require 'test_helper' class InputTest < ActionView::TestCase setup do SimpleForm::Inputs::CollectionInput.reset_i18n_cache :boolean_collection end def with_input_for(object, attribute_name, type, options={}) simple_form_for object do |f| concat f.input(attribute_name, options.merge(:as => type)) end end # ALL test 'input should generate css class based on default input type' do with_input_for @user, :name, :string assert_select 'input.string' with_input_for @user, :description, :text assert_select 'textarea.text' with_input_for @user, :age, :integer assert_select 'input.integer' with_input_for @user, :born_at, :date assert_select '' with_input_for @user, :created_at, :datetime assert_select 'select.datetime' end # TextFieldInput test 'input should map text field to string attribute' do with_input_for @user, :name, :string assert_select 'input[name=\'user[name]\'][id=user_name][value=New in Simple Form!]' end test 'input should generate an integer text field for integer attributes ' do with_input_for @user, :age, :integer assert_select 'input.integer#user_age' end test 'input should generate a float text field for float attributes ' do with_input_for @user, :age, :float assert_select 'input.float#user_age' end test 'input should generate a decimal text field for decimal attributes ' do with_input_for @user, :age, :decimal assert_select 'input.decimal#user_age' end test 'input should get options from column definition for string attributes' do with_input_for @user, :name, :string assert_select 'input.string[maxlength=100]' end test 'input should get options from column definition for decimal attributes' do with_input_for @user, :credit_limit, :decimal assert_select 'input.decimal[maxlength=15]' end # MappingInput test 'input should generate a text area for text attributes' do with_input_for @user, :description, :text assert_select 'textarea.text#user_description' end test 'input should generate a checkbox by default for boolean attributes' do with_input_for @user, :active, :boolean assert_select 'input[type=checkbox].boolean#user_active' end test 'input should generate a password field for password attributes' do with_input_for @user, :password, :password assert_select 'input[type=password].password#user_password' end test 'input should generate a file field' do with_input_for @user, :name, :file assert_select 'input#user_name[type=file]' end # HiddenInput test 'input should generate a hidden field' do with_input_for @user, :name, :hidden assert_no_select 'input[type=text]' assert_select 'input#user_name[type=hidden]' end test 'hint should not be generated for hidden fields' do with_input_for @user, :name, :hidden, :hint => 'Use with care...' assert_no_select 'span.hint' end test 'label should not be generated for hidden inputs' do with_input_for @user, :name, :hidden assert_no_select 'label' end # PriorityInput test 'input should generate a country select field' do with_input_for @user, :country, :country assert_select 'select#user_country' assert_select 'select option[value=Brazil]', 'Brazil' assert_no_select 'select option[value=][disabled=disabled]' end test 'input should generate a country select with simple form default' do swap SimpleForm, :country_priority => [ 'Brazil' ] do with_input_for @user, :country, :country assert_select 'select option[value=][disabled=disabled]' end end test 'input should generate a time zone select field' do with_input_for @user, :time_zone, :time_zone assert_select 'select#user_time_zone' assert_select 'select option[value=Brasilia]', '(GMT-03:00) Brasilia' assert_no_select 'select option[value=][disabled=disabled]' end test 'input should generate a time zone select field with default' do with_input_for @user, :time_zone, :time_zone, :default => 'Brasilia' assert_select 'select option[value=Brasilia][selected=selected]' assert_no_select 'select option[value=]' end test 'input should generate a time zone select using options priority' do with_input_for @user, :time_zone, :time_zone, :priority => /Brasilia/ assert_select 'select option[value=][disabled=disabled]' assert_no_select 'select option[value=]', /^$/ end # DateTime input test 'input should generate a datetime select by default for datetime attributes' do with_input_for @user, :created_at, :datetime 1.upto(5) do |i| assert_select "form select.datetime#user_created_at_#{i}i" end end test 'input should be able to pass options to datetime select' do with_input_for @user, :created_at, :datetime, :disabled => true, :prompt => { :year => 'ano', :month => 'mês', :day => 'dia' } assert_select 'select.datetime[disabled=disabled]' assert_select 'select.datetime option', 'ano' assert_select 'select.datetime option', 'mês' assert_select 'select.datetime option', 'dia' end test 'input should generate a date select for date attributes' do with_input_for @user, :born_at, :date assert_select '' assert_select '' assert_select '' assert_no_select '' end test 'input should be able to pass options to date select' do with_input_for @user, :born_at, :date, :as => :date, :disabled => true, :prompt => { :year => 'ano', :month => 'mês', :day => 'dia' } assert_select '[disabled=disabled]' assert_select ' option', 'ano' assert_select ' option', 'mês' assert_select ' option', 'dia' end test 'input should be able to pass :default to date select' do with_input_for @user, :born_at, :date, :default => assert_select " option[value=#{}][selected=selected]" end test 'input should generate a time select for time attributes' do with_input_for @user, :delivery_time, :time assert_select 'input[type=hidden]#user_delivery_time_1i' assert_select 'input[type=hidden]#user_delivery_time_2i' assert_select 'input[type=hidden]#user_delivery_time_3i' assert_select 'select.time#user_delivery_time_4i' assert_select 