## 2.0.0.rc ### enhancements * Add `button_class` configuration to change the class of buttons. ([@sryche](https://github.com/sryche)) * Add `disabled` class to a disabled input. * Generate configuration file with `browser_validations` disabled. * Add option and configuration to specify the collection wrapper class. ([@mfila](https://github.com/mfila)) * Add proc support to `collection` option. ([@jeffkreeftmeijer](https://github.com/jeffkreeftmeijer)) * `simple_form_for` allows default options for its inputs `:defaults => {}`. * Add `readonly` as option of input method. ([@Untainted123](https://github.com/Untainted123)) * `simple_fields_for` for inherits wrapper option form the form builder. ([@nashby](https://github.com/nashby)) * Use action prefix in the form css class. Closes [#360](https://github.com/plataformatec/simple_form/issues/360). This is not backward compatible with the previous versions of SimpleForm. For more informations see [this comment](https://github.com/plataformatec/simple_form/issues/360#issuecomment-3000780). ([@nashby](https://github.com/nashby)) * Add a readonly component that does automatically readonly lookup from object * Add support for proc or lambda as option for format validator ([@nashby](https://github.com/nashby)) * Handle validates_length_of :is option in maxlength ([@nashby](https://github.com/nashby)) * Add field_with_hint css class to the wrapper when the input has a hint, similar to field_with_errors ([@nashby](https://github.com/nashby)) * Add :grouped_select input type, mapping to Rails grouped_collection_select helper ([@semaperepelitsa](https://github.com/semaperepelitsa)) * Add automatic translation of options for collection inputs given a collection of symbols ([@klobuczek](https://github.com/klobuczek)) * Add `:boolean_style` config to change how check boxes and radios will be displayed. Options are `:inline = input + label` (default) and `:nested = label > input`. * Add possibility to give a block to `collection_radio` and `collection_check_boxes`, to generate custom label and input structure. It is used internally with the :nested option for `:boolean_style`, and is useful to allow some more customization if required. * Do not generate hidden check box field when using nested boolean style, as it is considered invalid markup in HTML5. This will work by default in Rails > 3.2.1 (not released at this time), and is backported inside SimpleForm builder extensions. More info in [#215](https://github.com/plataformatec/simple_form/issues/215) * Add `item_wrapper_class` configuration option for collection radio buttons / check boxes inputs. ### deprecation * Deprecate part of the old configuration API in favor of the wrapper API which allows you to customize your inputs in a more flexible way. See [this guide](https://github.com/plataformatec/simple_form/wiki/Upgrading-to-Simple-Form-2.0) to know how upgrade. * Deprecate the `translate` configuration in favor of `translate_labels` * Deprecate the `html5` configuration in favor of a new `html5` component * Deprecate `:radio` input type in favor of `:radio_buttons` * Deprecate `collection_radio` form helper in favor of `collection_radio_buttons` (the label class has changed as well) * Remove `error_notification_id` configuration ### bug fix * Fix i18n lookup with attributes with same name of models. Closes [#149](https://github.com/plataformatec/simple_form/issues/149) and [#364](https://github.com/plataformatec/simple_form/issues/364). ([@nashby](https://github.com/nashby) and [@MarceloCajueiro](https://github.com/MarceloCajueiro)) * Do not generate `for` attribute for the collection label when it is a checkbox or radio. Closes [#344](https://github.com/plataformatec/simple_form/issues/344). ([@nashby](https://github.com/nashby) and [@mfila](https://github.com/mfila)) * Select can have required option when the `:include_blank` option is passed. Closes [#340](https://github.com/plataformatec/simple_form/issues/340). ([@nashby](https://github.com/nashby)) * `:checked` option should override the existing associations on `collection_check_boxes`. Closes [#341](https://github.com/plataformatec/simple_form/issues/341). ([@nashby](https://github.com/nashby)) * Move default attribute translations out of root - use "defaults" key instead Closes [#384](https://github.com/plataformatec/simple_form/issues/384). ([@fringd](https://github.com/fringd)) * Fix label to datetime inputs to point to first select. ([@georgehemmings](https://github.com/georgehemmings)) ## 1.5.2 ### bug fix * Remove the internal usage of deprecated `:components` ## 1.5.1 ### deprecation * `:components` options is now deprecated ### bug fix * Fallback to default label when block is provided. ([@pivotal-casebook](https://github.com/pivotal-casebook)) * Do not override default selection through attribute value in collection select when label/value methods are lambdas. ## 1.5.0 ### enhancements * Simplified generator by using directory action. ([@rupert654](https://github.com/rupert654)) * Support for `maxlength` on string inputs inferred from validation. ([@srbartlett](https://github.com/srbartlett)) * Change form css class handling to only add the dom class when one is not given to the form call. ([@patrick99e99](https://github.com/patrick99e99)) * Support for required attributes when action validations are present. ([@csegura](http://github.com/csegura)) * Do not generate `size` attribute for numeric input. ([@csegura](https://github.com/jasonmp85)) * Support for `maxlength` on text area inputs inferred from validation. * Support for `pattern` on text field inferred from validation when `:pattern` is true. * Break Text, Password and File into their own inputs. * Support easy enabling and disabling of components for specific inputs. * Add HTML5 range input. ### bug fix * Fix bug when `simple_fields_for` is used with a hash like models and Rails 3.1. * Fix bug that does not remove the `:item_wrapper_tag` or the `:collection_wrapper_tag` on collection inputs when