module Devise # Devise::TestHelpers provides a facility to test controllers in isolation # when using ActionController::TestCase allowing you to quickly sign_in or # sign_out a user. Do not use Devise::TestHelpers in integration tests. # # Notice you should not test Warden specific behavior (like Warden callbacks) # using Devise::TestHelpers since it is a stub of the actual behavior. Such # callbacks should be tested in your integration suite instead. module TestHelpers def self.included(base) base.class_eval do setup :setup_controller_for_warden, :warden if respond_to?(:setup) end end # Override process to consider warden. def process(*) # Make sure we always return @response, a la ActionController::TestCase::Behaviour#process, even if warden interrupts _catch_warden { super } # || @response # _catch_warden will setup the @response object # process needs to return the ActionDispath::TestResponse object @response end # We need to set up the environment variables and the response in the controller. def setup_controller_for_warden #:nodoc: @request.env['action_controller.instance'] = @controller end # Quick access to Warden::Proxy. def warden #:nodoc: @request.env['warden'] ||= begin manager = do |config| config.merge! Devise.warden_config end, manager) end end # sign_in a given resource by storing its keys in the session. # This method bypass any warden authentication callback. # # Examples: # # sign_in :user, @user # sign_in(scope, resource) # sign_in @user # sign_in(resource) # def sign_in(resource_or_scope, resource=nil) scope ||= Devise::Mapping.find_scope!(resource_or_scope) resource ||= resource_or_scope warden.instance_variable_get(:@users).delete(scope), scope) end # Sign out a given resource or scope by calling logout on Warden. # This method bypass any warden logout callback. # # Examples: # # sign_out :user # sign_out(scope) # sign_out @user # sign_out(resource) # def sign_out(resource_or_scope) scope = Devise::Mapping.find_scope!(resource_or_scope) @controller.instance_variable_set(:"@current_#{scope}", nil) user = warden.instance_variable_get(:@users).delete(scope) warden.session_serializer.delete(scope, user) end protected # Catch warden continuations and handle like the middleware would. # Returns nil when interrupted, otherwise the normal result of the block. def _catch_warden(&block) result = catch(:warden, &block) env = @controller.request.env result ||= {} # Set the response. In production, the rack result is returned # from Warden::Manager#call, which the following is modelled on. case result when Array if result.first == 401 && intercept_401?(env) # does this happen during testing? _process_unauthenticated(env) else result end when Hash _process_unauthenticated(env, result) else result end end def _process_unauthenticated(env, options = {}) options[:action] ||= :unauthenticated proxy = env['warden'] result = options[:result] || proxy.result ret = case result when :redirect body = proxy.message || "You are being redirected to #{proxy.headers['Location']}" [proxy.status, proxy.headers, [body]] when :custom proxy.custom_response else env["PATH_INFO"] = "/#{options[:action]}" env["warden.options"] = options Warden::Manager._run_callbacks(:before_failure, env, options) status, headers, response = Devise.warden_config[:failure_app].call(env).to_a @controller.response.headers.merge!(headers) r_opts = { status: status, content_type: headers["Content-Type"], location: headers["Location"] } r_opts[Rails.version.start_with?('5') ? :body : :text] = response.body @controller.send :render, r_opts nil # causes process return @response end # ensure that the controller response is set up. In production, this is # not necessary since warden returns the results to rack. However, at # testing time, we want the response to be available to the testing # framework to verify what would be returned to rack. if ret.is_a?(Array) # ensure the controller response is set to our response. @controller.response ||= @response @response.status = ret.first @response.headers.clear ret.second.each { |k,v| @response[k] = v } @response.body = ret.third end ret end end end