'select.time#user_delivery_time_5i' end test 'input should be able to pass options to time select' do with_input_for @user, :delivery_time, :time, :required => true, :disabled => true, :prompt => { :hour => 'hora', :minute => 'minuto' } assert_select 'select.time[disabled=disabled]' assert_select 'select.time option', 'hora' assert_select 'select.time option', 'minuto' end test 'label should point to first option when date input type' do with_input_for :project, :created_at, :date assert_select 'label[for=project_created_at_1i]' end test 'label should point to first option when datetime input type' do with_input_for :project, :created_at, :datetime assert_select 'label[for=project_created_at_1i]' end test 'label should point to first option when time input type' do with_input_for :project, :created_at, :time assert_select 'label[for=project_created_at_4i]' end # CollectionInput test 'input should generate boolean radio buttons by default for radio types' do with_input_for @user, :active, :radio assert_select 'input[type=radio][value=true].radio#user_active_true' assert_select 'input[type=radio][value=false].radio#user_active_false' end test 'input as radio should generate internal labels by default' do with_input_for @user, :active, :radio assert_select 'label[for=user_active_true]', 'Yes' assert_select 'label[for=user_active_false]', 'No' end test 'input as radio should use i18n to translate internal labels' do store_translations(:en, :simple_form => { :yes => 'Sim', :no => 'Não' }) do with_input_for @user, :active, :radio assert_select 'label[for=user_active_true]', 'Sim' assert_select 'label[for=user_active_false]', 'Não' end end test 'input should generate a boolean select with options by default for select types' do with_input_for @user, :active, :select assert_select '' assert_select 'select option[value=true]', 'Yes' assert_select 'select option[value=false]', 'No' end test 'input as select should use i18n to translate select boolean options' do store_translations(:en, :simple_form => { :yes => 'Sim', :no => 'Não' }) do with_input_for @user, :active, :select assert_select 'select option[value=true]', 'Sim' assert_select 'select option[value=false]', 'Não' end end test 'input should allow overriding collection for select types' do with_input_for @user, :name, :select, :collection => ['Jose', 'Carlos'] assert_select '' assert_select 'select option', 'Jose' assert_select 'select option', 'Carlos' end test 'input should mark the selected value by default' do = "Carlos" with_input_for @user, :name, :select, :collection => ['Jose', 'Carlos'] assert_select 'select option[selected=selected]', 'Carlos' end test 'input should mark the selected value also when using integers' do @user.age = 18 with_input_for @user, :age, :select, :collection => 18..60 assert_select 'select option[selected=selected]', '18' end test 'input should automatically set include blank' do with_input_for @user, :age, :select, :collection => 18..30 assert_select 'select option[value=]', '' end test 'input should not set include blank if otherwise is told' do with_input_for @user, :age, :select, :collection => 18..30, :include_blank => false assert_no_select 'select option[value=]', '' end test 'input should not set include blank if prompt is given' do with_input_for @user, :age, :select, :collection => 18..30, :prompt => "Please select foo" assert_no_select 'select option[value=]', '' end test 'input should not set include blank if multiple is given' do with_input_for @user, :age, :select, :collection => 18..30, :input_html => { :multiple => true } assert_no_select 'select option[value=]', '' end test 'input should detect label and value on collections' do users = [ setup_new_user(:id => 1, :name => "Jose"), setup_new_user(:id => 2, :name => "Carlos") ] with_input_for @user, :description, :select, :collection => users assert_select 'select option[value=1]', 'Jose' assert_select 'select option[value=2]', 'Carlos' end test 'input should allow overriding collection for radio types' do with_input_for @user, :name, :radio, :collection => ['Jose', 'Carlos'] assert_select 'input[type=radio][value=Jose]' assert_select 'input[type=radio][value=Carlos]' assert_select 'label.collection_radio', 'Jose' assert_select 'label.collection_radio', 'Carlos' end test 'input should mark the current radio value by default' do = "Carlos" with_input_for @user, :name, :radio, :collection => ['Jose', 'Carlos'] assert_select 'input[type=radio][value=Carlos][checked=checked]' end test 'input should allow using a collection with text/value arrays' do with_input_for @user, :name, :radio, :collection => [['Jose', 'jose'], ['Carlos', 'carlos']] assert_select 'input[type=radio][value=jose]' assert_select 'input[type=radio][value=carlos]' assert_select 'label.collection_radio', 'Jose' assert_select 'label.collection_radio', 'Carlos' end test 'input should allow overriding label and value method for collections' do with_input_for @user, :name, :radio, :collection => ['Jose' , 'Carlos'], :label_method => :upcase, :value_method => :downcase assert_select 'input[type=radio][value=jose]' assert_select 'input[type=radio][value=carlos]' assert_select 'label.collection_radio', 'JOSE' assert_select 'label.collection_radio', 'CARLOS' end # With no object test 'input should be generated properly when object is not present' do with_input_for :project, :name, :string assert_select 'input.string.required#project_name' end test 'input as radio should be generated properly when object is not present ' do with_input_for :project, :name, :radio assert_select '' assert_select '' end test 'input as select with collection should be generated properly when object is not present' do with_input_for :project, :name, :select, :collection => ['Jose', 'Carlos'] assert_select '' end end