module SimpleForm class FormBuilder < ActionView::Helpers::FormBuilder attr_reader :template, :object_name, :object, :attribute_name, :column, :reflection, :input_type, :options extend MapType include SimpleForm::Inputs map_type :password, :text, :file, :to => SimpleForm::Inputs::MappingInput map_type :string, :email, :url, :to => SimpleForm::Inputs::StringInput map_type :integer, :decimal, :float, :to => SimpleForm::Inputs::NumericInput map_type :select, :radio, :check_boxes, :to => SimpleForm::Inputs::CollectionInput map_type :date, :time, :datetime, :to => SimpleForm::Inputs::DateTimeInput map_type :country, :time_zone, :to => SimpleForm::Inputs::PriorityInput map_type :boolean, :to => SimpleForm::Inputs::BooleanInput # Basic input helper, combines all components in the stack to generate # input html based on options the user define and some guesses through # database column information. By default a call to input will generate # label + input + hint (when defined) + errors (when exists), and all can # be configured inside a wrapper html. # # == Examples # # # Imagine @user has error "can't be blank" on name # simple_form_for @user do |f| # f.input :name, :hint => 'My hint' # end # # This is the output html (only the input portion, not the form): # # # # My hint # can't be blank # # Each database type will render a default input, based on some mappings and # heuristic to determine which is the best option. # # You have some options for the input to enable/disable some functions: # # :as => allows you to define the input type you want, for instance you # can use it to generate a text field for a date column. # # :required => defines whether this attribute is required or not. True # by default. # # The fact SimpleForm is built in components allow the interface to be unified. # So, for instance, if you need to disable :hint for a given input, you can pass # :hint => false. The same works for :error, :label and :wrapper. # # Besides the html for any component can be changed. So, if you want to change # the label html you just need to give a hash to :label_html. To configure the # input html, supply :input_html instead and so on. # # == Options # # Some inputs, as datetime, time and select allow you to give extra options, like # prompt and/or include blank. Such options are given in plainly: # # f.input :created_at, :include_blank => true # # == Collection # # When playing with collections (:radio and :select inputs), you have three extra # options: # # :collection => use to determine the collection to generate the radio or select # # :label_method => the method to apply on the array collection to get the label # # :value_method => the method to apply on the array collection to get the value # # == Priority # # Some inputs, as :time_zone and :country accepts a :priority option. If none is # given SimpleForm.time_zone_priority and SimpleForm.country_priority are used respectivelly. # def input(attribute_name, options={}, &block) define_simple_form_attributes(attribute_name, options) if block_given?, block).render else klass = self.class.mappings[input_type] || self.class.const_get(:"#{input_type.to_s.camelize}Input") end end alias :attribute :input # Helper for dealing with association selects/radios, generating the # collection automatically. It's just a wrapper to input, so all options # supported in input are also supported by association. Some extra options # can also be given: # # == Examples # # simple_form_for @user do |f| # f.association :company # Company.all # end # # f.association :company, :collection => Company.all(:order => 'name') # # Same as using :order option, but overriding collection # # == Block # # When a block is given, association simple behaves as a proxy to # simple_fields_for: # # f.association :company do |c| # c.input :name # c.input :type # end # # From the options above, only :collection can also be supplied. # def association(association, options={}, &block) return simple_fields_for(*[association, options.delete(:collection), options].compact, &block) if block_given? raise ArgumentError, "Association cannot be used in forms not associated with an object" unless @object options[:as] ||= :select @reflection = find_association_reflection(association) raise "Association #{association.inspect} not found" unless @reflection case @reflection.macro when :belongs_to attribute = @reflection.options[:foreign_key] || :"#{}_id" when :has_one raise ":has_one association are not supported by f.association" else attribute = :"#{}_ids" if options[:as] == :select html_options = options[:input_html] ||= {} html_options[:size] ||= 5 html_options[:multiple] = true unless html_options.key?(:multiple) end end options[:collection] ||= @reflection.klass.all( :conditions => @reflection.options[:conditions], :order => @reflection.options[:order] ) input(attribute, options).tap { @reflection = nil } end # Creates a button: # # form_for @user do |f| # f.button :submit # end # # It just acts as a proxy to method name given. # def button(type, *args, &block) options = args.extract_options! options[:class] = "button #{options[:class]}".strip args << options if respond_to?(:"#{type}_button") send(:"#{type}_button", *args, &block) else send(type, *args, &block) end end # Creates an error tag based on the given attribute, only when the attribute # contains errors. All the given options are sent as :error_html. # # == Examples # # f.error :name # f.error :name, :id => "cool_error" # def error(attribute_name, options={}) define_simple_form_attributes(attribute_name, :error_html => options) end # Creates a hint tag for the given attribute. Accepts a symbol indicating # an attribute for I18n lookup or a string. All the given options are sent # as :hint_html. # # == Examples # # f.hint :name # Do I18n lookup # f.hint :name, :id => "cool_hint" # f.hint "Don't forget to accept this" # def hint(attribute_name, options={}) attribute_name, options[:hint] = nil, attribute_name if attribute_name.is_a?(String) define_simple_form_attributes(attribute_name, :hint => options.delete(:hint), :hint_html => options) end # Creates a default label tag for the given attribute. You can give a label # through the :label option or using i18n. All the given options are sent # as :label_html. # # == Examples # # f.label :name # Do I18n lookup # f.label :name, "Name" # Same behavior as Rails, do not add required tag # f.label :name, :label => "Name" # Same as above, but adds required tag # # f.label :name, :required => false # f.label :name, :id => "cool_label" # def label(attribute_name, *args) return super if args.first.is_a?(String) options = args.extract_options! define_simple_form_attributes(attribute_name, :label => options.delete(:label), :label_html => options, :required => options.delete(:required)) end # Creates an error notification message that only appears when the form object # has some error. You can give a specific message with the :message option, # otherwise it will look for a message using I18n. All other options given are # passed straight as html options to the html tag. # # == Examples # # f.error_notification # f.error_notification :message => 'Something went wrong' # f.error_notification :id => 'user_error_message', :class => 'form_error' # def error_notification(options={}), options).render end private # Setup default simple form attributes. def define_simple_form_attributes(attribute_name, options) #:nodoc: @options = options if @attribute_name = attribute_name @column = find_attribute_column @input_type = default_input_type end end # Attempt to guess the better input type given the defined options. By # default alwayls fallback to the user :as option, or to a :select when a # collection is given. def default_input_type #:nodoc: return @options[:as].to_sym if @options[:as] return :select if @options[:collection] input_type = @column.try(:type) case input_type when :timestamp :datetime when :string, nil match = case @attribute_name.to_s when /password/ then :password when /time_zone/ then :time_zone when /country/ then :country when /email/ then :email when /url/ then :url end match || input_type || file_method? || :string else input_type end end # Checks if attribute is a file_method. def file_method? #:nodoc: file = @object.send(@attribute_name) if @object.respond_to?(@attribute_name) :file if file && SimpleForm.file_methods.any? { |m| file.respond_to?(m) } end # Finds the database column for the given attribute def find_attribute_column #:nodoc: @object.column_for_attribute(@attribute_name) if @object.respond_to?(:column_for_attribute) end # Find reflection related to association def find_association_reflection(association) #:nodoc: @object.class.reflect_on_association(association) if @object.class.respond_to?(:reflect_on_association) end end end