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module ActionDispatch::Routing
class RouteSet #:nodoc:
# Ensure Devise modules are included only after loading routes, because we
# need devise_for mappings already declared to create filters and helpers.
def finalize_with_devise!
@devise_finalized ||= begin
alias_method_chain :finalize!, :devise
class Mapper
# Includes devise_for method for routes. This method is responsible to
# generate all needed routes for devise, based on what modules you have
# defined in your model.
# ==== Examples
# Let's say you have an User model configured to use authenticatable,
# confirmable and recoverable modules. After creating this inside your routes:
# devise_for :users
# This method is going to look inside your User model and create the
# needed routes:
# # Session routes for Authenticatable (default)
# new_user_session GET /users/sign_in {:controller=>"devise/sessions", :action=>"new"}
# user_session POST /users/sign_in {:controller=>"devise/sessions", :action=>"create"}
# destroy_user_session GET /users/sign_out {:controller=>"devise/sessions", :action=>"destroy"}
# # Password routes for Recoverable, if User model has :recoverable configured
# new_user_password GET /users/password/new(.:format) {:controller=>"devise/passwords", :action=>"new"}
# edit_user_password GET /users/password/edit(.:format) {:controller=>"devise/passwords", :action=>"edit"}
# user_password PUT /users/password(.:format) {:controller=>"devise/passwords", :action=>"update"}
# POST /users/password(.:format) {:controller=>"devise/passwords", :action=>"create"}
# # Confirmation routes for Confirmable, if User model has :confirmable configured
# new_user_confirmation GET /users/confirmation/new(.:format) {:controller=>"devise/confirmations", :action=>"new"}
# user_confirmation GET /users/confirmation(.:format) {:controller=>"devise/confirmations", :action=>"show"}
# POST /users/confirmation(.:format) {:controller=>"devise/confirmations", :action=>"create"}
# ==== Options
# You can configure your routes with some options:
# * :class_name => setup a different class to be looked up by devise, if it cannot be
# properly found by the route name.
# devise_for :users, :class_name => 'Account'
# * :path => allows you to setup path name that will be used, as rails routes does.
# The following route configuration would setup your route as /accounts instead of /users:
# devise_for :users, :path => 'accounts'
# * :singular => setup the singular name for the given resource. This is used as the instance variable
# name in controller, as the name in routes and the scope given to warden.
# devise_for :users, :singular => :user
# * :path_names => configure different path names to overwrite defaults :sign_in, :sign_out, :sign_up,
# :password, :confirmation, :unlock.
# devise_for :users, :path_names => { :sign_in => 'login', :sign_out => 'logout', :password => 'secret', :confirmation => 'verification' }
