require 'test_helper' class LockableTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase def setup setup_mailer end test "should respect maximum attempts configuration" do user = create_user user.confirm swap Devise, maximum_attempts: 2 do 2.times { user.valid_for_authentication?{ false } } assert user.reload.access_locked? end end test "should increment failed_attempts on successful validation if the user is already locked" do user = create_user user.confirm swap Devise, maximum_attempts: 2 do 2.times { user.valid_for_authentication?{ false } } assert user.reload.access_locked? end user.valid_for_authentication?{ true } assert_equal 3, user.reload.failed_attempts end test "should not touch failed_attempts if lock_strategy is none" do user = create_user user.confirm swap Devise, lock_strategy: :none, maximum_attempts: 2 do 3.times { user.valid_for_authentication?{ false } } assert !user.access_locked? assert_equal 0, user.failed_attempts end end test 'should be valid for authentication with a unlocked user' do user = create_user user.lock_access! user.unlock_access! assert user.valid_for_authentication?{ true } end test "should verify whether a user is locked or not" do user = create_user refute user.access_locked? user.lock_access! assert user.access_locked? end test "active_for_authentication? should be the opposite of locked?" do user = create_user user.confirm assert user.active_for_authentication? user.lock_access! refute user.active_for_authentication? end test "should unlock a user by cleaning locked_at, failed_attempts and unlock_token" do user = create_user user.lock_access! assert_not_nil user.reload.locked_at assert_not_nil user.reload.unlock_token user.unlock_access! assert_nil user.reload.locked_at assert_nil user.reload.unlock_token assert_equal 0, user.reload.failed_attempts end test "new user should not be locked and should have zero failed_attempts" do refute new_user.access_locked? assert_equal 0, create_user.failed_attempts end test "should unlock user after unlock_in period" do swap Devise, unlock_in: 3.hours do user = new_user user.locked_at = 2.hours.ago assert user.access_locked? Devise.unlock_in = 1.hour refute user.access_locked? end end test "should not unlock in 'unlock_in' if :time unlock strategy is not set" do swap Devise, unlock_strategy: :email do user = new_user user.locked_at = 2.hours.ago assert user.access_locked? end end test "should set unlock_token when locking" do user = create_user assert_nil user.unlock_token user.lock_access! assert_not_nil user.unlock_token end test "should never generate the same unlock token for different users" do unlock_tokens = [] 3.times do user = create_user user.lock_access! token = user.unlock_token assert !unlock_tokens.include?(token) unlock_tokens << token end end test "should not generate unlock_token when :email is not an unlock strategy" do swap Devise, unlock_strategy: :time do user = create_user user.lock_access! assert_nil user.unlock_token end end test "should send email with unlock instructions when :email is an unlock strategy" do swap Devise, unlock_strategy: :email do user = create_user assert_email_sent do user.lock_access! end end end test "doesn't send email when you pass option send_instructions to false" do swap Devise, unlock_strategy: :email do user = create_user assert_email_not_sent do user.lock_access! send_instructions: false end end end test "sends email when you pass options other than send_instructions" do swap Devise, unlock_strategy: :email do user = create_user assert_email_sent do user.lock_access! foo: :bar, bar: :foo end end end test "should not send email with unlock instructions when :email is not an unlock strategy" do swap Devise, unlock_strategy: :time do user = create_user assert_email_not_sent do user.lock_access! end end end test 'should find and unlock a user automatically based on raw token' do user = create_user raw = user.send_unlock_instructions locked_user = User.unlock_access_by_token(raw) assert_equal locked_user, user refute user.reload.access_locked? end test 'should return a new record with errors when a invalid token is given' do locked_user = User.unlock_access_by_token('invalid_token') refute locked_user.persisted? assert_equal "is invalid", locked_user.errors[:unlock_token].join end test 'should return a new record with errors when a blank token is given' do locked_user = User.unlock_access_by_token('') refute locked_user.persisted? assert_equal "can't be blank", locked_user.errors[:unlock_token].join end test 'should find a user to send unlock instructions' do user = create_user user.lock_access! unlock_user = User.send_unlock_instructions(email: assert_equal unlock_user, user end test 'should return a new user if no email was found' do unlock_user = User.send_unlock_instructions(email: "") refute unlock_user.persisted? end test 'should add error to new user email if no email was found' do