nil or false value is passed to these options. ([@dw2](https://gitbub.com/dw2)) * Fix bug that disable the entire select and wrapper when `disabled` option is a string or array. * Fix bug when using label/value methods as procs together with disabled/selected options as procs for select inputs. ## 1.4.2 ### enhancements * Rails 3.1 support. ## 1.4.1 ### enhancements * ignore required attribute when conditional validations are present. ### bug fix * Do not use `required='required'` when browser validations are turned off. * Sanitize HMTL attributes in error and hint helpers when options are present. * Improve i18n lookup by ignoring explicit child index given to form builder. (tests by [@rywall](https://github.com/rywall)) * Fixes the form specific validation option if specified on the form itself. ([@medihack](https://github.com/medihack)) ## 1.4.0 ### enhancements * Add label class configuration option. ([@reu](http://github.com/reu)) * Improve i18n lookup (labels/hints/placeholders) for nested models. * Use the given custom builder with `simple_fields_for`. ([@giniedp](https://github.com/giniedp)) * Add slim form generator. ([@fagiani](https://github.com/fagiani)) * Add `form_class` configuration option. ([@fagiani](https://github.com/fagiani)) * Default step of `any` for number input with non integer attributes. ([@fedesoria](https://github.com/fedesoria)) * Add option to disable HTML5 browser validations on all forms. ([@coryschires](https://github.com/coryschires)) * Add option to disable all HTML5 extensions. ([@wolframarnold](https://github.com/wolframarnold)) * Add `input_field` helper to form builder. ([@jeroenhouben](https://github.com/jeroenhouben)) * Allow inputs to be discovered on demand by placing them at app/inputs (a la formtastic). * Add `full_error` on that shows the error with the attribute name. ### bug fix * Fix for file attributes automatic detection, to work with virtual attributes. * Fix for numeric fields validation options using symbols and procs. * Fix password attributes to add `size` and `maxlength` options the same way as string. ([@fedesoria](https://github.com/fedesoria)) * Fix bug with custom form builders and new mappings being added to the superclass builder. ([@rdvdijk](https://github.com/rdvdijk)) * Fix HTML validation issue with `collection_check_boxes`. ## 1.3.1 ### enhancements * Add `:autofocus` HTML5 attribute support. ([@jpzwarte](https://github.com/jpzwarte)) * Add possibility to specify custom builder and inherit mappings. ([@rejeep](https://github.com/rejeep)) * Make custom mappings work with all attributes types. ([@rafaelfranca](https://github.com/rafaelfranca)) * Add support for procs/lambdas in text/value methods for `collection_select`. ### deprecation * removed the deprecated `:remote_form_for` ### bug fix * Only add the `required` HTML 5 attribute for valid inputs, disable in selects (not allowed). * Fix error when using hints without an attribute. ([@butsjoh](https://github.com/butsjoh) and [@rafaelfranca](https://github.com/rafaelfranca)) * Fix messy html output for hint, error and label components. ([@butsjoh](https://github.com/butsjoh) and [@rafaelfranca](https://github.com/rafaelfranca)) * Allow direct setting of for attribute on label. ([@Bertg](https://github.com/Bertg)) ## 1.3.0 ### enhancements * Allow collection input to accept a collection of symbols. * Add default css class to button. * Allow forms for objects that do not respond to the `errors` method. * `collection_check_boxes` and `collection_radio` now wrap the input in the label. * Automatic add min/max values for numeric attributes based on validations and step for integers - HTML5. ([@dasch](https://github.com/dasch)) * Add `:placeholder` option for string inputs, allowing customization through I18n - HTML5. ([@jonathan](https://github.com/jonathan)) * Add `:search` and `:tel` input types, with `:tel` mapping automatically from attributes matching "phone" - HTML5. * Add `:required` html attribute for required inputs - HTML5. * Add optional `:components` option to input to control component rendering. ([@khoan](https://github.com/khoan)) * Add `SimpleForm.translate` as an easy way to turn off SimpleForm internal translations. * Add `:disabled` option for all inputs. ([@fabiob](https://github.com/fabiob)) * Add collection wrapper tag and item wrapper tag to wrap elements in collection helpers - radio / check boxes. * Add `SimpleForm.input_mappings` to allow configuring custom mappings for inputs. ([@TMaYaD](https://github.com/TMaYaD)) ### bug fix * Search for validations on both association and attribute. * Use `controller.action_name` to lookup action only when available, to fix issue with Rspec views tests. ([@rafaelfranca](https://github.com/rafaelfranca)) ## 1.2.2 ### enhancements * Compatibility with Rails 3 RC. ## 1.2.1 ### enhancements * Added haml generator support. ([@grimen](https://github.com/grimen)) * Added `error_notification` message to form builder. * Added required by default as configuration option. * Added `label_input` as component, allowing boolean to change its order (input appearing first than label). * Added `error_method` to tidy up how errors are exhibited. * Added error class on wrappers. ([@jduff](https://github.com/jduff)) * Changed numeric types to have `type=number` for HTML5. ## 1.2.0 ### deprecation * Changed `simple_form_install` generator to `simple_form:install`. ### enhancements * Added support to presence validation to check if attribute is required or not. ([@gcirne](https://github.com/gcirne)) * Added `input` as class to wrapper tag. * Added config options for hint and error tags. ([@tjogin](https://github.com/tjogin)) ## 1.1.3 ### deprecation * removed `:conditions`, `:order`, `:joins` and `:include` support in `f.association`. ## 1.1.2 ### bug fix * Ensure type is set to "text" and not "string". ## 1.1.1 ### bug fix * Fix some escaping issues. ## 1.1.0 ### enhancements * Rails 3 support with generators, templates and HTML 5. ## 1.0 * First release.