# * :controllers => the controller which should be used. All routes by default points to Devise controllers.
# However, if you want them to point to custom controller, you should do:
# devise_for :users, :controllers => { :sessions => "users/sessions" }
# * :failure_app => a rack app which is invoked whenever there is a failure. Strings representing a given
# are also allowed as parameter.
# * :sign_out_via => the HTTP method(s) accepted for the :sign_out action (default: :get),
# if you wish to restrict this to accept only :post or :delete requests you should do:
# devise_for :users, :sign_out_via => [ :post, :delete ]
# You need to make sure that your sign_out controls trigger a request with a matching HTTP method.
# * :module => the namespace to find controlers. By default, devise will access devise/sessions,
# devise/registrations and so on. If you want to namespace all at once, use module:
# devise_for :users, :module => "users"
# Notice that whenever you use namespace in the router DSL, it automatically sets the module.
# So the following setup:
# namespace :publisher
# devise_for :account
# end
# Will use publisher/sessions controller instead of devise/sessions controller. You can revert
# this by providing the :module option to devise_for.
# Also pay attention that when you use a namespace it will affect all the helpers and methods for controllers
# and views. For example, using the above setup you'll end with following methods:
# current_publisher_account, authenticate_publisher_account!, publisher_account_signed_in, etc.
# * :skip => tell which controller you want to skip routes from being created:
# devise_for :users, :skip => :sessions
# * :only => the opposite of :skip, tell which controllers only to generate routes to:
# devise_for :users, :only => :sessions
# * :skip_helpers => skip generating Devise url helpers like new_session_path(@user).
# This is useful to avoid conflicts with previous routes and is false by default.
# It accepts true as option, meaning it will skip all the helpers for the controllers
# given in :skip but it also accepts specific helpers to be skipped:
# devise_for :users, :skip => [:registrations, :confirmations], :skip_helpers => true
# devise_for :users, :skip_helpers => [:registrations, :confirmations]
# * :format => include "(.:format)" in the generated routes? true by default, set to false to disable:
# devise_for :users, :format => false
# * :constraints => works the same as Rails' contraints
# * :defaults => works the same as Rails' defaults
# ==== Scoping
# Following Rails 3 routes DSL, you can nest devise_for calls inside a scope:
# scope "/my" do
# devise_for :users
# end
# However, since Devise uses the request path to retrieve the current user, it has one caveats.
# If you are using a dynamic segment, as below:
# scope ":locale" do
# devise_for :users
# end
# You are required to configure default_url_options in your ApplicationController class level, so
# Devise can pick it:
# class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base
# def self.default_url_options
# { :locale => I18n.locale }
# end
# end
# ==== Adding custom actions to override controllers
# You can pass a block to devise_for that will add any routes defined in the block to Devise's
# list of known actions. This is important if you add a custom action to a controller that
# overrides an out of the box Devise controller.
# For example:
# class RegistrationsController < Devise::RegistrationsController
# def update
# # do something different here
# end
# def deactivate
# # not a standard action
# # deactivate code here
# end
# end
# In order to get Devise to recognize the deactivate action, your devise_for entry should look like this,
# devise_for :owners, :controllers => { :registrations => "registrations" } do
# post "deactivate", :to => "registrations#deactivate", :as => "deactivate_registration"
# end
def devise_for(*resources)
@devise_finalized = false
options = resources.extract_options!
options[:as] ||= @scope[:as] if @scope[:as].present?
options[:module] ||= @scope[:module] if @scope[:module].present?
options[:path_prefix] ||= @scope[:path] if @scope[:path].present?
options[:path_names] = (@scope[:path_names] || {}).merge(options[:path_names] || {})
options[:constraints] = (@scope[:constraints] || {}).merge(options[:constraints] || {})
options[:defaults] = (@scope[:defaults] || {}).merge(options[:defaults] || {})
@scope[:options] = (@scope[:options] || {}).merge({:format => false}) if options[:format] == false
resources.each do |resource|
mapping = Devise.add_mapping(resource, options)
raise_no_devise_method_error!(mapping.class_name) unless mapping.to.respond_to?(:devise)
rescue NameError => e
raise unless mapping.class_name == resource.to_s.classify
warn "[WARNING] You provided devise_for #{resource.inspect} but there is " <<
"no model #{mapping.class_name} defined in your application"
rescue NoMethodError => e
raise unless e.message.include?("undefined method `devise'")
routes = mapping.used_routes
devise_scope mapping.name do
yield if block_given?
with_devise_exclusive_scope mapping.fullpath, mapping.name, mapping.constraints, mapping.defaults do
routes.each { |mod| send("devise_#{mod}", mapping, mapping.controllers) }
# Allow you to add authentication request from the router:
# authenticate do
# resources :post
# end
# authenticate(:admin) do
# resources :users
# end
def authenticate(scope=nil)
constraint = lambda do |request|
request.env["warden"].authenticate!(:scope => scope)
constraints(constraint) do
# Allow you to route based on whether a scope is authenticated. You
# can optionally specify which scope.
# authenticated :admin do
# root :to => 'admin/dashboard#show'
# end
# authenticated do
# root :to => 'dashboard#show'
# end
# root :to => 'landing#show'
def authenticated(scope=nil)
