module Devise class BaseSanitizer attr_reader :params, :resource_name, :resource_class def initialize(resource_class, resource_name, params) @resource_class = resource_class @resource_name = resource_name @params = params @blocks = end def for(kind, &block) if block_given? @blocks[kind] = block else default_for(kind) end end def sanitize(kind) if block = @blocks[kind] else default_sanitize(kind) end end private def default_for(kind) raise ArgumentError, "a block is expected in Devise base sanitizer" end def default_sanitize(kind) default_params end def default_params params.fetch(resource_name, {}) end end class ParameterSanitizer < BaseSanitizer def initialize(*) super @permitted = { |h,k| h[k] = attributes_for(k) } end def sign_in permit self.for(:sign_in) end def sign_up permit self.for(:sign_up) end def account_update permit self.for(:account_update) end private # TODO: We do need to flatten so it works with strong_parameters # gem. We should drop it once we move to Rails 4 only support. def permit(keys) default_params.permit(*Array(keys)) end # Change for(kind) to return the values in the @permitted # hash, allowing the developer to customize at runtime. def default_for(kind) @permitted[kind] || raise("No sanitizer provided for #{kind}") end def default_sanitize(kind) if respond_to?(kind, true) send(kind) else raise NotImplementedError, "Devise doesn't know how to sanitize parameters for #{kind}" end end def attributes_for(kind) case kind when :sign_in auth_keys + [:password, :remember_me] when :sign_up auth_keys + [:password, :password_confirmation] when :account_update auth_keys + [:password, :password_confirmation, :current_password] end end def auth_keys @auth_keys ||= @resource_class.authentication_keys.respond_to?(:keys) ? @resource_class.authentication_keys.keys : @resource_class.authentication_keys end end end