require 'test_helper' require 'test_models' class ActiveRecordTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase def include_module?(klass, mod) klass.devise_modules.include?(mod) && klass.included_modules.include?(Devise::Models::const_get(mod.to_s.classify)) end def assert_include_modules(klass, *modules) modules.each do |mod| assert include_module?(klass, mod) end (Devise::ALL - modules).each do |mod| refute include_module?(klass, mod) end end test 'can cherry pick modules' do assert_include_modules Admin, :database_authenticatable, :registerable, :timeoutable, :recoverable, :lockable, :confirmable end test 'validations options are not applied too late' do validators = WithValidation.validators_on :password length = validators.find { |v| v.kind == :length } assert_equal 2, length.options[:minimum] assert_equal 6, length.options[:maximum] end test 'validations are applied just once' do validators = Several.validators_on :password assert_equal 1,{ |v| v.kind == :length }.length end test 'chosen modules are inheritable' do assert_include_modules Inheritable, :database_authenticatable, :registerable, :timeoutable, :recoverable, :lockable, :confirmable end test 'order of module inclusion' do correct_module_order = [:database_authenticatable, :recoverable, :registerable, :confirmable, :lockable, :timeoutable] incorrect_module_order = [:database_authenticatable, :timeoutable, :registerable, :recoverable, :lockable, :confirmable] assert_include_modules Admin, *incorrect_module_order # get module constants from symbol list module_constants = correct_module_order.collect { |mod| Devise::Models::const_get(mod.to_s.classify) } # confirm that they adhere to the order in ALL # get included modules, filter out the noise, and reverse the order assert_equal module_constants, (Admin.included_modules & module_constants).reverse end test 'raise error on invalid module' do assert_raise NameError do # Mix valid an invalid modules. Configurable.class_eval { devise :database_authenticatable, :doesnotexit } end end test 'set a default value for stretches' do assert_equal 15, Configurable.stretches end test 'set a default value for pepper' do assert_equal 'abcdef', Configurable.pepper end test 'set a default value for allow_unconfirmed_access_for' do assert_equal 5.days, Configurable.allow_unconfirmed_access_for end test 'set a default value for remember_for' do assert_equal 7.days, Configurable.remember_for end test 'set a default value for timeout_in' do assert_equal 15.minutes, Configurable.timeout_in end test 'set a default value for unlock_in' do assert_equal 10.days, Configurable.unlock_in end test 'set null fields on migrations' do # Ignore email sending since no email exists. klass = do def send_devise_notification(*); end end klass.create! end end module StubModelFilters def stub_filter(name) define_singleton_method(name) { |*| nil } end end class CheckFieldsTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase test 'checks if the class respond_to the required fields' do Player = do extend Devise::Models extend StubModelFilters stub_filter :before_validation stub_filter :after_update devise :database_authenticatable attr_accessor :encrypted_password, :email end assert_nothing_raised do Devise::Models.check_fields!(Player) end end test 'raises Devise::Models::MissingAtrribute and shows the missing attribute if the class doesn\'t respond_to one of the attributes' do Clown = do extend Devise::Models extend StubModelFilters stub_filter :before_validation stub_filter :after_update devise :database_authenticatable attr_accessor :encrypted_password end assert_raise_with_message Devise::Models::MissingAttribute, "The following attribute(s) is (are) missing on your model: email" do Devise::Models.check_fields!(Clown) end end test 'raises Devise::Models::MissingAtrribute with all the missing attributes if there is more than one' do Magician = do extend Devise::Models extend StubModelFilters stub_filter :before_validation stub_filter :after_update devise :database_authenticatable end assert_raise_with_message Devise::Models::MissingAttribute, "The following attribute(s) is (are) missing on your model: encrypted_password, email" do Devise::Models.check_fields!(Magician) end end end