '123456' }.update(attributes) end def new_user(attributes={}) end def create_user(attributes={}) User.create!(valid_attributes(attributes)) end def create_admin(attributes={}) valid_attributes = valid_attributes(attributes) valid_attributes.delete(:username) Admin.create!(valid_attributes) end # Execute the block setting the given values and restoring old values after # the block is executed. def swap(object, new_values) old_values = {} new_values.each do |key, value| old_values[key] = object.send key object.send :"#{key}=", value end yield ensure old_values.each do |key, value| object.send :"#{key}=", value end end end