Ensure we always use foreign key name on association.

This commit is contained in:
Carlos Antonio da Silva 2009-12-11 00:34:26 -02:00
parent b8e8687c05
commit 3a83ae81c6
3 changed files with 11 additions and 9 deletions

View File

@ -95,10 +95,12 @@ module SimpleForm
def association(attribute, options={})
raise ArgumentError, "Association cannot be used in forms not associated with an object" unless @object
options[:collection] ||= begin
association = find_association(attribute)
raise "Association not found #{attribute.inspect}" unless association
association = find_association(attribute)
raise "Association not found #{attribute.inspect}" unless association
attribute = association.options[:foreign_key] || :"#{association.name}_id"
options[:collection] ||= begin
find_options = { :conditions => options.delete(:conditions),
:order => options.delete(:order) }

View File

@ -346,7 +346,7 @@ class FormBuilderTest < ActionView::TestCase
test 'builder should allow creating an association input generating collection' do
with_association_for @user, :company
assert_select 'form select.select#user_company'
assert_select 'form select.select#user_company_id'
assert_select 'form select option[value=1]', 'Company 1'
assert_select 'form select option[value=2]', 'Company 2'
assert_select 'form select option[value=3]', 'Company 3'
@ -354,7 +354,7 @@ class FormBuilderTest < ActionView::TestCase
test 'builder should allow passing conditions to find collection' do
with_association_for @user, :company, :conditions => { :id => 1 }
assert_select 'form select.select#user_company'
assert_select 'form select.select#user_company_id'
assert_select 'form select option[value=1]'
assert_no_select 'form select option[value=2]'
assert_no_select 'form select option[value=3]'
@ -362,7 +362,7 @@ class FormBuilderTest < ActionView::TestCase
test 'builder should allow passing order to find collection' do
with_association_for @user, :company, :order => 'name'
assert_select 'form select.select#user_company'
assert_select 'form select.select#user_company_id'
assert_no_select 'form select option[value=1]'
assert_no_select 'form select option[value=2]'
assert_select 'form select option[value=3]'
@ -372,7 +372,7 @@ class FormBuilderTest < ActionView::TestCase
with_association_for @user, :company,
:collection => [Company.new(999, 'Teste')],
:options => { :include_blank => false }
assert_select 'form select.select#user_company'
assert_select 'form select.select#user_company_id'
assert_no_select 'form select option[value=1]'
assert_select 'form select option[value=999]', 'Teste'
assert_select 'form select option', :count => 1

View File

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
require 'ostruct'
Column = Struct.new(:name, :type, :limit)
Association = Struct.new(:klass)
Association = Struct.new(:klass, :name, :options)
class Company < Struct.new(:id, :name)
def self.all(options={})
@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ class User < OpenStruct
def self.reflect_on_association(association)
Association.new(Company) if association == :company
Association.new(Company, association, {}) if association == :company
def errors