module Devise module Confirmable def self.included(base) base.class_eval do extend ClassMethods include ::Devise::PerishableToken after_create :send_confirmation_instructions end end # Confirm a user by setting it's confirmed_at to actual time. If the user # is already confirmed, add en error to email field # def confirm! unless confirmed? update_attribute(:confirmed_at, else errors.add(:email, :already_confirmed, :default => 'already confirmed') false end end # Verifies whether a user is confirmed or not # def confirmed? !new_record? && confirmed_at? end private # Send confirmation instructions by email # def send_confirmation_instructions ::Devise::Notifier.deliver_confirmation_instructions(self) end module ClassMethods # Hook default authenticate to test whether the account is confirmed or not # Returns the authenticated_user if it's confirmed, otherwise returns nil # def authenticate(email, password) confirmable = super confirmable if confirmable.confirmed? unless confirmable.nil? end # Find a user by it's confirmation token and try to confirm it. # If no user is found, returns a new user # If the user is already confirmed, create an error for the user # def find_and_confirm(confirmation_token) confirmable = find_or_initialize_by_perishable_token(confirmation_token) unless confirmable.new_record? confirmable.confirm! else confirmable.errors.add(:perishable_token, :invalid, :default => "invalid confirmation") end confirmable end end end end