unlock_user = User.send_unlock_instructions(email: "") assert_equal 'not found', unlock_user.errors[:email].join end test 'should find a user to send unlock instructions by authentication_keys' do swap Devise, authentication_keys: [:username, :email] do user = create_user unlock_user = User.send_unlock_instructions(email:, username: user.username) assert_equal unlock_user, user end end test 'should require all unlock_keys' do swap Devise, unlock_keys: [:username, :email] do user = create_user unlock_user = User.send_unlock_instructions(email: refute unlock_user.persisted? assert_equal "can't be blank", unlock_user.errors[:username].join end end test 'should not be able to send instructions if the user is not locked' do user = create_user refute user.resend_unlock_instructions refute user.access_locked? assert_equal 'was not locked', user.errors[:email].join end test 'should not be able to send instructions if the user if not locked and have username as unlock key' do swap Devise, unlock_keys: [:username] do user = create_user refute user.resend_unlock_instructions refute user.access_locked? assert_equal 'was not locked', user.errors[:username].join end end test 'should unlock account if lock has expired and increase attempts on failure' do swap Devise, unlock_in: 1.minute do user = create_user user.confirm user.failed_attempts = 2 user.locked_at = 2.minutes.ago user.valid_for_authentication? { false } assert_equal 1, user.failed_attempts end end test 'should unlock account if lock has expired on success' do swap Devise, unlock_in: 1.minute do user = create_user user.confirm user.failed_attempts = 2 user.locked_at = 2.minutes.ago user.valid_for_authentication? { true } assert_equal 0, user.failed_attempts assert_nil user.locked_at end end test 'required_fields should contain the all the fields when all the strategies are enabled' do swap Devise, unlock_strategy: :both do swap Devise, lock_strategy: :failed_attempts do assert_equal Devise::Models::Lockable.required_fields(User), [ :failed_attempts, :locked_at, :unlock_token ] end end end test 'required_fields should contain only failed_attempts and locked_at when the strategies are time and failed_attempts are enabled' do swap Devise, unlock_strategy: :time do swap Devise, lock_strategy: :failed_attempts do assert_equal Devise::Models::Lockable.required_fields(User), [ :failed_attempts, :locked_at ] end end end test 'required_fields should contain only failed_attempts and unlock_token when the strategies are token and failed_attempts are enabled' do swap Devise, unlock_strategy: :email do swap Devise, lock_strategy: :failed_attempts do assert_equal Devise::Models::Lockable.required_fields(User), [ :failed_attempts, :unlock_token ] end end end test 'should not return a locked unauthenticated message if in paranoid mode' do swap Devise, paranoid: :true do user = create_user user.failed_attempts = Devise.maximum_attempts + 1 user.lock_access! assert_equal :invalid, user.unauthenticated_message end end test 'should return last attempt message if user made next-to-last attempt of password entering' do swap Devise, last_attempt_warning: true, lock_strategy: :failed_attempts do user = create_user user.failed_attempts = Devise.maximum_attempts - 2 assert_equal :invalid, user.unauthenticated_message user.failed_attempts = Devise.maximum_attempts - 1 assert_equal :last_attempt, user.unauthenticated_message user.failed_attempts = Devise.maximum_attempts assert_equal :locked, user.unauthenticated_message end end test 'should not return last attempt message if last_attempt_warning is disabled' do swap Devise, last_attempt_warning: false, lock_strategy: :failed_attempts do user = create_user user.failed_attempts = Devise.maximum_attempts - 1 assert_equal :invalid, user.unauthenticated_message end end test 'should return locked message if user was programatically locked' do user = create_user user.lock_access! assert_equal :locked, user.unauthenticated_message end test 'unlock_strategy_enabled? should return true for both, email, and time strategies if :both is used' do swap Devise, unlock_strategy: :both do user = create_user assert_equal true, user.unlock_strategy_enabled?(:both) assert_equal true, user.unlock_strategy_enabled?(:time) assert_equal true, user.unlock_strategy_enabled?(:email) assert_equal false, user.unlock_strategy_enabled?(:none) assert_equal false, user.unlock_strategy_enabled?(:an_undefined_strategy) end end test 'unlock_strategy_enabled? should return true only for the configured strategy' do swap Devise, unlock_strategy: :email do user = create_user assert_equal false, user.unlock_strategy_enabled?(:both) assert_equal false, user.unlock_strategy_enabled?(:time) assert_equal true, user.unlock_strategy_enabled?(:email) assert_equal false, user.unlock_strategy_enabled?(:none) assert_equal false, user.unlock_strategy_enabled?(:an_undefined_strategy) end end end