module Devise module Models # Handles blocking a user access after a certain number of attempts. # Lockable accepts two different strategies to unlock a user after it's # blocked: email and time. The former will send an email to the user when # the lock happens, containing a link to unlock it's account. The second # will unlock the user automatically after some configured time (ie 2.hours). # It's also possible to setup lockable to use both email and time strategies. # # Configuration: # # maximum_attempts: how many attempts should be accepted before blocking the user. # lock_strategy: lock the user account by :failed_attempts or :none. # unlock_strategy: unlock the user account by :time, :email, :both or :none. # unlock_in: the time you want to lock the user after to lock happens. Only # available when unlock_strategy is :time or :both. # module Lockable extend ActiveSupport::Concern delegate :lock_strategy_enabled?, :unlock_strategy_enabled?, :to => "self.class" # Lock an user setting it's locked_at to actual time. def lock_access! self.locked_at = if unlock_strategy_enabled?(:email) generate_unlock_token send_unlock_instructions end save(:validate => false) end # Unlock an user by cleaning locket_at and failed_attempts. def unlock_access! if_access_locked do self.locked_at = nil self.failed_attempts = 0 if respond_to?(:failed_attempts=) self.unlock_token = nil if respond_to?(:unlock_token=) save(:validate => false) end end # Verifies whether a user is locked or not. def access_locked? locked_at && !lock_expired? end # Send unlock instructions by email def send_unlock_instructions ::Devise.mailer.unlock_instructions(self).deliver end # Resend the unlock instructions if the user is locked. def resend_unlock_token if_access_locked { send_unlock_instructions } end # Overwrites active? from Devise::Models::Activatable for locking purposes # by verifying whether an user is active to sign in or not based on locked? def active? super && !access_locked? end # Overwrites invalid_message from Devise::Models::Authenticatable to define # the correct reason for blocking the sign in. def inactive_message access_locked? ? :locked : super end # Overwrites valid_for_authentication? from Devise::Models::Authenticatable # for verifying whether an user is allowed to sign in or not. If the user # is locked, it should never be allowed. def valid_for_authentication? return super unless persisted? && lock_strategy_enabled?(:failed_attempts) case (result = super) when Symbol return result when TrueClass self.failed_attempts = 0 when FalseClass self.failed_attempts += 1 if attempts_exceeded? lock_access! return :locked end end save(:validate => false) if changed? result end protected def attempts_exceeded? self.failed_attempts > self.class.maximum_attempts end # Generates unlock token def generate_unlock_token self.unlock_token = self.class.unlock_token end # Tells if the lock is expired if :time unlock strategy is active def lock_expired? if unlock_strategy_enabled?(:time) locked_at && locked_at < self.class.unlock_in.ago else false end end # Checks whether the record is locked or not, yielding to the block # if it's locked, otherwise adds an error to email. def if_access_locked if access_locked? yield else self.errors.add(:email, :not_locked) false end end module ClassMethods # Attempt to find a user by it's email. If a record is found, send new # unlock instructions to it. If not user is found, returns a new user # with an email not found error. # Options must contain the user email def send_unlock_instructions(attributes={}) lockable = find_or_initialize_with_error_by(:email, attributes[:email], :not_found) lockable.resend_unlock_token if lockable.persisted? lockable end # Find a user by it's unlock token and try to unlock it. # If no user is found, returns a new user with an error. # If the user is not locked, creates an error for the user # Options must have the unlock_token def unlock_access_by_token(unlock_token) lockable = find_or_initialize_with_error_by(:unlock_token, unlock_token) lockable.unlock_access! if lockable.persisted? lockable end # Is the unlock enabled for the given unlock strategy? def unlock_strategy_enabled?(strategy) [:both, strategy].include?(self.unlock_strategy) end # Is the lock enabled for the given lock strategy? def lock_strategy_enabled?(strategy) self.lock_strategy == strategy end def unlock_token Devise.friendly_token end Devise::Models.config(self, :maximum_attempts, :lock_strategy, :unlock_strategy, :unlock_in) end end end end