constraint = lambda do |request|
request.env["warden"].authenticate? :scope => scope
constraints(constraint) do
# Allow you to route based on whether a scope is *not* authenticated.
# You can optionally specify which scope.
# unauthenticated do
# as :user do
# root :to => 'devise/registrations#new'
# end
# end
# root :to => 'dashboard#show'
def unauthenticated(scope=nil)
constraint = lambda do |request|
not request.env["warden"].authenticate? :scope => scope
constraints(constraint) do
# Sets the devise scope to be used in the controller. If you have custom routes,
# you are required to call this method (also aliased as :as) in order to specify
# to which controller it is targetted.
# as :user do
# get "sign_in", :to => "devise/sessions#new"
# end
# Notice you cannot have two scopes mapping to the same URL. And remember, if
# you try to access a devise controller without specifying a scope, it will
# raise ActionNotFound error.
# Also be aware of that 'devise_scope' and 'as' use the singular form of the
# noun where other devise route commands expect the plural form. This would be a
# good and working example.
# devise_scope :user do
# match "/some/route" => "some_devise_controller"
# end
# devise_for :users
# Notice and be aware of the differences above between :user and :users
def devise_scope(scope)
constraint = lambda do |request|
request.env["devise.mapping"] = Devise.mappings[scope]
constraints(constraint) do
alias :as :devise_scope
def devise_session(mapping, controllers) #:nodoc:
resource :session, :only => [], :controller => controllers[:sessions], :path => "" do
get :new, :path => mapping.path_names[:sign_in], :as => "new"
post :create, :path => mapping.path_names[:sign_in]
match :destroy, :path => mapping.path_names[:sign_out], :as => "destroy", :via => mapping.sign_out_via
def devise_password(mapping, controllers) #:nodoc:
resource :password, :only => [:new, :create, :edit, :update],
:path => mapping.path_names[:password], :controller => controllers[:passwords]
def devise_confirmation(mapping, controllers) #:nodoc:
resource :confirmation, :only => [:new, :create, :show],
:path => mapping.path_names[:confirmation], :controller => controllers[:confirmations]
def devise_unlock(mapping, controllers) #:nodoc:
if mapping.to.unlock_strategy_enabled?(:email)
resource :unlock, :only => [:new, :create, :show],
:path => mapping.path_names[:unlock], :controller => controllers[:unlocks]
def devise_registration(mapping, controllers) #:nodoc:
path_names = {
:new => mapping.path_names[:sign_up],
:cancel => mapping.path_names[:cancel]
resource :registration, :only => [:new, :create, :edit, :update, :destroy], :path => mapping.path_names[:registration],
:path_names => path_names, :controller => controllers[:registrations] do
get :cancel
def devise_omniauth_callback(mapping, controllers) #:nodoc:
path, @scope[:path] = @scope[:path], nil
path_prefix = "/#{mapping.path}/auth".squeeze("/")
if ::OmniAuth.config.path_prefix && ::OmniAuth.config.path_prefix != path_prefix
raise "You can only add :omniauthable behavior to one Devise model"
::OmniAuth.config.path_prefix = path_prefix
match "#{path_prefix}/:action/callback", :constraints => { :action => Regexp.union(mapping.to.omniauth_providers.map(&:to_s)) },
:to => controllers[:omniauth_callbacks], :as => :omniauth_callback
@scope[:path] = path
def with_devise_exclusive_scope(new_path, new_as, new_constraints, new_defaults) #:nodoc:
old_as, old_path, old_module, old_constraints, old_defaults = @scope[:as], @scope[:path], @scope[:module], @scope[:constraints], @scope[:defaults]
@scope[:as], @scope[:path], @scope[:module], @scope[:constraints], @scope[:defaults] = new_as, new_path, nil, new_constraints, new_defaults
@scope[:as], @scope[:path], @scope[:module], @scope[:constraints], @scope[:defaults] = old_as, old_path, old_module, old_constraints, old_defaults
def raise_no_devise_method_error!(klass) #:nodoc:
raise "#{klass} does not respond to 'devise' method. This usually means you haven't " \
"loaded your ORM file or it's being loaded too late. To fix it, be sure to require 'devise/orm/YOUR_ORM' " \
"inside 'config/initializers/devise.rb' or before your application definition in 'config/application.rb'"