module Devise module Models # Creates configuration values for Devise and for the given module. # # Devise::Models.config(Devise::Authenticable, :stretches, 10) # # The line above creates: # # 1) An accessor called Devise.stretches, which value is used by default; # # 2) Some class methods for your model Model.stretches and Model.stretches= # which have higher priority than Devise.stretches; # # 3) And an instance method stretches. # # To add the class methods you need to have a module ClassMethods defined # inside the given class. # def self.config(mod, *accessors) #:nodoc: accessors.each do |accessor| mod.class_eval <<-METHOD, __FILE__, __LINE__ + 1 def #{accessor} if defined?(@#{accessor}) @#{accessor} elsif superclass.respond_to?(:#{accessor}) superclass.#{accessor} else Devise.#{accessor} end end def #{accessor}=(value) @#{accessor} = value end METHOD end end # Include the chosen devise modules in your model: # # devise :database_authenticatable, :confirmable, :recoverable # # You can also give any of the devise configuration values in form of a hash, # with specific values for this model. Please check your Devise initializer # for a complete description on those values. # def devise(*modules) include Devise::Models::Authenticatable options = modules.extract_options! if modules.delete(:authenticatable) ActiveSupport::Deprecation.warn ":authenticatable as module is deprecated. Please give :database_authenticatable instead.", caller modules << :database_authenticatable end if modules.delete(:activatable) ActiveSupport::Deprecation.warn ":activatable as module is deprecated. It's included in your model by default.", caller end if modules.delete(:http_authenticatable) ActiveSupport::Deprecation.warn ":http_authenticatable as module is deprecated and is on by default. Revert by setting :http_authenticatable => false.", caller end self.devise_modules += Devise::ALL & devise_modules_hook! do devise_modules.each { |m| include Devise::Models.const_get(m.to_s.classify) } options.each { |key, value| send(:"#{key}=", value) } end end # The hook which is called inside devise. So your ORM can include devise # compatibility stuff. def devise_modules_hook! yield end end end require 'devise/models/authenticatable'