require 'test_helper' require 'digest/sha1' class AuthenticableTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase test 'should respond to password and password confirmation' do user = new_user assert user.respond_to?(:password) assert user.respond_to?(:password_confirmation) end test 'should have email acessible' do assert field_accessible?(:email) end test 'should have password acessible' do assert field_accessible?(:password) end test 'should have password confirmation accessible' do assert field_accessible?(:password_confirmation) end test 'should not have password salt accessible' do assert_not field_accessible?(:password_salt) end test 'should not have encrypted password accessible' do assert_not field_accessible?(:encrypted_password) end test 'should generate password salt after set the password' do assert_present new_user.password_salt assert_present create_user.password_salt end test 'should not generate salt while setting password to nil or blank string' do assert_nil new_user(:password => nil).password_salt assert_nil new_user(:password => '').password_salt end test 'should not change password salt when updating' do user = create_user salt = user.password_salt user.expects(:password_salt=).never! assert_equal salt, user.password_salt end test 'should generate a sha1 hash for password salt' do now = Time.stubs(:now).returns(now) User.any_instance.stubs(:random_string).returns('random_string') user = create_user expected_salt = ::Digest::SHA1.hexdigest("--#{now.utc}--random_string--123456--") assert_equal expected_salt, user.password_salt end test 'should never generate the same salt for different users' do password_salts = [] 10.times do salt = new_user.password_salt assert !password_salts.include?(salt) password_salts << salt end end test 'should generate encrypted password after setting a password' do assert_present new_user.encrypted_password assert_present create_user.encrypted_password end test 'should not generate encrypted password while setting password to nil or blank string' do assert_nil new_user(:password => nil).encrypted_password assert_nil new_user(:password => '').encrypted_password end test 'should not encrypt password if it didn\'t change' do user = create_user encrypted_password = user.encrypted_password user.expects(:encrypted_password=).never user.password = '123456' assert_equal encrypted_password, user.encrypted_password end test 'should encrypt password again if password has changed' do user = create_user encrypted_password = user.encrypted_password user.password = 'new_password' assert_not_equal encrypted_password, user.encrypted_password end test 'should encrypt password using a sha1 hash' do Devise::Authenticable.pepper = 'pepper' Devise::Authenticable.stretches = 1 user = create_user expected_password = ::Digest::SHA1.hexdigest("--#{user.password_salt}--pepper--123456--pepper--") assert_equal expected_password, user.encrypted_password end test 'should test for a valid password' do user = create_user assert user.valid_password?('123456') assert_not user.valid_password?('654321') end test 'should authenticate a valid user with email and password and return it' do user = create_user User.any_instance.stubs(:confirmed?).returns(true) authenticated_user = User.authenticate(, user.password) assert_equal authenticated_user, user end test 'should return nil when authenticating an invalid user by email' do user = create_user authenticated_user = User.authenticate('', user.password) assert_nil authenticated_user end test 'should return nil when authenticating an invalid user by password' do user = create_user authenticated_user = User.authenticate(, 'another_password') assert_nil authenticated_user end end