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require 'devise/strategies/rememberable'
require 'devise/hooks/rememberable'
require 'devise/hooks/forgetable'
module Devise
module Models
# Rememberable manages generating and clearing token for remember the user
# from a saved cookie. Rememberable also has utility methods for dealing
# with serializing the user into the cookie and back from the cookie, trying
# to lookup the record based on the saved information.
# You probably wouldn't use rememberable methods directly, they are used
# mostly internally for handling the remember token.
# Configuration:
# remember_for: the time you want the user will be remembered without
# asking for credentials. After this time the user will be
# blocked and will have to enter his credentials again.
# This configuration is also used to calculate the expires
# time for the cookie created to remember the user.
# By default remember_for is 2.weeks.
# Examples:
# User.find(1).remember_me! # regenerating the token
# User.find(1).forget_me! # clearing the token
# # generating info to put into cookies
# User.serialize_into_cookie(user)
# # lookup the user based on the incoming cookie information
# User.serialize_from_cookie(cookie_string)
module Rememberable
extend ActiveSupport::Concern
included do
# Remember me option available in after_authentication hook.
attr_accessor :remember_me
# Generate a new remember token and save the record without validations.
def remember_me!
self.remember_token = Devise.friendly_token
self.remember_created_at = Time.now.utc
save(:validate => false)
# Removes the remember token only if it exists, and save the record
# without validations.
def forget_me!
if remember_token
self.remember_token = nil
self.remember_created_at = nil
save(:validate => false)
# Remember token should be expired if expiration time not overpass now.
def remember_expired?
remember_expires_at <= Time.now.utc
# Remember token expires at created time + remember_for configuration
def remember_expires_at
remember_created_at + self.class.remember_for
module ClassMethods
# Create the cookie key using the record id and remember_token
def serialize_into_cookie(record)
[record.id, record.remember_token]
# Recreate the user based on the stored cookie
def serialize_from_cookie(id, remember_token)
conditions = { :id => id, :remember_token => remember_token }
record = find(:first, :conditions => conditions)
record if record && !record.remember_expired?
Devise::Models.config(self, :remember_for)